Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 187 Conan is back

"It seems that there are results over there." Mengyu said, pressing the answer button.

"Hey! Well, we have discovered the problem..." Mengyu briefly described their findings.

"Huh? There is such a thing... um, I understand."

After ending the call, Mengyu looked at Xiaolan:

"Ming followed Mr. Yoshino all the way to a car 4S store. Mr. Yoshino showed strong interest in a car worth 25 million and hoped that the store could help keep the car."

"Don't the couple still have a mortgage of 40 million yuan? Why does Mr. Yoshino still want to buy a car, and it's a car with a price of 25 million yuan..."

At the end, Xiaolan's voice became smaller and smaller.

Because she already had the answer in her heart.

A mortgage of 40 million? Twenty-five million car payments? If you get an insurance premium of 100 million yuan, this will not be a problem.

Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh softly when she thought of this.

"That's not all. After Yoshino left the 4S store, he also went to the pesticide market. When he came out, he already had a small bottle of pesticide in his hand." Meng Yu's voice became colder and colder.

"It seems there is no doubt...Sister Qianhui obviously loves him so much, but he would do such a thing!" Anger gradually rose in Xiaolan's eyes.

"Sister Qianhui will go to Shizuoka again tomorrow. Let's settle this matter tomorrow." Meng Yu said in a condensed voice.

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded lightly.


The next morning, Yoshinoya.

"Well Chie, I went for a walk!" Yoshino Akio turned around and smiled at his wife who was preparing breakfast.

"Well, how about making ham and omelette for breakfast today?" Chie Yoshino said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll definitely be starving when I get back, so prepare more for me!" Yoshino Akio said, already opening the door and walking out.

"Okay! Be careful on the road!" Chie Yoshino glanced at her husband who was leaving, and once again threw herself into making breakfast with great enthusiasm.

However, what she didn't know was that the moment he closed the door, Yoshino Akio's originally gentle smile gradually turned cold and ferocious.

He came to the red Volkswagen parked at the house and opened the driver's door with the key.

After getting into the cab, he took out a small spray bottle from his pocket, then leaned back, covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and began to spray the air outlets of the driver's seat and passenger's car air conditioner.

After spraying all the unknown liquid in the bottle, Yoshino Akio got out of the car, locked the car again, and went for a walk as if nothing had happened.

However, just as he turned around and looked up, his pupils shrank!

Only three figures, one man, two women, were looking at him with cold expressions.

"'s you, what's the matter?" Yoshino Akio said trying to calm down.

"Mr. Yoshino, can you explain what you are holding in your hand?" Akira Hanomiya looked at Yoshino Akio with sharp eyes.

"This...this is an air freshener. As you all know, isn't my wife dizzy recently? I just want to spray some air freshener to make her feel more comfortable." Akio Yoshino explained with a reluctant smile.

"Oh? Then when the police arrive, can you please let the police check the spray bottle in your hand?" Meng Yu sneered.

"What... the police?" Akio Yoshino's face changed drastically!

"We have notified the police, Mr. Yoshino, I don't think Sister Qianhui ever dreamed that her beloved husband actually wanted to kill her!" Xiaolan said with unconcealable anger in her tone!

"Take a look at this." Akira Hanamiya shook his hand, and a photo slid to the ground in front of Akio Yoshino.

Yoshino Akio looked down and his face instantly turned as pale as paper1

In that photo, he was walking out of the pesticide market after buying pesticides yesterday!

At this time, Yoshinoya's door suddenly opened.

Yoshino Chie's figure leaning against the door came into everyone's sight.

At this time, her face seemed a bit paler than that of Yoshino Akio, and her eyes were as dead as a pool of stagnant water.

"Akio..." She murmured to herself, her lips trembling slightly, and she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

It seemed that she had heard everything that had just happened.

"Miss Chie..." Xiaolan looked worriedly at Chie Yoshino, who seemed to be about to collapse.

Chie Yoshino shook her head, said nothing, and just looked at Akio Yoshino blankly.

After Yoshino Akio met his wife's empty gaze, his psychological defense finally collapsed completely.


He yelled and fell to his knees.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene.

The police tested the residue in the spray bottle and found diluted organic hydrochloric acid pesticides.

The evidence was conclusive and Yoshino Akio was taken away by the police without any doubt.


Rice flower town.

Hanomiya Akira and others walked out of the tram station.

"Although the matter has been resolved, this incident must have been a big blow to Sister Qianhui. I really hope she can cheer up soon." Xiaolan said softly, with a hint of sadness in her expression.

"I will definitely do it. After all, Sister Qianhui is a very powerful floral designer. A person who is willing to concentrate on studying floral art will definitely be able to adjust his mentality quickly." Meng Yu comforted her.

"The pain is temporary, life will go on, and Ms. Qiane will come out." Hanemiya Akiya said.

"Yeah!" After receiving the persuasion from the two of them, Xiaolan felt a little better.

At this time, a roar of motorcycles suddenly sounded behind everyone.

When I turned around, I saw a motorcycle driving towards the three of them.

After a sudden brake, the motorcycle stopped next to the three people.

There were two adults wearing helmets and a child wearing glasses sitting on the motorcycle.

Although wearing helmets, it can be seen from their body curves that the two adults are a man and a woman.

The two took off their helmets one after another.

"Eh? There's Auntie Kiko, Uncle Kudo, and...Conan?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

The three people on the motorcycle turned out to be the Kudo family of three!

"Hi, Xiaolan, Mengyu, Amin, what a coincidence!" Kudo Yukiko greeted enthusiastically.

"Why is Conan with you?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Ahem, Xiaolan, I forgot to mention it. In fact, Ms. Wendai and her wife also had a small gathering with my parents when they returned to Japan this time." Mengyu quickly explained.

She and Kudo Yukiko did not discuss it in advance, for fear that Kudo Yukiko's answer would expose her previous lies.

Kudo Yukiko, who was about to reply, rolled her eyes when she heard Meng Yu's words, and instantly understood the situation, and then said:

"Yes, Conan's parents had to fly to the United States urgently due to business reasons, so we had to send Conan back."

Kudo Yukiko said and pushed Conan:

"Conan, since you met Xiaolan, we will send you here! You and Xiaolan go home together!"

"Okay! Thank you, uncle...sister!" Conan changed his words with difficulty under Kudo Yukiko's dagger-like eyes, and then jumped off the motorcycle.

"Everyone, we are also going to the airport and preparing to return to the United States." Kudo Yusaku said with a smile.

"Can't you wait to go back and live in a world of two?" Meng Yu teased.

"Hmph! If you can't survive the world of two, then it depends on someone's performance!" Kudo Yukiko said with a proud look on her face.

"Okay, it's time for us to go." Yusaku Kudo said calmly, but he put on his helmet very quickly.

Before Hanomiya Akira and others could respond, Kudo Yusaku twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle sped off with a burst of smoke and dust.

I heard Kudo Yukiko's voice coming from far away:

"Hey! I also want to say a few words to Mengyu..."

"What on earth is going on?" Xiaolan blinked, her face full of confusion.

"Normal situation." Mengyu said that she was used to it.

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