Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 27 Kogoro Mori’s Class Reunion

After returning from Moon Shadow Island, Yu Gongming lived a peaceful life for a few days. Conan's death physique seems to have subsided a little, and there haven't been any cases in the past few days.

Although it was Hanemiya Akira who reported to the police, with the assistance of Hanemiya Akira and others, the police arrested Kawashima and other people involved in the drug trade, and finally followed the clues and destroyed the entire drug trafficking network.

According to past practice, if a recently well-known detective like Hanemiya Akira Mori Kogoro is involved in such a big case, the news media should write a big book about it.

But in the news, neither Akira Hanamiya, Kogoro Mori, nor Minoru Aso were mentioned.

This is what Hanomiya Akira specifically told Officer Megure.

The drug trafficking network is different from ordinary murder and robbery cases. There are too many interested parties involved. Hamamiya Akira doesn't want to fall into the eyes of some people, so he chose to keep a low profile this time.

Officer Megure naturally agreed to Hanamiya Akira's request.

Not to mention that Akira Hanomiya and Kogoro Mouri have helped the police many times. With this little help, Officer Megure has no reason not to help.

Even from the police and personal standpoints, since detectives are not mentioned, the credit belongs to the police. As the police officer leading the team, I naturally benefit a lot, and I have no reason to refuse.

By the way, in order to forget the past, Aso Minoru completely abandoned the surname Aso and officially changed his name to Asai Narumi.

She quit her job as a doctor on Moon Shadow Island and returned to Tokyo. She is now working as a school nurse at Tedan Elementary School. Her gentle and intellectual temperament and friendly smile make her very popular among the children.

In order to express his gratitude, Asai Narumi once again paid a commission fee of 500,000 yuan. Hanomiya Akira could not shirk it, so he accepted the money.

Today, Yu Gongming went to Meng Yu's house for dinner as usual.

On the way to Meng Yu's house, they happened to meet Meng Yu who was going to buy ingredients, so the two decided to go together.

Soon, the two of them finished purchasing the ingredients. Of course, Akira Yumiya carried all the ingredients in a gentlemanly manner.

Although both hands were not free, when he thought that these things would turn into delicious food and enter his stomach later, Yu Gongming suddenly felt that the things in his hands were much lighter.

While the two were walking, there was a sudden commotion in front of them.

Then, the two of them saw a man running rampant, squeezing through the crowd, and rushing toward them!

The two men's eyes flashed at the same time.

They all saw what the man was holding.

On the left hand is a large leather bag with no idea what is inside.

And the right a pistol!

Behind the man, a voice shouted: "Damn robber, don't run!"

"It's Uncle Maori's voice..." Yu Gongming made a judgment instantly.

After exchanging glances with Mengyu, Yu Gongming moved his body and came to the side of the man with the gun without leaving a trace. Then when he was about to pass by the man, he suddenly stretched out his right foot, and then said, One hook...

While the man with the gun was running rapidly, he suddenly felt his left foot tripped by something, and then a sudden force came from behind, pulling his left foot backward.

But his right foot and upper body still followed the inertia and rushed forward.

As a result, the man holding the gun lost his balance without any suspense, and his body tilted forward uncontrollably.

At this moment, Meng Yu cut the man's right wrist with a knife and hit it hard!

The man screamed in pain, and the gun flew out of his hand!

With quick eyes and quick hands, Meng Yu grabbed the pistol that just flew out.

At the same time, Yu Gongming retracted the foot that had trapped the robber, took two quick steps back, and kneed the man in the stomach!


Yu Gongming's power was so great that even though he had some control, he still knocked the man completely away!

The man who was knocked away felt severe pain in his wrist and stomach. Before he understood what happened, he felt the world around him spinning again, and then his whole body came into close contact with the ground!

Under the strong impact, the man tilted his head and passed out.

Many citizens who saw this scene were stunned.

"Nani? Is this a movie?" Many people had similar questions in their hearts.


"Uncle Mouri's sword never grows old..." Akira Hanamiya admired as he watched the man flying out being thrown over his shoulder by Kogoro Moori who was chasing him.

"Uncle Maoli is said to be the top player in their university's judo club!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"It's Meng Yu and Yu Gong boy! I was wondering why this bandit suddenly flew back. It turned out that he was blocked by you two."

Mouri Kogoro also discovered the two of Hanemiya Akira.

