Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1819 Attacking the base!

After all the missile attacks, no new man in black came forward for a long time.

The commander of the organization has determined that the missile came from an enemy drone. He could even hear the drone of the drone.

And the direction of the buzzing sound is... in more than one place!

This means that the enemy has multiple drones, and each drone may be carrying a missile like the one just now!

And just that one shot had already taken away nearly one-third of their manpower.

And what about them? We haven’t even figured out how many people are on the other side!

In such a situation, if you continue to charge hard, even if you kill all the people, you may not be guaranteed to win the opponent.

What's more, the explosion just now dispersed some of the smoke, allowing him to see the outline of the submarine.

Although it was a bit unrealistic to see in the dim environment, it was enough for the organization commander to judge that the submarine might have been damaged.

Maintenance is often more troublesome than damage, not to mention that for a precision vehicle like a submarine that needs to go underwater, there is no room for error.

So the question is, even if they kill the intruders on the opposite side and recapture the submarine at all costs, can they repair the submarine and evacuate safely before the main enemy force on the ground attacks the base?

Furthermore, since the enemy has penetrated here and knows that we can evacuate from the water, wouldn't he take no precautions at all?

With the capabilities of the Self-Defense Forces, it is not difficult to mobilize two military submarines, which is enough to intercept them.

The commander thought carefully and finally reported the situation.

"BOSS! I'm afraid the submarine has no way out!" The commander reported the situation and finally gave his own judgment.

There was silence for a while, and then a mechanically synthesized male voice sounded: "Then change the strategy and activate Plan No. 3!"

"Understood!" The commander immediately accepted the order without any doubt.

Afterwards, he notified his subordinates hiding in various bunkers to evacuate immediately.

Not long after, all the men in black returned to the secret door, and the secret door also closed again with a roar.

Behind the submarine, Akira Hanomiya and his party naturally heard the noise and roughly guessed what happened.

Everyone gathered together again.

"They just left like that?" Toru Amuro frowned.

"I intercepted a piece of their communication just now." Mengyu operated on the tablet for a while and played an audio piece.

[…can no longer be used as a retreat…enable Plan 3…]

Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized: "So that's it, they have given up here and plan to escape in other ways."

"Then we can't let him get what he wants!" Toru Amuro said solemnly.

Okiya Subaru glanced at him and said calmly: "But after all, our number is too small and we are not familiar with the internal environment. It is too risky to enter the base like this. What's more, if we want to enter the base, we must first open the Entrance,"

Okiya Subaru pointed to the inner mountain wall. At a glance, the entire mountain wall was seamless and there was no trace of the secret door at all.

"The entrance is not a big problem." Mouri Kogoro said: "Maybe there is a mechanism to open the secret door here at the dock. Even if there is no mechanism, our submarine is equipped with rockets, which can just blast open the entrance. As for the number of people …”

Before they finished speaking, there was suddenly a strange sound behind everyone.

Everyone turned around in unison and immediately entered a state of alert.

About half a minute later, with a "swish" sound, another submarine surfaced.

Mouri Kogoro swept his flashlight and said, "Don't worry, he's one of our own."


Hearing this, the tense nerves of the others immediately relaxed.

The submarine hatch opened, and several figures in black robes jumped out of the cabin.

This submarine was obviously better than the one Yu Gongming and his companions were on, and its carrying capacity was naturally superior. In the end, eight men in black robes came ashore.

Yu Gongming showed a clear look: "I see, after confirming that we can enter the base from here, we immediately dispatched additional manpower?"

"Yeah!" Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly.

Toru Amuro looked around and finally looked at Subaru Okiya: "Now that the five people have become thirteen, and everyone is a good player, there should be no need to look forward and backward, right?"

Okiya Subaru didn't reply, just glanced at him, and finally looked at Hanemiya Akira and Mouri Kogoro.

"Will there be support arriving later?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Yes! At least one submarine will arrive with support." Mouri Kogoro replied.

"Then I have no problem." Yu Gongming nodded.

"It's up to you." Meng Yu also said. She has a very clear positioning of herself. She is a technician who can do whatever she wants, and the decision-making is completely left to Yu Gongming.

"Okay! Then we enter the base immediately and we must not let the BOS escape!" Mouri Kogoro said solemnly.

After reaching a consensus, everyone immediately took action.

The submarine fired a rocket directly at the mountain wall, immediately blasting a large hole in the mountain wall, revealing an inward passage. There were still several mutilated men in black lying on the passage.

Obviously, they should have been arranged to ambush behind the secret door to attack the intruders, but they did not expect that the enemy's way of breaking through the door would be so violent, and they directly gave up their lives.

"Come!" Mouri Kogoro waved his hand, and everyone immediately ran towards the entrance.

Soon, everyone entered the passage, walked along a staircase, and finally turned at the end of the stairs and entered a corridor.

They and the organization's killers discovered each other almost at the same time.

The battle broke out instantly!

Bang bang bang!


The endless gunshots, explosions, screams and groans from time to time all showed the fierceness of the battle.

Of course, Yu Gongming's side still had the advantage overall.

On the one hand, they attacked suddenly, and there were five real top masters to support them. The other shadows were not weak either. In addition, the space in the base was not spacious, so they didn't have too many enemies to face at the same time.

Therefore, during the battle, they often seized the opportunity to form a local firepower advantage and take the lead in killing one or two people on the opposite side.

As long as this opening was opened, the situation that was originally barely maintained would instantly become a one-sided crushing!

So, the thirteen people cut through the thorns and continued to go deeper into the base.

Finally, after another exchange of fire, they captured the senior organization cadre in charge of command.

Everyone tried to get the whereabouts of the boss from him, but unfortunately, this cadre seemed to be a diehard of the boss. Not only did he not say a word when interrogated, he also tried to commit suicide several times.

There was no choice but to knock him out first and wait for the follow-up personnel to take him in.

However, everyone was not completely without gain.

"Sure enough, he has the key to the monitoring room!" Amuro Toru raised his hand and shook a bunch of keys in his hand.

"The monitoring room is next door, let's check the surveillance immediately!" Maori Kogoro arrived immediately.

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