Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1784 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

Inside Wangchuan Mansion.

"Report! The police outside have re-established a frontal defense line, and the defense lines on the other three sides have also been strengthened. Special police officers holding explosion-proof shields are at the forefront!" reported a subordinate.

"I got it." The person in charge of the organization waved his hand, signaling the other party to leave.

After his subordinates left, the face of the person in charge of the organization, who was originally calm, suddenly turned gloomy.

I thought that after many preparations, this raid would cause huge trouble to the police.

A conservative estimate is that at least some reporters can be hijacked from the police crowd to increase their own bargaining chips. If they are lucky, they may even directly break through the police's defense line and allow them to break out!

I just didn't expect that the police's response was so quick. In the unexpected situation, the other side's snipers not only successfully blocked their attack, but the undercover disguised as [Feng Jian] even lost contact and was probably already behind. into the opponent's hands.

"Huh! Fortunately, this time was just a test. The hostages are still in our hands, so the situation is still mine." The person in charge of the organization comforted himself.

That being said, they can only temporarily stand in a stalemate with the police, waiting for the police's new actions, and then take advantage of them.

After all, the main task assigned to him is to cause as much trouble as possible to the police. For this, even if they all die, it is an acceptable price.

Of course, only he knows this, and he will naturally not tell other subordinates.

"Sir!" Another subordinate's report came from the communicator: "The secret passage has been explored, and the exit has probably been targeted."

The person in charge of the organization's face suddenly sank when he heard this, and then replied in as calm a tone as possible: "I understand, you continue to keep an eye on the secret passage, and report immediately if you find a suspicious person entering!"

"Yes!" The subordinate immediately accepted the order.

After hanging up the call, the person in charge of the organization rubbed his forehead irritably. No wonder the superiors would formulate a plan for Yu Sha. These notes really have the ability to push them into a desperate situation.

"Hmph! They should know by now that there is a bomb hidden in the mansion. Let me see if you dare to come in and break in!" The person in charge of the organization sneered in his heart, and asked his subordinates to strengthen their vigilance inside and outside, and waited silently. Police action.

About fifteen minutes later.

boom! boom! boom!

Several explosions rang in the ears of the person in charge of the organization.

"What's going on?" the person in charge of the organization asked with a frown.

"Those cops threw smoke bombs in front of the mansion!" the subordinate in charge of the observation reported.

"Huh?" The person in charge of the organization's eyebrows suddenly jumped. Are those cops planning to break into the mansion?

After pondering for a while, he issued the order: "Everyone enter the ambush point and teach these thieves a lesson!"

"Yes!" A booming response came from the communicator.

The next moment, all the members of the organization in the mansion started to move. Except for the necessary observation posts, everyone else hid in the ambush point according to the pre-arrangement.

Da da da da——

Another burst of intense gunfire rang out outside the mansion.

The person in charge of the organization instantly judged that this should be a fire strike from an aerial helicopter.

"Oh? Let the helicopter cover the charge? It's a smart approach, but it's a pity that we didn't plan to intercept you outside." The person in charge of the organization sneered in his heart.

The gunshots died down after a while. The person in charge of the organization contacted the subordinates responsible for observation: "How is it? Are the police officers approaching the mansion? How many people are there?"

"This... Sir, it's strange. I didn't see any police officers rushing into the mansion through the smoke." The subordinate replied.

"Huh? No?" The person in charge of the organization was startled, and instinctively felt a sense of uneasiness.

There were smoke bombs and helicopter fire cover, but the police didn't launch a charge?

There is obviously something wrong with this!

"Report! There is another movement from the police!" The subordinate reported again.

"What are they doing?" asked the leader of the organization.

"It's obscured by smoke, so I can't see very clearly. It seems that a new vehicle has arrived." The subordinate replied.

The person in charge of the organization frowned more and more. What on earth were these cops doing?

After several fruitless thoughts, he could only let his subordinates continue to stare at the police.

What he didn't know was that at this time, some uninvited guests had quietly appeared in the mansion.

At the back of the mansion, in a room inside a certain window.

Three figures wearing combat uniforms and special riot helmets were looking around cautiously.

At their feet was a black-clad organization sentry whose neck had been broken.

The leader tapped the communicator a few times in a rhythmic manner - this was the code they had agreed with outside before coming in, which meant the operation went smoothly.

Near the mansion, Mouri Kogoro, who received the code, breathed a sigh of relief: "Your plan is going well so far."

"It's just a little trick to attack the east and west. I'm afraid it won't be hidden for long. You'd better move faster." Yu Gongming responded calmly from the other end of the communicator.

"Don't worry, the one who went in is a master in this field." Mouri Kogoro replied.

Afterwards, the two temporarily ended their conversation and waited silently for the progress of the matter.

Inside the mansion.

After the three shadows confirmed that there were no other dangers in the room, they began to divide their work.

The leader came to the door, took out the detection radar just given to them from his tactical backpack, and began to detect behind the door.

Not long after, the radar showed the situation behind the door on the display screen.

The shadow at the door immediately shared the information on the screen with the other two.

The other two people also quickly wrote down the information on the screen, and then took out some parts from their backpacks and started assembling them.

Not long after, a series of micro-drone, not much bigger than a palm, appeared in front of the three people.

The leader tapped the communicator rhythmically again.

A few seconds later, a shout from Officer Araki came from outside the mansion.

The general idea was still the same as persuading the people in the mansion to give up resistance and surrender.

The three shadows in the mansion took this opportunity to open the door slightly and sent the micro drone out.

Afterwards, the three people immediately began to divide the work. One of them used a tablet to control the drone, one was responsible for observing the images returned by the camera mounted on the drone, and the other continued to turn on the radar to update the situation outside the door in real time.

At the same time, the police helicopter outside also approached the mansion slightly, making the roar of the helicopter become clearer and louder.

Under such double cover, the sound of the drone was perfectly covered up.

Coupled with the enemy's location provided by radar, the drone easily evaded the perspective of the secret organization members and began to secretly collect intelligence in the mansion.

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