Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 218 The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind

The next morning.

The back door of Mitsubishi Bank.

A cash transport truck slowly stopped.

The bank has already had staff here to make connections.

The back door of the cash transport truck opened, and an escort armed with a shotgun walked out of it first, watching the surroundings with vigilance.

After a moment, he saw that there was nothing unusual around him, and then he gestured towards the car.

Another escort armed with a shotgun also walked out.

Then came two accompanying bank financial officers, each holding a metal box the size of a suitcase.

Seeing this, the staff in charge of docking quickly came over, took the metal box, quickly put the box into the cart, and immediately pushed it into the bank.

Soon, the finance department carried out two more metal boxes, and the docking staff put them into the cart and pushed them into the bank in the same manner.

This is a total of one billion yuan in cash transported this time.

Seeing that all the cash had successfully entered the bank, the two accompanying financial personnel entered the bank along with the staff.


The back door of the bank was closed.

When the two escorts saw that all the banknotes had entered the bank, they still maintained their police presence, walked backwards back to the cash transport truck, and slowly closed the door.

Not long after, the cash transport truck drove away from the back entrance of the bank.

However, just as the cash transport truck turned into another road, a black Volkswagen stopped in front of the back door of the bank.

Then, three figures wearing black tights and black hoods got out of the car.

And they all had firearms in their hands!

Two of them were armed with Walter PPK pistols, while the leader's equipment was much better. He actually got an M16A2 automatic rifle from nowhere!

The three of them quickly arrived at the back door of the bank.

The leading figure took out a magnetic card and approached the sensing area of ​​the back door.

The anti-theft door, which could only be entered by bank employees by swiping their cards, was successfully unlocked after a beep.

The leading figure pushed open the door, and the three of them rushed into the bank!

They seemed to be quite familiar with the structure of the bank. After entering the bank, they walked directly towards the bank vault without any hesitation.

Not long after, several people arrived at the entrance of the bank vault.

The leading figure smoothly closed the door leading to the bank's lobby.

At this time, several bank treasurers were preparing to open the metal box and count the banknotes inside.

The sudden arrival of unexpected guests surprised them all!

"You...who are you?" one of them asked.

However, what answered him was a gunshot!


The leading figure fired a shot into the sky and said coldly:

"Everyone hold their heads and squat down, hurry up!"

This voice was quite strange, and I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. Obviously, the person who made the voice used a voice changer.

The sound of gunfire shocked everyone. Out of the instinct of self-preservation, all the bank employees quickly squatted down and held their heads with their hands.

"Quickly, take all those banknotes away!" the leading figure said to the two companions on the side.

The two companions nodded, put away their pistols, and came to the boxes they had just opened. Each of them picked up a box and ran outside.

The leading figure still pointed his gun at the people squatting in front of him with their heads in their hands, to prevent these people from intending to resist.

They only want money and don't want to hurt anyone.

Soon, the two accomplices turned back again and picked up the other two boxes.

At this time, there was suddenly a violent banging sound on the door leading to the front hall, and then a piercing alarm sounded throughout the bank!

"Withdraw!" the leader said.

The other two nodded, picked up the box and ran towards the back door. The leading figure still pointed his gun at a group of bank employees and quickly backed away.

Soon, the three people retreated from the back door of the bank. The two companions quickly put the money box full of banknotes into the opened trunk of the car.

However, at this moment.

A figure suddenly flashed out from the side.

The three robbers had not yet seen the figure clearly. The next moment, the leading figure felt that his hands were empty.

The pupils of the leading figure suddenly shrank!

In front of them, a figure also wearing a black tights and a ghost face mask was looking at the three of them coldly.

And in his hand, the M16A2 suddenly appeared!

The next moment, the figure flashed.

boom! boom!

Two muffled sounds were heard, and the two robbers carrying the cash box fell to the ground.

They were knocked unconscious with rifle butts.

"What a neat move!" The leading figure was secretly surprised.


The sirens belonging to the Metropolitan Police Department are gradually approaching.

"You, go and drive immediately!" the grimacing figure said to the original owner of the M16A2.

The original bandit leader stood frozen for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Under gunpoint, the bandit leader could only silently open the cab door.

The grimace figure got into the back seat of the car. Still pointing the gun at the bandit leader.

"Follow the route I told you!" the person in the back row said coldly.

The bandit leader had no choice but to do as he was told.

Soon, the black Volkswagen quickly drove away from Mitsubishi Bank.

The black Volkswagen turned around and finally stopped beside a remote road.

There was also a white Toyota SUV parked near the black Volkswagen.

Two figures also wearing grimace masks stepped out of the white Toyota.

They quickly came to the back of the black Volkswagen, opened the trunk, and began to move the metal boxes inside to the white Toyota.

Soon, all the banknotes in the car were transferred.

"Get out of the car!" said the grimacing figure sitting in the back row of the Volkswagen.

The bandit leader could only do as he was told.

The two got out of the Volkswagen and came directly to the SUV.

The rear door of the SUV has already been opened.

The two grimacing figures who had just moved the cash box were sitting in the back row.

"Get in the car." The tone of the gun-wielding figure with a grimace became much softer.

The bandit leader hesitated for a moment and then entered the car.

The gun-wielding figure with a grimace sat in the cab.

The SUV started and quickly drove away from the place.

About ten seconds later. A white Mazda arrived.

The car door opened, and two young men in ordinary clothes got out of the car and went straight to the black Volkswagen.

One of them directly tried to pull the car door, and the door was opened instantly.

The two of them checked the car inside and out, their expressions gradually becoming ugly.

One of them quickly picked up his cell phone and dialed a number:

"Brother Vodka, what's wrong, Miyano Akemi and the one billion yuan were robbed!"

"What? You losers! What's going on?" Vodka's angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes... when Miyano Akemi and the others were finishing the robbery and preparing to leave, a man wearing a ghost mask suddenly appeared. Not only did he snatch away Miyano Akemi's rifle, but he also knocked out two of her accomplices. Noakimei was threatened by that grimace figure and got into the car."

"Due to the sudden incident, by the time we reacted, Miyano Akemi's car had already left."

"We drove after her and activated the transmitter installed in her car."

"But when we arrived, both Miyano Akemi and the billion dollars were gone!"

"Asshole! Tell me your current location!" Vodka said coldly.

"Yes!" The young man quickly reported the specific location.

After hearing the location, Vodka hung up the phone directly.


On a white Toyota.

Miyano Akemi sat in the middle of the back row, sandwiched between two grimacing figures.

"Who are you?" Miyano Akemi asked.

She didn't expect to get an answer, but the two ghostly figures took off the ghostly masks on their faces after hearing her words.

Miyano Akemi's eyes suddenly opened wide!

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