"Seeing that he had a gun in his hand and hearing Uncle Maori's voice, we naturally knew that he was not a good person, so we took action." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"Dad, have you caught the robber?" A gentle female voice sounded, and the figures of Conan and Xiaolan also appeared in Yu Gongming's eyes.

"Already subdued." Mouri Kogoro pointed to the robber lying on the ground.

"I really want to thank Mr. Mouri this time. You are indeed a famous detective!" Several people dressed as guards appeared and thanked Kogoro Moori.

"No, this is what I should do, but Hanemiya and the others also helped a lot." Mouri Kogoro was a little proud when he heard the praise, but he did not forget the contributions of Hanemiya Akira and Mengyu.

"Eh? Is this Detective Hanomiya who is as famous as Detective Mori?" The guard seemed to know Akira Hanomiya too.

"I am Yu Gongming." Yu Gongming nodded slightly.

"Thanks to Hanomiya boy and the others for stopping the robber, I was able to subdue the robber." Mouri Kogoro added.

Mengyu handed the pistol to the guard, and the guard thanked Mengyu again.

"Ah, I really appreciate your help this time. Let's take our leave then." After the guard finished speaking, he escorted the robber away.

At this time, a female voice suddenly sounded.

"Kogoro? Why are you here?"

"Yumi?" Mouri Kogoro looked at the direction where the voice came from and said in surprise.

A woman with a mature, charming face and good temperament came to the Maori people.

"Yumi, why are you here?" Mouri Kogoro asked in confusion.

"My company is nearby. I'm here to have lunch." The woman named Yumi smiled.

"Aunt Yumi, long time no see!" Xiaolan greeted Yumi enthusiastically.

"Oh, it's Xiaolan, long time no see, she's getting more and more beautiful!" Yumi looked at Xiaolan and praised with a smile.

"Ah, this is my college classmate Yumi Horikoshi, and these two are my juniors Akira Hanomiya and Mengyu Kudo. This is the kid Conan who lives in my house."

Mouri Kogoro introduced each other to people who didn't know them yet.

"Oh? You are the recently famous Detective Hanomiya, right? And the person next to you is Kudo-kun who won the individual championship at the Karate National Competition, right? I have been a famous name for a long time." Yumi Horikoshi said with a smile.

"Hello, Aunt Yumi!" The two of them greeted Yumi Horikoshi.

Horikoshi Yumi smiled kindly at the two of them, and then said to Mouri Kogoro: "Don't forget about the class reunion this week, Xiaolan, see you then!"

Horikoshi Yumi said, nodded to several people and then walked away.

"Wait a minute, Yumi, Xiaolan..." Moori Kogoro was shocked when he heard this, and wanted to explain something to Horikoshi Yumi, but Horikoshi Yumi's figure was already gone.

"Dad! Dad! What's your reaction? Don't you plan to take me to your class reunion? There are hot springs there. I've always wanted to take a bath in the hot springs!" Xiaolan put her hands on her hips, leaned forward, and He stared at Mouri Kogoro with a dissatisfied face.

"Um, what are you going to do at my class reunion? I will bring you and Conan delicious food..." Mouri Kogoro quickly explained.

"No! Aunt Yumei and I have made an appointment. You have to take me there!" Xiaolan said reluctantly.

"When did you make the appointment? Also, domestic travel is very expensive now. If you go, that brat Conan will also have to go with you. I have to pay for three people!"

Mouri Kogoro got excited and told the truth.

"Sure enough, dad is stingy!" Xiaolan's pink fist clenched as her anger level rose rapidly.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Mouri Kogoro's forehead.

"Okay Xiaolan, I'm also very interested in hot springs. I'll pay for you and Conan's expenses. Just treat it like I'm inviting you to the hot springs!" Meng Yu came out with a smile to smooth things over.

"Isn't this... too much trouble?" Xiaolan wanted to go, but she was embarrassed to ask Meng Yu to invite her, and she was confused for a while.

"It's okay, we have been friends since childhood, so don't worry about this." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll bother you with Mengyu, Conan, come here and thank Sister Mengyu!" Xiaolan's mood suddenly turned cloudy, and she smiled and said to Conan beside her.

"Hey! Why are you involved with me..." Conan, who had been watching the show, looked confused.

Then, under Xiaolan's "loving gaze" and Mengyu's teasing eyes, she reluctantly said:

"Thank you Mengyu...sister...sister!" Conan almost squeezed the last two words out from between his teeth.

"Well, Conan is so polite!" Mengyu rubbed Conan's dog's head "kindly".

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