Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 21 The Art Museum Continuation Battle (Part 2)

The day after Director Ochiai was admitted to hospital.

Several newspapers such as [Mihua Daily] and [Mihua Morning News] simultaneously published a piece of news on very conspicuous pages. The general content of the news is:

[Unscrupulous capital wants to convert the museum into a hotel because it dislikes the low economic benefits of the museum. In order to attract customers and improve the economic benefits of the museum, the 70-year-old director put on armor and wandered around the museum late at night to cause supernatural events. Yesterday , the old curator had not been able to get enough sleep for a long time, and the armor he wore was too heavy, and he was finally overworked, causing hypoglycemia and fainting. Fortunately, he was discovered by the museum staff and sent to the hospital in time to avoid the tragedy. 】

The news article described in thick words how much the old curator loved art and how much effort he had made for this art museum. At the same time, he also laid out some of the previous misdeeds of the capital behind the art museum, namely Boss Zhenzhong’s company. When it comes out, it seems to be objective but in fact it is very tendentious to mark that company as a "target".

As soon as the news was released, public opinion was in an uproar!

Since the media was in the same direction, they all sympathized with the old curator and condemned the demolition of the art museum and converted it into a hotel, which set the tone of the entire public opinion.

Japan has always been a country that pays attention to respecting its elders. After reading the report, many citizens expressed emotion and sympathy for the efforts and experiences of the old curator, and expressed indignation at the behavior of the company. Some citizens even came to government agencies to petition. , requesting that the museum not be demolished.

Boss Manaka heard about this incident and quickly contacted the media to start public relations.

However, just as the media began to whitewash the company, new information emerged.

It turns out that Kubota, a staff member of the art museum, resold the art from the museum without permission, and Manaka's boss demanded huge damages from Kubota.

However, after investigation, it was discovered that the works of art resold by Kubota actually ended up in the hands of Manaka's boss!

One wave after another, and as soon as this incident broke out, the people became even more angry, and there was one wave after another of denunciation of that company.

And among those who work in shopping malls, who doesn’t have competitors?

When the competitors of that company saw this situation, they naturally did not miss the opportunity to beat the loser, and rushed to disclose the dirty information about which company to the media.

Finally, under pressure from all parties, the company finally issued a public statement stating that it would continue to fund the operation of the art museum and pay the director's medical expenses and a certain amount of compensation for mental damage.

The boss of Zhenzhong was also investigated by the police for suspected fraud, and the new person in charge of the company is currently debating.


Maori Detective Agency.

"I'll go, this is a big commotion. The whole Mihua Town is boiling. A big company has just changed its boss. It's amazing!" Yu Gongming looked at the newspaper with a look of amazement, and looked at Mengyu with a hidden look. One glance.

"Well, it's thanks to Uncle Maori's superb detective skills that he investigated Kubota's matter. Otherwise, after that company started public relations, things might not go so smoothly." Meng Yu smiled and looked at Maori who looked proud. Kogoro: "I will deliver the five hundred thousand yuan commission fee tomorrow."

"Oh, Mengyu, you are so polite. I have watched you grow up, how can I have the nerve to ask for your money? I will be satisfied if you bring me a few bottles of good wine next time, hahaha! "

"Dad! Dad!" Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro with dissatisfaction.

"It's okay, Xiaolan, uncle really helped a lot this time. Since there is no commission fee, a few bottles of good wine are also due." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll make an exception this time." Xiaolan finally nodded, and then showed a comfortable smile: "But it's really great. The museum can continue to operate, thanks to everyone's efforts."

"Yes, after all, there are still many people who love art." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." After a few more pleasantries, Yu Gongming said goodbye.

"Then I'll take my leave." Meng Yu also said.

"Well, Sister Xiaolan, I went to the doctor's house to play." Conan also said in a cute voice.

Then, the three people left the office together.

"Eh? They are..." Xiaolan was confused.


Yu Gongming and the other three were walking on the street. Conan looked at Meng Yu and said, "Hey, tell me what's going on."

