Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 294 The show is about to begin

On the third floor of the building, in the room where counterfeit banknotes are made.

The woman glanced at the monitor again and frowned slightly.

"Strange, why haven't Inuyama and Uchida come back yet?"

The screen on the monitor was currently fixed at the stairway from the third floor to the second floor. Just a few minutes ago, Inuyama and Uchida had just gone down from this staircase to the second floor to deal with the two [ignorant high school students]. .

However, until now, Inuyama and Uchida had not come up from the stairs.

"Did something happen?" There was a faint uneasiness in the woman's heart.

The next moment, she forced down her uneasiness and comforted herself: "Maybe the two high school students resisted more fiercely, or they needed to spend time disposing of the corpses. I should be overly concerned..."

After all, although Inuyama and Uchida have not learned professional fighting skills, they have been in gangs and have quite a lot of experience in street fighting. It should not be a problem to deal with two high school students.

Boom, boom, boom!

A knock on the door interrupted the woman's thoughts.

"Huh... they're finally back." The woman breathed a sigh of relief and came to the door to open it.

Just when her fingertips were about to touch the door handle, she paused.

"Strange, why didn't I see them on the monitor just now?"

"Sister! Open the door. We have already taken care of those two high school students!" Uchida's voice came from outside the door.

After hearing this voice, the woman instantly put down her doubts. Maybe they happened to pass by the monitor when she was distracted, so she missed it?

So, the woman opened the door with confidence.

The moment the door opened a crack, a huge force suddenly came from behind the door.


The woman who was caught off guard was knocked to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, she saw two people rushing into the room.

"It's...them? How could it be?" The woman's eyes widened.

The two people in front of her were exactly the two lovers she defined as [ignorant high school students].

Yu Gongming quickly glanced at the scene in the room and made an instant judgment:

"A high school student should be Junya's brother, and a bearded man wearing a bandage should be the counterfeit banknote painter who was injured before. Then, the woman who fell on the ground should be the [eldest sister]."

With a flash of light in Yu Gongming's eyes, he immediately pounced on the fallen woman and pinned her to the ground.

At the same time, Mengyu rushed in front of the bandaged bearded man and hit him hard on the side of the neck before he could react.

The bearded man groaned and fell straight down.

After doing all this, Mengyu came to the suppressed woman without Yu Gongming's reminder and started to search her body.

She has enough experience with body searches.

Not long after, Mengyu had a pistol equipped with a silencer in his hand.

"Yo? The Beretta M92 is equipped with a silencer. It's a pretty good weapon!" Mengyu played with the pistol in his hand and chuckled.

"You...who are you? Where are Inuyama and Uchida?" the woman said with a look of shock and anger.

Akira Hanomiya smiled when he heard this: "Are the Inuyama and Uchida you are talking about a burly man and a lanky man?"

The woman's face changed slightly, and the bad feeling in her heart became stronger.

Yu Gongming's voice also sounded in her ears at the right time:

"They, let's let them sleep for a while. I believe that when they wake up, they will be very satisfied with the handcuffs on their hands."

When the woman heard this, her face became even more ugly.

It seemed that her two men had probably been knocked unconscious.

She took a deep breath and said coldly: "Since my two men were knocked unconscious by you, who made the sound just now?"

"Well, it's just a small trick, don't worry about it." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"You..." Seeing Yu Gongming's perfunctory answer, the woman suddenly felt suffocated. After a moment of silence, the woman spoke again:

"Hmph! I admit defeat this time, but who are you? And how did you find this place?"

"I'm just a detective who accepted the commission. My mission is to find the high school student." Akira Hanomiya said, pointing to Toshiya's brother who was a little dazed by this series of changes.

"Detective..." The woman tried her best to turn her head and looked at Yu Gongming carefully. After a while, she suddenly sighed:

"I see, Tokyo's famous detective really deserves his reputation."

Yu Gongming smiled slightly, knowing that the other party had recognized him, and continued:

"As for how we found this place, of course it was because I happened to see one of your accomplices using counterfeit money in a convenience store, so I followed him all the way."

When the woman heard this, she immediately gritted her teeth and said, "You bastard Uchida, he fails more than he succeeds in accomplishing anything!"

"Okay, none of you can run away anyway. If you want to blame the police, you have plenty of time. Now you should have a good sleep."

As Yu Gongming said this, he struck down the knife with one hand and knocked the woman unconscious.

After doing all this, Yu Gongming stood up and looked at the high school student in the room. "You are Junya's brother, right?"

"'s me." The high school student nodded awkwardly.

"What's the name?" Yu Gongming asked.

"My name is Naoto Nakata." The high school student introduced himself.

"Well, Nakata-kun, I am a detective, entrusted by the imperial court to find your whereabouts." Akira Hanomiya briefly explained the situation.

"Ah! You are here to save me, that's great!" Naoto Nakata suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face when he heard this.

"Of course, we will notify the police to arrest these people later, but before that, we want to ask you to do a favor."

"Ah? What are you busy with?" Naoto Nakata asked doubtfully.

"Haha, just... cooperate with us in a play." Yu Gongming raised the corners of his mouth and showed a meaningful smile.


On a certain road.

"Yes, I understand." Conan put down his cell phone and turned to Haibara and said, "Hanomiya's side has been taken care of. We can lure the three tails there."

Conan glanced at a corner more than 20 meters away behind him.

There, the three little ones from the Young Detective Team were peering at Conan and Xiao Ai.

They thought they were well hidden, but they didn't realize that their whereabouts and all their actions were already under the control of Conan and Xiao Ai.

"Two famous detectives teamed up to plot against a group of elementary school students. They are really bullying them." Xiao Ai chuckled.

"Hmph! It looks like you're obviously enjoying it!" Conan snorted.

"No, I just use a positive attitude to complete what I should do." Xiao Ai said with a smile.

"Tch~ That's nice to say, hey, don't let your guard down when the time comes!" Conan said with an unhappy look on his face.

"Both each other." Xiao Ai replied lightly.

The two of them bickered and turned around at the same time, heading towards the building where Yu Gongming was.

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