Room 408, Xidu Apartment.

Akira Hanomiya and his party arrived in front of Okazaki Sumie's house.

Hattori Heiji rang the doorbell.

"It's... who is it..." A slightly panicked female voice came from inside.

"Hello, Ms. Okazaki, this is Sakata who called you just now. This is my police officer ID!" Sakata Yusuke put the police officer ID in front of the cat.

A few seconds later, the door slowly opened, and a haggard and anxious middle-aged female face came into view.

"You're finally here, I'm about to collapse!" Sumie Okazaki's mood was still a little unstable.

"Miss Okazaki, please stay calm and let us in first." Sakata Yusuke said.

"Okay... please come in." Okazaki Sumie stepped aside.

Several people entered the room, changed into slippers, and followed Okazaki Sumie to the living room.

"If you have any questions, just ask them. I will tell you what I know. I just hope you can protect me..." Okazaki Sumie whispered.

"Then let's start with why you ran away at that time." Hattori Heiji said.

"The thing is like this. At 1:08 in the afternoon, I received a phone message. The message asked me to go to Shinsaibashi and let me meet my old friends..."

"Past friend? Is it the deceased?" Conan asked.

"Yes, when I saw him falling from such a high place with a knife stuck in his chest, I was really frightened, so I ran away in a hurry."

"And when I got home, there was another message on the phone at 1:10, saying [Did you see that, you are the one who will die next]."

"Oh? Can we listen to the message?" Sakata Yusuke asked.

"Okay, the answering machine is over there." Sumie Okazaki pointed in a certain direction.

Several people came to the phone and began to listen to the messages.

[You go to Shinsaibashi now, and I will let you meet old friends from there - 1:08 pm]

【see it? The next one to die is you - 1:10 pm]

"He is very cautious. His voice has been processed. At most, he can only be heard as male." Conan said solemnly.

"It seems that the murderer was very sure that Miss Okazaki would go to Shinsaibashi, so he left a second message only two minutes later." Hattori Heiji said thoughtfully.

"Wait a minute, I think we need to search this living room." Yu Gongming suddenly said.

"You suspect that the murderer installed a bug in the living room, so you knew that Miss Okazaki was out?" Conan, who has had many similar experiences, instantly understood the implication of Akira Hanomiya's words.

"Miss Okazaki, is it okay?" Yusuke Sakata asked Sumie Okazaki for his opinion.

Okazaki Sumie nodded without hesitation.

Now her life is almost at risk, and she can't control that much anymore.

After obtaining permission, several people began to search in the living room.

Akira Hanomiya has been watching Yusuke Sakata intentionally or unintentionally to see what action he will take.

If he remembered correctly, this person should be the murderer of this series of serial murders.

I saw Sakata Yusuke move the vase on a standing cabinet near the entrance. Under the vase, a very suspicious black flat square object was revealed.

The square object was about slightly larger than a ring and seemed to have bright spots shining on it.

Seeing this, Sakata Yusuke turned his body slightly to cover his right hand, then picked up the suspicious object and put it into his pocket, without any intention of informing others.

"Officer Sakata!"

The voice from behind made Yusuke Sakata freeze.

He turned his head and asked, pretending to be confused: "Detective Hanomiya, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I just saw that you seemed to have discovered something, so I wanted to ask you to show it to us." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Um...I did find a suspicious device just now." Yusuke Sakata had no choice but to walk towards Akira Hanamiya with the device.

Conan and Hattori Heiji heard the conversation between the two and stopped what they were doing and came closer.

"This is it." Sakata Yusuke showed the black square object to several people.

"Hmm... It seems this is a bug. Look, the signal light is still flashing!" Hattori Heiji said excitedly.

"Take it back and examine it to see if you can find the murderer's fingerprints." Conan said.

"Well, then I will keep this bug for the time being." Sakata Yusuke said, putting the bug into his pocket.

"Now that the bug has been discovered, it is a reasonable explanation that the murderer knew that Miss Okazaki was out." Akira Hanomiya continued:

"Then next, the murderer needs to accurately let Ms. Okazaki see the scene of Noyasu Kazuto falling from the building."

"To do this, the murderer must have been at Shinsaibashi at the time. He first saw Miss Okazaki in Shinsaibashi, and then designed the falling scene to achieve the purpose of intimidation." Hattori Heiji quickly followed. I followed Yu Gongming's idea.

"So that's it. It seems that the murderer has quite a hatred for this Miss Okazaki." Sakata Yusuke agreed, but his heart felt tight.

These detectives are so terrifying. They can almost deduce their actions through just a few words spoken by Okazaki Sumie.

"Miss Okazaki, please tell me now, what is your relationship with Kazuto Noyasu, who died today, and Hidetoshi Nagao and Tayo Nishiguchi who died before?" Hattori Heiji looked at Sumie Okazaki, who was at a loss.

"Yes, actually, those guys and I all graduated from a driving training school twenty years ago. At that time, we were all trained by a very strict instructor."

"Stern instructor?"

"Yes, that instructor's name is Inaba Tetsuji. He is a famous devil instructor in the training school. Several of us have suffered a lot at his hands."

"On the day we graduated, we wanted to punish the instructor, so we tried to get the instructor drunk and then coaxed him into the car."

"We had tampered with that car, and the brake fluid had been leaked out in advance."

"We just wanted to see how panicked he was when he found out he couldn't brake. Who knew, but in the end he died in a car accident..."

"At that time, several of us realized that the matter was serious, but fortunately because he had indeed drunk a lot of alcohol, and because the car was severely damaged, the police did not find any problems with the brake fluid, so the case was closed as an accident."

"At that time, several of us agreed that we would strictly keep this secret. However, now that they are being killed one after another, I am really about to collapse!"

Okazaki Sumie couldn't help but cover her face with her hands, and she could faintly see the tears falling between her fingers.

However, after listening to her account, several people present no longer had the slightest sympathy for her current behavior.

"I see. No wonder everyone had their wallets pierced with blades. They all had their driver's licenses in their wallets. So this is what the murderer wanted to convey to you." Hattori Heiji suddenly said.

"That is to say, there are two possibilities now. First, one of you wants to silence all of you and completely eliminate the possibility of the secret being leaked;"

"Second, someone close to Inaba Tetsuji found out the truth about what happened back then and began to take revenge on you." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"So Aunt Okazaki, besides you and the deceased, who else were involved in this incident?" Conan asked.

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