Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1786 Successful rescue!

Facts have proved that the ominous premonition of the person in charge of the organization was not wrong.

Just as thoughts were still racing through his mind, a flash bomb was accurately thrown into the crowd!

The next moment, a harsh explosion accompanied by a strong flash of light instantly engulfed all the organization members!

After the flash bomb, several more anesthetic bombs exploded, and the smoke with powerful anesthetic gas filled the surrounding area in just a few seconds.

How could members of the organization who had just been attacked by a flash bomb react? They all fell to the ground in intense sleepiness.

At this time, several heavily armed special police officers rushed into the crowd, paying no attention to the people in the organization. With clear goals, they directly picked up Kuroda and Kazami and quickly retreated outside the mansion.

The person in charge of the organization shook his body, bit the tip of his tongue hard, and used the pain to fight against the sleepiness that swept over him like a tide. He used all his strength to take out the bomb detonator from his arms.

"Give it all to me...go to hell!"

He roared in his heart and pressed the button hard.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Nothing happened.

" could it be possible!?"

The person in charge of the organization lost consciousness with strong doubts and unwillingness.

Two minutes later.

"Report! The hostages have been confirmed to have been rescued, and no traces of disguise have been found!"

"Report! No dangerous goods were found on the hostages!"

"Okay! Great!" Officer Araki couldn't restrain the joy on his face. Damn it, the most troublesome step has finally been completed!

The hostages are rescued and they can finally let go!

"The assault team enters the mansion and arrests the gangsters! The bomb disposal team is ready. After the assault team completes the arrests, they will enter the mansion and defuse the bomb!"

"Understood!" A group of police officers responded immediately.

What happened next did not have any further twists and turns. Most of the organization members in the mansion had been brought down by tranquilizer bombs. The few who slipped through the net did not cause any trouble due to the police's huge numerical advantage.

Then, the bomb disposal team entered, found bombs hidden in walls, closets, antique vases and other hidden places, and defused them one by one.

When the last bomb was defused and taken out by the bomb disposal team, Officer Araki finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have all the injured been sent to hospital?" he asked.

"Yes! Everyone has been sent to the ambulance." A subordinate replied.

"Okay." Officer Araki nodded slightly, leaving a team of people to investigate the scene, while the rest escorted the suspect back to Tottori headquarters.

In the distance, Hanemiya Ming looked at the police who had begun to retreat. Put down the sniper rifle.

He contacted Meng Yu, Okiya Subaru and others and told them to evacuate immediately.

Because they had already greeted Mouri Kogoro and Hanamiya Teru before, they did not encounter any obstruction and left the area safely.

After evacuating, they did not return to their original hotel, but checked into a new hotel that had been booked last night.

They still stayed in two hotels that were a certain distance apart. Shinichi checked in for Hanomiya Akira, while the Akai family was handed over to Sera.

Neither of them directly participated in the operation, so they were naturally more suitable than Yu Gongming and others to come forward to do this kind of thing.

New hotel, room 1010.

"It has been confirmed that Kazami and Kuroda are both themselves. Their lives are not in danger at the moment, but they are very weak and have been in a coma. There are also some signs of torture."

Akira Hanomiya listened quietly to Kogoro Mouri's briefing on the other end of the phone.

"The police have conducted a preliminary search of the mansion and have found nothing suspicious so far. The interrogation of those [kidnappers] has begun. I hope they will have some valuable information."

"What are you planning to do next?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Let's make repairs first and modify the plan according to the specific situation." Mouri Kogoro replied.

"You have to take good care of Kuroda and Kazami. The organization has suffered such a big loss and will never let it go." Akira Hanamiya reminded.

"Don't worry! We are absolutely responsible for Kuroda's arrangements." Mouri Kogoro replied.

Hanomiya Akira hummed: "That's it for now. When Kuroda and Kazami wake up, please let me know. I also want to know what happened during their disappearance."

"No problem!" Mouri Kogoro readily agreed.

Although this was a bit against the rules, the abilities and contributions of Hanemiya Akira and the others were enough for him to make an exception, not to mention the close relationship between them.

After a few more brief conversations, Mouri Kogoro hung up the phone on his own initiative.

Yu Gongming informed everyone about the content of the call.

Wakasa crossed his arms and said, "In other words, you are still going to continue to take action against the organization?"

"That's right." Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "And unlike the hostage rescue this time, there are some constraints, so you will have a chance to take action."

Wakasa heard the words and snorted: "I hope so."

This time, except for tracking a woman to Wangchuan Mansion in the early stage, her participation in the frontal action was almost zero.

Yu Gongming arranged her on the periphery, euphemistically saying that he would intercept the escaping members of the organization. But from the beginning to the end, no one from the organization ran out, and they were all arrested by the police.

She held the gun and waited for a long time, waiting lonely.

This was naturally a bit dissatisfactory for her, who wanted to personally avenge Haneda Koji.

As for Yu Gongming, this arrangement was naturally not intentional.

After all, Wakasa is not one of his own. If he has a choice, the important points of the action will naturally be arranged to be carried out by someone who can trust him.

Yu Gongming clapped his hands: "Okay, everyone, let's rest first. If you have anything else to do, wait until you've rested before we talk about it."

Seeing this, Wakasa stopped talking nonsense, said goodbye, stood up and left.

Only siblings Akira Hanamiya and Kudo were left in the room.

Shinichi looked at Hanomiya Akira: "What do you think of this incident?"

"What are you referring to?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Do you feel something is wrong?" Shinichi continued to add.

"Well..." Yu Gongming touched his chin: "Honestly, there is indeed a little bit."

"Oh? What's wrong?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

"I always feel like it went a little too smoothly." Yu Gongming replied.

"Sure enough, you feel the same way!" Shinichi looked like a hero who agreed.

"It went well? Did it?" Meng Yu was a little puzzled: "The resistance of the organization is very resolute, and the methods are clever enough. If there is no participation of the shadow and us this time, the Tottori police may be in trouble."

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "But, could the organization fail to anticipate our participation?"

"Eh?" Meng Yu was startled.

"That's it." Shinichi said calmly: "We have speculated before that the organization's trap is probably aimed at us and the shadow, but from the beginning to the end, no targeted methods have been shown."

"This is the headquarters of the organization. The resources they can mobilize are by no means comparable to other places, but the troubles we encountered are far less difficult than imagined."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "This is why we have figured out the causes and consequences of Kuroda's disappearance."

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