Hearing Hanomiya Akira's inquiry, Conan said without hesitation: "Of course, tell the police to dismantle the bomb, then arrest the two men in black, and ask them about the organization behind them! Then follow the clues and destroy the organization. Find the cure so I can be a high school student again!”

Conan became more and more excited as he talked.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming shook his head slightly in his heart: "Sure enough, although I already know the scale of that organization, my mentality of detectives and catching criminals has not changed."

Akira Hanomiya looked at Conan, his expression becoming more serious: "The bomb does need to be disposed of, but are you sure you really want to arrest those two men in black?"

"Of course...wait a minute, Yumiya, just say what you want, I'll listen." Conan, who was originally excited, calmed down a little when he saw Yu Gongming's serious expression.

"First of all, on the day you became smaller, I already analyzed the power of this organization with you. How many people do you think such an organization would have?"

"This...according to your analysis that day, there are research institutes, scientific researchers, and power in the underground underworld, and they can also influence the police investigation. In total, this organization has at least a hundred, maybe even hundreds, or thousands of people. It's not impossible for everyone." Conan analyzed carefully.

"So, since they dare to trade on the train, how can you be sure that there are no other members of them on this train?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"This..." Conan fell into deep thought for a moment.

Yu Gongming glanced at his phone:

"In addition, it is already two forty-three now, and the station will arrive at Nagoya Station around two fifty. They will definitely get off at that stop. It is obviously too late for you to notify the Nagoya police to arrange an arrest now, so you just We can notify the police, but you can't be sure if there are any of them among the police. If there are, we will be completely exposed to this organization!"

"Being targeted by a criminal organization that may have thousands of people, what do you think will happen to us?"

Cold sweat began to flow on Conan's forehead unconsciously.

Yu Gongming's worries are not unreasonable. If he wants to dispose of the bomb and arrest the man in black, he must notify the police.

But if this is the case, the police officer as a child will definitely not believe it, and can only let Meng Yu or Yu Gong negotiate. Then, as long as there are people from that organization in the police force, both Yu Gong and Meng Yu will be in great danger!

"Damn it, are we going to watch them get away with it?" Conan was a little unwilling.

"Our goal is not to arrest one or a few of them, but to uproot that organization. To use an old Chinese saying, a small impatience will ruin a big plan." Yu Gongming said seriously.

Conan was silent for a while, then breathed out slowly: "Okay, I gave up the idea of ​​arresting them, so now let's think about how to deal with the bomb. It seems that the bomb must be handled by the police, right?"

"It's different." Yu Gongming said:

"If you give up arresting the men in black, then our action time will be after they get off the train in Nagoya. If there is a bomb on the train, the safety of the entire train will be threatened. Then if they have other accomplices on the train , will also get off at that stop. As long as you pass Nagoya Station, there is a high probability that there will be no one of them on the bus."

"Yes, this way we can notify the police!" Conan said excitedly.

"Both the crew and the police will know about this in the end, but the less traces we leave during this whole process, the better. I still don't agree to directly negotiate with the crew or the police," said Hanomiya Ming.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Conan was a little anxious.

"I already have a plan..." Yu Gongming made a gesture, and both Mengyu and Conan came over to listen.


The train has passed Nagoya Station.

2nd floor, first class carriage No. 7.

The young woman held the suitcase on her knees tightly with her hands, looking at the passing scenery outside the window, thinking about the future in her heart.

"Although I have paid 100 million yuan, as long as the golden information is obtained, the profit will be ten times or even dozens of times greater! By then..." While the woman was thinking about it, she suddenly felt her sleeve being pulled.

She came back to her senses, looked around first, and then lowered her head to see a child about 7 or 8 years old wearing a white shirt with messy hair.

"Sister, there are two uncles in black clothes asking you to go to the dining car." The child seemed a little shy, lowered his head and said timidly.

"It's them...Did something unexpected happen..." The woman was surprised for a moment, then picked up her suitcase and got up to go to the dining car.

She didn't doubt that it was a child's prank. After all, keywords like "two", "black clothes", and "dining car" couldn't be made up by pranks.

"Wait a minute, sister, those two uncles said that as long as I come to you, you will give me a thousand yen." The child said pitifully.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then took out a thousand yen from her purse and handed it to the child: "Here, little brother, thank you." After that, she ignored Conan and walked towards the dining car.

The moment she left the carriage and out of sight of the passengers in the carriage, the woman suddenly felt a numbness in her neck, then her vision went dark, and then she lost consciousness.


Akira Hanomiya supported the woman with a hand wearing disposable gloves, and Conan took the suitcase from the woman's hand.

Of course, Conan also wore disposable gloves on his hands.

These disposable gloves come from the dining car. Many passengers will ask the waiter for some in order to avoid dirtying their hands. Akira Hanamiya's request for disposable gloves will not arouse any suspicion.

In addition, before coming here, Yu Gongming asked Meng Yu to do a simple make-up for himself with the cosmetics he brought with him. Although Meng Yu has not learned the art of disguise, after all, he has a mother who knows the art of disguise. Simple The disguise can still be done.

At this time, Yu Gongming's hairstyle, facial contours and some facial features had changed to a certain extent. He also took off his coat and gave it to Mengyu for safekeeping along with Conan's coat.

Even if the current Akira Hanomiya is seen by others, they will not be able to connect with Akira Yumiya after taking off the disguise.

Akira Hanomiya dragged the woman into the toilet, and Conan also entered with his suitcase.

After leaning the woman against the corner of the toilet, Hanemiya Ming nodded to Conan, exited the toilet, and left as if nothing had happened.

Not long after, the sound of breaking glass suddenly came from the toilet. Passengers sitting near the toilet looked in the direction of the toilet in confusion, but the next moment, a loud noise that shook the entire train suddenly came out!

Many passengers looked around and saw a huge mushroom cloud blooming over the wilderness outside the window.

Some passengers who responded quickly already screamed loudly: "It's... it's a bomb!!!"

This scream immediately caused a commotion in the entire carriage, and all the passengers' eyes almost unanimously focused on the mushroom cloud that was still blooming.

No one noticed that a child was running past them quickly with vigorous steps.


On the 1st floor, in the toilet of a certain carriage.

Conan quickly put on his coat, bow tie and glasses, while Dream Whisper quickly used a comb to comb Conan's hair neatly.

Akira Yumiya stood outside to prevent any rash guy from opening the toilet door.

After a while, Conan and Mengyu walked out of the toilet.

"Is everything going well?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Well, I used my foot-strengthening shoes to kick the bomb out of the toilet window. I avoided it carefully and wasn't scratched by the glass shards. I didn't attract any attention when I left," Conan said.

"Okay, I just confirmed that Gin and the others have got out of the car, and I have also recovered the bug." Akira Hanomiya said and handed a wad of chewing gum wrapped in tissue to Conan.

"Phew, then this incident was finally resolved satisfactorily." Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

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