"People inside, listen! You have been surrounded! Don't take any chances. Everyone immediately raises their hands and walks out of the mansion to accept investigation! Otherwise, we will take all necessary measures!"

The loudspeaker that originally made the call had been turned off. A police officer who arrived later, at the command of the scene, shouted into the mansion.

As he finished speaking, a roar reached the ears of everyone in the black organization from above.

"This is... a helicopter?" The person in charge of the organization instantly identified the source of the sound.

"Report! Two police armed helicopters are approaching in our direction!" The subordinate responsible for the lookout in the observation room on the top floor also sent the news almost at the same time.

"Tch! Are you really going to do this..." The person in charge of the organization couldn't help but spit.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of cunning flashing in his eyes: "However, it's not that easy to take us down without any damage by relying on air superiority!"

"Report! Another helicopter is coming?" The subordinate's report made the person in charge of the organization come back to his senses.

"Is it another police helicopter?" the person in charge of the organization asked.

"No... the logo seems to belong to Tottori TV Station!" the subordinate replied.

When the person in charge of the organization heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay! If someone from the media comes over, things will be easier to handle!"

He immediately called one of his subordinates and whispered a few instructions, and the subordinate quickly followed the order and left.

The person in charge of the organization smiled coldly: "Comps, let's have some fun!"

On the other side, outside the mansion.

"Officer Araki! It's not good!" A police officer quickly ran to the person in charge of the scene, Officer Araki: "A large number of reporters have gathered outside, and some reporters strongly requested to come in to understand the situation!"

Officer Araki suddenly frowned: "Damn it, why are these reporters with sharper noses than dogs! Got here so quickly?"

He pondered for a while and then said: "Let the people on the periphery find any excuse to delay them first."

"What should we do up there?" The police officer pointed upward.

Officer Araki looked up and saw that in addition to their police helicopter, several helicopters of unknown origin appeared in the airspace near the mansion.

"Report! Helicopters belonging to Tottori TV, Tottori Newspaper and other major media are trying to approach the scene and take pictures of the scene. Should they be driven away?"

Officer Araki's face suddenly darkened.

He had already noticed something was wrong at this time.

He could understand that reporters came over. After all, they had received a call from citizens earlier precisely because they heard gunshots.

By the time they arrived at the scene, they surrounded the mansion and had a stalemate with the guys inside for a while, which was enough for many media reporters to come over after smelling the smell.

But now even media helicopters have been sent directly over, which is a bit abnormal.

After all, the cost of taking off a helicopter is not low. If there is not enough profit, it will generally not be used easily.

For example, when Kaito Kidd is preparing to steal gems, or when there is a sufficiently sensational event such as a major terrorist attack or hostage taking, the media will send a helicopter to the scene.

But now, the helicopter rushed to the scene almost immediately with the reporters, as if they knew something in advance, which is obviously unreasonable.

He suddenly looked into the mansion, his face became a little gloomy: "Is it the guy inside?"

After hesitating for a while, he reported the situation.

Assuming that these media are really called by the bad guys in the mansion, they must be more difficult to deal with than the normal media.

As a result, if you want to make these reporters obedient, you will inevitably have to use some tough measures.

But in the face of the media, such a move can only be a last resort.

No matter what they think in their hearts, they must outwardly respect press freedom.

Therefore, he must report the situation. Once he handles it without authorization and causes a storm of public opinion afterwards, he will be the first to take the blame!

Odagiri Toshiro, who was commanding operations at the Tottori headquarters, soon received news about Araki Landscape.

"Using the power of the media..." Odagiri narrowed his eyes and felt a little tricky for a moment.

Large media outlets like Tottori TV, in addition to their own size, are often the mouthpiece of a huge interest group.

Some of these media outlets not only have backgrounds in Japanese politics and business circles, but many of them are even secretly influenced by the United States.

Unless absolutely necessary, the police are unwilling to offend these big media outlets.

After thinking for a while, Odagiri Toshiro finally made a decision.

"Only let the big media in, stop all the small media, and be sure to protect the safety of those reporters," he ordered.

Since the media have already dispatched helicopters, it is obviously unrealistic for them to not be able to take any pictures.

What's more, those media were obviously called by black organizations. Regardless of whether they blocked it or not, public opinion would probably not be peaceful afterwards.

Instead of doing this, it is better to let some media in, so that not only those media that have been bribed by the organization have material, but some media that are friendly to the police also have room to operate.

In this way, at least there will be no one-sided trend in public opinion.

Over here at the mansion.

Officer Araki secretly breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the order, and then immediately called his subordinates to start making arrangements.

Not long after, some reporters carrying long guns and short cannons gradually appeared at the back of the police team.

Officer Araki glanced at the reporters, his expression becoming more serious.

He took a slow breath, took the horn from a police officer, and shouted loudly: "Repeat one last time! Everyone in the mansion immediately raised their hands and walked out of the mansion to accept the investigation! If you still don't listen to the advice, don't It’s our fault for taking tough measures!”

"Strong measures?" The response finally came from the mansion, which had remained silent despite the police's calls.

"You must think clearly, your people are in our hands!" As the words fell, four figures appeared in the gap created by the rocket.

Two of them were Kuroda and Kazami who were tied up and their mouths were sealed with tape!

The other two people were dressed in black clothes and masks, and they looked like they were not good people at first glance.

Seeing Kuroda and Kazami, instead of showing any joy on Araki's face, his face suddenly changed and his pupils tightened!

I saw a bomb clearly tied to the two men in black!

"Everyone, back up!" Officer Araki yelled quickly.

Naturally, other police officers and reporters also saw the bombs. The police officers obeyed the orders decisively. The reporters, who were just trying to make ends meet and not risk their own lives, also followed the police officers and retreated.

At this time, the voice in the mansion sounded again: "You cops are quite capable, and you were able to find this place. Congratulations, your colleagues are here!"

"But as you can see, next to them are two bombs that can be detonated remotely!"

"So, you resourceful police officers, tell me, how do you rescue them?"

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