Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 193 Serial Murder Case


Hattori Heiji pushed open the door to the rooftop.

With a glance, a man who was standing by the rooftop railing looking down was immediately targeted.

The man seemed to be attracted by the movement behind him. He turned around and looked at the detectives with a blank expression.

Hattori Heiji narrowed his eyes, slowly approached the man, and sneered:

"Huh, you were the one who pushed that person down, right?"

The man was stunned when he heard this, then shook his head and waved his hands: "'s not me! As soon as I opened the door, that person had already fallen down!"

"Oh? Then why did you come to this roof?" Yu Gongming asked with a frown.

"Well, to be honest, I actually run a coffee shop on the second floor of this building. I just received a strange phone call. The phone said there was a strange person on the roof of the building. He asked me to come up and take a look. I just Come up." The man explained.

Several detectives raised their eyebrows when they heard this.

"Then please go down with us. There is a police officer below. We need to ask you some questions." Hattori Heiji said.

"Okay... okay." The man nodded.


"I was called up with just one phone call. I always feel like something is wrong!" Mouri Kogoro stared at the man with a suspicious look on his face.

"That's not surprising. People here in Kansai are very enthusiastic. Sometimes if you ask for directions, they will take you directly to your destination. I can understand the reaction of this coffee shop owner." Hattori Heiji said.

"But, if it wasn't him, then the person who called him was the real murderer. So what was the murderer's purpose for doing this?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"I think I probably know why." Yu Gongming pointed at the corpse.

"Look, there is a rope tied to the body, and a long section of the rope extends from the body."

"I think the murderer tied the body with a rope, then fixed the other end of the rope to the rooftop door, and then placed the body on the railing, creating a fragile balance between gravity and tension."

"Then the murderer called the boss. When he came to the roof and opened the door to the rooftop, the fragile balance was broken and the body fell down."

"By the way, in order to cover the body, the murderer should have used that plastic bag to disguise himself." Akira Hanomiya pointed to a large plastic bag that fell on the ground near the patrol car.

"Preliminary judgment shows that the deceased has been killed for more than a day. The murderer had already killed the deceased a day ago, so why did he go to all the trouble to make the deceased fall from the building?" Conan frowned.

"Maybe it's for punishment?" Hattori Heiji said, touching his chin.

"Punishment?" Conan wondered.

"Wait a minute, I remember that there have been two cases of the deceased being stabbed through the chest in Osaka recently." Akira Hanamiya suddenly said.

"Huh? Are you still paying attention to our case in Osaka, Hanomiya?" Hattori Heiji asked doubtfully.

"Because I always thought it would not be easy for you to find us to go to Osaka, so I checked the recent cases reported in Osaka."

"It turned out that I found it. One of the cases was located in Toyonaka City, and the other was located in Makata City."

"The two cases were more than ten kilometers apart, and the time interval was as long as a week, and there were no witnesses. Therefore, the two cases were not linked in the media reports."

"However, according to the description in the media, the deceased were stabbed through the chest with a knife blade. Now after seeing this body, I think of these two cases." Hanemiya Mingdao.

"Hey! Do you have any prejudice against me? I invited you to come to Osaka with good intentions, but you were speculated like this..." Hattori Heiji muttered unhappily, and then his face became serious:

"But your senses are indeed keen. Yes, this is indeed the third case of this kind."

Hattori Heiji said as he gently opened the pocket of his jacket that was pierced by the blade, revealing the wallet that was also pierced inside.

"Sure enough, the blade pierced the wallet directly and penetrated the heart again."

At this time, there was suddenly a sound of running footsteps coming from behind.

Several people turned around and saw the back of a woman quickly squeezing through the crowd of onlookers and running into the distance.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Seeing this, several detectives quickly chased after the woman.

However, because they discovered it too late, even if Yumiya Ming and others were faster than the woman, they still couldn't catch up in a short time.

As a result, the woman hid in a white van, quickly started the car, and drove away.

"Damn it! Let her run away!" Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth.

"It doesn't matter, I've already written down her license plate number." Conan pushed up his glasses and smiled.

Soon, other members of the police arrived at the scene. The coffee shop owner was temporarily listed as an important suspect and taken away by the police. Akira Hanamiya and his party also temporarily terminated their travel plan in order to cooperate with the police investigation.


Osaka Higashijiri Police Station Office.

"Have you not found anything in common between the deceased?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Yes, although the three deceased were born, grew up, studied, and worked in Osaka, they were all in different areas. At present, other than the modus operandi, no other connection has been found." Hattori Heiji shook his head.

"Could it be that they were retaliated because they owed someone money? After all, their wallets were pierced." He Ye guessed.

"No, the police checked and found that they do not have any suspicious debts, and their identities do not seem to be able to have financial relations with others."

"The first deceased, Mr. Hidetoshi Nagao, was the store manager of a supermarket; the second deceased, Tashiro Nishiguchi, was the proprietress of a small hotel; and the Mr. Kazuto Noyasu who was just discovered was a taxi driver."

"Heiji brother!" Sakata Yusuke ran into the office with excitement on his face:

"I've found what the dead have in common!"

"Oh? Found it?" Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up!

"That's right!" Sakata Yusuke said, pushing a videotape into the projector in the office.

A picture was immediately played on the projection screen.

In the picture, a high-end car was surrounded by many media with cameras. The flashlights lit up from time to time, and those people kept shouting "Regional Secretary Councilor".

"Huh? Isn't this news about the corruption and dereliction of duty of Goji Sotaro, who was a prefectural council member six years ago?" Hattori Heiji raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! I remember this!" Mouri Kogoro recalled:

"At that time, it was said that this was a rumor spread by the secretary of the township council member. The secretary also took the blame and resigned. The matter ended up being nothing. But I remember that the secretary's last name seemed to be Nagao...wait a minute!" Kogoro suddenly widened his eyes.

"Yes, that secretary is Mr. Nagao Hidetoshi." Hattori Heiji said.

"Well, but the clues I'm talking about are not just this. Look..." Sakata Yusuke pointed to somewhere on the screen.

Everyone's eyes also focused on Sakata Yusuke's fingers.

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