Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1821: Each Uses Their Own Methods

Yu Gongming adjusted the field of view of the night vision scope and aimed the crosshairs at the connection of the tail rotor of one of the helicopters.


The gunshot sounded and the bullet broke through the air!


After a burst of metal collision, the connection of the rotor broke instantly, and then fell off the helicopter at high speed.

The helicopter lost its tail rotor, and its flying posture suddenly became a little unstable, and its original upward momentum stopped instantly.

At the same time as Yu Gongming fired, others also pulled the trigger one after another!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three gunshots sounded one after another, and three bullets fired from large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles came out of the barrel and hit the helicopter above!




The three bullets lived up to expectations and hit two helicopters one after another!

The first bullet connected with Yu Gongming's attack, penetrated the external protective armor, and directly destroyed the helicopter's engine structure.

The second and third bullets were aimed at another helicopter, one of which hit the helicopter's fuel tank, and the other penetrated directly into the helicopter's cabin!

The two helicopters suddenly became shaky.

Seeing this, the four people below did not care about the impact of the recoil, raised their guns again, and fired another round!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four bullets hit the helicopter again, causing further damage.

The two helicopters finally couldn't maintain their upward momentum and began to slide down irreversibly.

After several snipers looked at each other, they didn't continue to shoot.

On the one hand, three consecutive shots were a bit too much for them and the guns; on the other hand, if they were too hard and the helicopter crashed directly, it would likely cause the death of the people inside.

There was a high probability that the organization's boss was sitting in the helicopter. If conditions allowed, they would naturally give priority to capturing him alive.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the helicopters continued to approach the ground.

Suddenly, the two helicopters suddenly changed direction, and then rushed towards the direction of the few people regardless of anything!

Everyone's face suddenly changed, and they immediately retreated!

If you simply want to avoid the collision of the helicopter, both forward and backward are feasible.

But no one will forget that there was an airtight firepower net on both sides of the front just now, and they are not sure whether the enemy can activate the mechanism again.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, everyone chose to dodge backward.

While retreating, Maori Kogoro directly threw a blasting grenade.


The grenade exploded in the air, and the flames instantly swept the two helicopters!

Maori Kogoro didn't care about the effect of the grenade at all, and continued to retreat after throwing the grenade.

He threw the grenade just now, just to use the explosion to further damage the structure of the helicopter, perhaps to delay the momentum of the helicopter, and at the same time to cover the driver's sight and interfere with his judgment.

Fortunately, because they were blocked by the firepower net before, they were not far from the entrance. In addition, they reacted in time, and everyone successfully rushed out of the door before the helicopter hit them.

Boom! Boom!

Two helicopters crashed hard into the wall where the alloy door was located, and a section of the head of one of the helicopters crashed into the internal passage under the action of inertia.

Everyone was shocked and staggered for a while before they recovered.

Yumiya Akira stared at the helicopter in front of him that had been deformed and completely blocked the door, frowned slightly, and then his face changed: "Not good! The boss is probably not in the helicopter!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but people with quick minds such as Amuro Toru and Okiya Subaru had already reacted, and their faces also sank.


"How could the helicopter that the boss was riding easily carry out such a suicide attack?" Maori Kogoro said in a deep voice.

Now everyone finally understood.

"Retreat first!" Maori Kogoro ordered.

Without hesitation, everyone immediately moved away from the helicopter until they stopped at a corner.

"Ask, does the person coming in later bring any other anti-material equipment?" Yumiya Akira asked.

"I'll ask." Maori Kogoro immediately turned on the communicator to ask.

After a while, he hung up the communication and said, "Yes, support will be here soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, footsteps sounded in everyone's ears.

Turning around, they saw two men in black robes rushing over, carrying a rocket launcher on their shoulders.

Maori Kogoro waved at them, and the two stopped in front of everyone. One of them said, "We are ordered to come here for support. Please give us instructions, sir!"

Maori Kogoro immediately pointed in the direction of the helicopter: "Blast it open for me!"

The two men in black robes took a look and immediately responded without hesitation: "Leave it to us!"

A moment later, roared.


The first rocket hit the nose of the aircraft that rushed into the passage, causing an explosion.


The second rocket followed, causing a more violent explosion.

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw that the helicopter's exterior structure had been completely destroyed, the interior was riddled with holes, and two bodies were seen beyond recognition.

"With this level of damage, we should be able to find a way out," said Subaru Okiya.

"Let's go!" Maori Kogoro made a prompt decision and immediately called everyone forward.

Not long after, with the explosion of a grenade, everyone re-entered the large hole inside through the gap created by the explosion.

When the flashlight shone inside, he saw another helicopter about to take off.

And near the helicopter, there were several men in black with guns waiting in full battle array.

As soon as the two sides met, there was no need to say anything, and the battle broke out instantly!

Bang, bang, bang!


The men in black rushed towards this side while pouring firepower continuously.

They all had assault rifles in their hands, and with the grenades thrown from time to time, the fierce firepower suppressed Yu Gongming and other masters for a while, and they could only use the wreckage of the helicopter as cover to deal with the opponent.

At the same time, the helicopter located deep in the hole also began to leave the ground and fly towards the exit above.

A quick battle must be decided!

Everyone realized this!

Yu Gongming's eyes rolled, and then he took off the outermost black robe, shook his hand, and threw it out of the gap!

Da da da da!

The dense gunfire sounded almost the next moment the black robe was thrown out.


Yumiya Akira suddenly lunged forward, with a small part of his body sticking out of the gap along the ground.

Along with his body, the muzzle of the gun pointed upwards!



The gunshot paused for a moment.

This was because the man holding the gun had lost the ability to pull the trigger again.

A man in black was shot in the middle of his eyebrows, staring with disbelief in his eyes, and fell straight to the ground, and then he lost his voice.

His companions were all shocked when they saw this scene, but they reacted quickly and the bullets immediately swept in the direction of the gunfire!

However, after firing the gun, Yumiya Akira decisively shrank and rolled back into the gap, dodging the incoming bullet by a hair's breadth.

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