"What's going on?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

"Come here, the staff found out that Director Ochiai had fainted so early in the morning, and there was no one at the museum. They were immediately sent to the hospital. How did those reporters know that Director Ochiai's armor could move in the middle of the night? He happened to be here so early in the morning. When I went to the art museum, I happened to see Director Ochiai wearing armor, and I happened to be curious enough to interview Director Ochiai?"

A confident smile flashed at the corner of Conan's mouth and he said: "Also, even if there is such a reporter who really meets the conditions I mentioned above, then why did several newspapers report this news the next day? Several reporters formed a group to interview Director Ochiai? Or the reporter who selflessly shared the news with his colleagues?"

"In addition, on the day Director Ochiai was admitted to the hospital, you came to ask your uncle to investigate matters related to Kubota and Boss Manaka. Obviously, you have already been in contact with Director Ochiai, otherwise you would not have been able to obtain this information."

"So, the mastermind behind this series of disturbances is actually you!" Conan concluded.

"Ouch!" Conan covered his head with a look of pain on his face.

Meng Yu withdrew his fist expressionlessly and said: "Please pay attention to your wording. What does it mean to be the mastermind? Can we call it a good thing? In an ancient Chinese saying, it means hiding one's merit and fame!"

"Okay, let's hide our merit and fame." Conan was persuaded by Dream Physics, changed his words, and then asked: "But I have a doubt, Director Ochiai's fainting should have been arranged by you, right? If not If arrangements are made in advance, the media cannot move so quickly.”

"It was indeed arranged by us." Yu Gongming said.

"Oh? If it's a fake fainting, it shouldn't be able to fool the doctor. If it's a real fainting, aren't you afraid that something will happen to Director Ochiai?"

"No, we will hide in the art museum in advance. When the museum employees arrive, the curator will inject the prepared insulin, and then use the blood-soluble anesthetic invented by the doctor to make Director Ochiai fall asleep. That's how you shoot Maori Uncle's kind, but the dosage is a little larger, after all, the sleep time will be longer." Yu Gongming said.

" turns out that blood-soluble anesthetics are used to make the curator fall asleep to give the illusion of coma, and then insulin is used to lower blood sugar. But when we get to the hospital, the anesthetics have already dissolved in the blood and cannot be detected, so the doctor will use the symptoms of hypoglycemia , it was judged to be a coma caused by hypoglycemia." Conan suddenly realized.

"In addition, we have consulted doctors about the dosage of insulin and anesthetics, so that Director Ochiai will not be seriously life-threatening." Akira Hanamiya added.

"Those media..." Conan hesitated, but Mengyu already understood what he wanted to ask.

"Many of those media outlets have gradually risen because of the serialization of my father's mystery novels. They have to pay back occasionally, right? And I didn't let them work in vain. I spent nearly five million yuan along the way." Meng Yu smiled.

"By the way, this five million yuan seems to be less than one-fifth of Meng Yu's stored pocket money. The Kudo family is really rich..." Hanemiya complained secretly.

"Hey, Mengyu, you are creating fake news, which is barely illegal. Although the results are good, don't do such things in the future." Conan said seriously.

"It's better to break the law than commit a crime." Hanemiya Ming said.

"What's the meaning?"

Yu Gongming said: "The moving medieval armor was indeed worn by the curator to walk around in the middle of the night. On top of this, I will give you two additional clues. First, that armor was equipped with an extremely heavy and sharp weapon. The long sword was made of iron, and the floor tiles on the floor of the exhibition hall where the armor was displayed were damaged in many places, which seemed to have been caused by cutting with a sharp weapon."

Conan pondered for a while, and then his expression changed: "Did Director Ochiai originally want to..."

"Yes." Yu Gongming confirmed Conan's guess.

Conan's expression changed for a while, and then he exhaled softly: "Okay, I'll forgive you this time, but I still don't want you to use such means, even if it's to do good things."

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu both nodded in agreement. As for whether similar methods will be used in the future...who knows?

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