Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 180 Locating the murderer

"Look at that photo." Meng Yu pointed to a photo on the wall.

"Huh?" Yu Gongming glanced at it casually and understood which photo Meng Yu was talking about.

In the photo that Yu Gongming's eyes were fixed on, Yasushi Kujiyuan was holding his hands in a weird posture, as if he was manipulating something, and on his fingers, there were two rings!

"You mean, the thing that binds Mr. Jiu Shijiu is tied to these two rings."

"Well, if you use thin wires such as piano wire to tie the thumbs of both hands, move your hands behind your back, and add a ring to cover up, you can cover up the traces of restraint."

"And if a person is tied up like that, he probably won't be able to open the door." Mengyu analyzed.

"But, the police didn't find any thin line?" Kujiu Qihui was confused.

"Obviously, when the body was discovered, someone must have cut off the thin thread. In other words, Mr. Ninety-nine was indeed a homicide, and the murderer must be among the three people who found the body!" Yu Gongming said firmly! .

"This...but, what kind of deep hatred would make those children kill my husband?" Kujiu Qihui seemed to be in disbelief at this inference.

"We will consider the motive later. For now, we should identify the murderer first. Mrs. Ninety-nine, was there anything strange when the body was found?"

"This..." Nine Nine Seven Hui thought for a while, then suddenly pointed to the table in the basement and said:

"That's right! The phone that was placed on the table was covered by a pile of playing cards!"

After hearing this, Yu Gongming came to the phone.

This is an ordinary telephone. The phone lines are connected normally and there seems to be nothing abnormal.

"Was the phone working properly at that time?" Akira Hagong asked.

"I don't know. After the body was discovered, we didn't notice it immediately because the phone was covered by playing cards, so we ran upstairs to call an ambulance and call the police. However, according to the police investigation, the phone can be used normally."

"Who ran upstairs to make phone calls at that time?"

"Bodhi and I are going upstairs."

"Mr. Motoyasu didn't ask for help, which means that the phone should have been out of service before. Then, someone must have reconnected the phone line afterwards. In other words, the murderer was the other two people who stayed in the basement!" Akira Hanamiya said solemnly. road.

"You mean Yi San and Mazi?" Jiujiu Qihui's expression changed slightly.

"Yes, now it's a matter of choosing one of two happiness options. Of course, it's also possible to choose both." Meng Yu said lightly.

"Are there any other clues?" Yu Gongming asked.

"There is one more thing, I don't know if it counts as a clue..." Kujiu Qihui said hesitantly:

"The police were investigating the phone at the time. After pressing the repeat button and dialing the number, the number that appeared was not a normal phone number."

"Huh?" Yu Gongming's eyes flickered, and he reached out and pressed the repeat button on the phone.

After a dialing sound, a string of numbers and * appeared on the phone display.


"I see, no wonder the two playing cards were stuck together by Nian, and the phone was covered by the playing cards. I'm afraid this is all Mr. Motoyasu's handiwork." Yu Gongming suddenly said.

"Ah? But why would my husband do this?" Kujiu Qihui was confused.

"The purpose of covering the phone with playing cards is to prevent the murderer from noticing the phone immediately, and the two playing cards stuck together are to remind us to press the repeat button."

"This should be the death message left by your husband!" Yu Gongming explained.

"However, this series of numbers is very confusing. The police found no pattern. At that time, they speculated that my daughter had beaten them randomly." Jiujiuqihui said.

"Since this string of numbers was given on a phone, and all clues point to the phone, then perhaps the explanation for this confusing string of codes can be found on the phone."

As Yumiya Akira spoke, he took out his notepad and ballpoint pen, wrote down all the codes, and then started dialing on the phone in order.

After pressing all the numbers including the * symbol, Yu Gongming already had a good idea.

"It has been solved." Yu Gongming wrote on the notepad for a while, turned the notepad over, and showed it to Meng Yu and the other two.

"DC... Asako (Japanese translation)?" Nine-nine Nanie's eyes widened.

"Yes, group them with * as intervals, and map each group of numbers to the phone dialing buttons. The pattern formed is these single words." Yu Gongming explained.

"So, the murderer is Mazi?" Nine Nine Seven Hui confirmed.

"She is the biggest suspect at the moment, but I don't know what DC means now...Does your husband have any hobbies?" Yu Gongming asked with a frown.

"My husband also likes to play the piano." Jiujiu Qihui said.

"Piano?" Mengyu's eyes suddenly lit up:

"These two letters often appear on music scores, which means to return to the starting point and play again."

"Play again..." Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows, suddenly took out his mobile phone and started to make a call.

"Hey! Conan."

"Have you already received results there?" Conan asked.

"Yes, the murderer should be Miyoshi Asako." Hanemiya Ming said.

"I already know this." Conan smiled.

"Eh?" Yu Gongming was stunned.


Outside a public toilet.

Conan looked at Fumino and Asako Miyoshi who were unconscious in front of him, and explained the situation to Akira Hanomiya.

It turned out that after several people came out of a clothing store, Fumino suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, and Miyoshi Asako also offered to go with her.

Conan was alert at that time, and shortly after the two left, he followed Xiaolan secretly when she wasn't paying attention.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the toilet, he saw Miyoshi Asako walking out carrying Fumino, who had fallen asleep.

When Asako Miyoshi saw Conan, his expression suddenly changed, and then he forced himself to calm down and started talking to Conan, hoping to fool Conan.

However, who is Conan and how could he be deceived?

Under Conan's repeated questioning, Miyoshi Asako suddenly approached Conan, took out a handkerchief from his arms, and pointed it directly towards Conan's mouth and nose.

Conan had been wary of this for a long time. Before Miyoshi Asako's handkerchief covered her mouth and nose, he decisively opened the watch-type anesthesia gun and gave Miyoshi Asako an injection.


"So that's it. Did you call the police?" Yu Gongming asked.

"The police have been notified." Conan said.

"Okay, tell me your location and I'll be there right away." After saying this, Akira Hanomiya hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, Detective Hanomiya?" Kujiu Qihui asked with an uneasy look on her face.

"It's nothing. Miss Asako wanted to harm Fumino, but Xiaolan and Conan stopped her. Now we will go find them." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Okay... okay." Because the amount of information revealed by Yu Gongming's words was a bit large, Jiujiu Qihui didn't know what reaction to give, so she had to agree.

Several people left the basement and came to the lobby, just in time to see Sanada Kazuzo coming down from upstairs.

"Why, did Detective Hanomiya give up so quickly?" Sanada asked with a smile.

"No, we just found the murderer. Mr. Sanada, do you want to come with us to take a look?" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

Sanada Yisan was stunned: "Oh? Does that mean the teacher really committed suicide?"

“I can explain the specific situation on the way, Mr. Sanada, do you want to come with us?

Without any hesitation, Sanada Ichizo immediately nodded and said: 'Of course, let's leave now. ”’

So, a few people got into Nine Nine Seven Megumi's car and headed towards the location reported by Conan.

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