Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 191 Xinyi is still very gentle to Xiaolan

"Miss, you have been following us all the way, and you are still staring at our female companions. Shouldn't you give a reasonable explanation?" Yu Gongming looked at the figure in front of him and said calmly.

Sitting at this table is a very pretty young girl. Her hair tied into a ponytail and her simple-toned clothes give the girl a youthful air.

The girl looked at Yu Gongming who was looking down at her, her eyes were a little dodgey and her face was a little red.

Yu Gongming looked at the girl's reaction, and combined with the previous situation, he already knew the girl's identity and the reason why the girl followed him.

"Miss, if you don't have any ill intentions, come over and have a chat with us." Yu Gongming's tone softened a little.

The girl hesitated for a moment, nodded, and followed Yu Gongming to a few people.

"Hey! Kazuha, why are you here!?" Hattori Heiji immediately showed an unhappy expression when he saw the girl.

"What do you mean, why can't I come? I just want to see what kind of girl you are meeting!" At this time, the girl didn't show any guilt and timidity in the face of Yu Gongming, and directly shouted back.

"Girl? What on earth are you talking about?" Hattori Heiji was a little confused for a moment.

"Isn't it? Didn't you invite a girl named Kudo and her friends to come to Osaka to play?" The girl put her hands on her hips and glared at Hattori Heiji.

"Kudo... is Mengyu talking about you?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Obviously, no, this lady should have heard the name Kudo from Hattori, but Hattori would not call me Kudo." Mengyu shook her head.

"Yes, you idiot, who told you that Kudo is a girl?" Hattori Heiji said angrily.

"If you weren't a girl, why would you say something like [Kudo, every time I call you, you have such a disgusting tone, I will be sad if you do this]?" the girl said reluctantly.

"Cough! Cough..."

Upon hearing this, Conan's eyes widened, and half of the fried octopus ball he had not finished chewing slid directly into his throat. The congestion in his throat made Conan couldn't help coughing, and he beat his chest hard with his right hand.

"Conan, what's wrong with you? Are you choking?" Xiaolan said and quickly patted Conan on the back.

After a moment, Conan finally recovered, and then looked at Hattori Heiji with a strange expression.

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a long time when he heard the girl's words, and then burst into laughter:

"Hahahaha!! He Ye, you're such an idiot to judge that the person I'm talking to on the phone is a girl just based on these words!"

"Why are you laughing? Then tell me, who is that Kudo?" The girl seemed a little angry.

"That Kudo is the famous Kanto detective Kudo Shinichi who is as famous as me..." Hattori Heiji suppressed his smile and explained:

"It's not just him. The person who just caught you out is also the famous detective Akira Hanomiya from Kanto. The girl with airy bangs next to him is his girlfriend Kudo Mengyu, that is, the new Kudo One’s sister.”

"As for the other girl, she is Kudo Shinichi's girlfriend Maori Ran. The uncle next to her is Xiaolan's father, Moori Kogoro, who is also a famous detective."

Hattori Heiji stopped talking when he said this.

"Wait a minute Hattori, Shinichi and I are not..." Xiaolan's face turned slightly red and she waved her hands repeatedly to explain.

"That is to say, when did Xiaolan become the girlfriend of that brat Kudo?" Mouri Kogoro also reacted fiercely.

"Okay, uncle, I understand how you feel, but both of our families know that with the relationship between Xiaolan and her brother, let alone her girlfriend, it's not surprising that Xiaolan will actually become Kudoran in the future, right?" Meng Yu smiled.

"Yes, although Kudo loves to be pushy and impulsive, he will get carried away when encountering cases, and often makes Xiaolan angry, but he is also the one who is willing to risk his life for Xiaolan!" Hanemiya Akiya said .

"Hey! Why don't you just say the next sentence? Why are you so verbose in front of me!?" Conan cursed in his heart.

"Senior Yumiya, Mengyu, please stop talking..." Xiaolan lowered her head, the blush on her face getting stronger.

"Look, I'm just shy!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

"What about the Kudo you were talking about? Why didn't he come?" the girl asked again.

"You idiot, that Kudo isn't..."


Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Conan coughed at the same time.

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and then continued with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Kudo didn't come because he had something to do."

"Huh? Is that so?" The girl looked at Hattori Heiji suspiciously.

"Let's talk about the Persuasion Department. We've been chatting for so long, but you haven't introduced this lady to us yet." Yu Gongming changed the topic at the right time.

"Oh! Her name is Toyama Kazuha, and she is my childhood sweetheart. Because her father is the criminal director of the Osaka Police Station, and she and my father are old friends, so we have known each other since we were children." Hattori Heiji said.

"I see, the daughter of a young detective and a police officer is not very auspicious for these childhood sweethearts!" Mouri Kogoro said in a strange tone.

"What's so unlucky? I think it's pretty good!" Xiaolan obviously disagreed with her father's point of view.

"Uncle Maoli, you are probably the only one who feels bad here, right?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Hmph! I'm not as knowledgeable as you kids!" Mouri Kogoro snorted.

"Hey, so why did you, this woman, come here?" Hattori Heiji asked again.

"Didn't I tell you? I originally thought you were here to entertain girls from Tokyo, so I followed you as my sister. I can't let you be easily deceived by some girls with ulterior motives!" Toyama and Ye Be confident and confident.

"You are really nosy, and when did you become my sister?" Hattori Heiji said angrily.

"Isn't it? I'm older than you!" Yuan Shan and Ye also raised their eyebrows.

The two of them started arguing in front of Yu Gongming and others.

Mengyu suddenly came close to Xiaolan's ear and whispered: "Hey, Xiaolan, seeing these two people, I feel that my brother is actually very gentle to you..."

"Well... Shinichi really hasn't been too cruel to me." Xiaolan's blush that had faded climbed up her cheeks again.

"How dare I harm you? If I really dare to harm you, I might have to face a beating from my uncle, Aunt Yingli, you, and Meng Yu."

Conan thought of the fighting prowess of the above people, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Hattori, we've finished eating the octopus balls. Let's go look elsewhere." Akira Hanamiya finally spoke, interrupting the quarrel between the happy enemies.

Hattori Heiji, who was having a heated argument with Toyama and Ye, was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that he had just argued in front of the guests, and he was suddenly embarrassed.

"Uh, sorry, sorry, where else do you want to go?" Hattori Heiji asked.

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