Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming lazily leaned on the high-backed chair and drank black tea leisurely.

There were no commissions from today until the afternoon, and Mengyu also had to go to class. Yu Gongming was a little bored for a while.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in!" Yu Gongming perked up and finally had a commission!

The door opened, and a young woman with curly hair and fashionable clothes walked into the office.

"Good afternoon, Miss. How can I help you?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"Hello, Detective Hanomiya, my name is Kazumi Takenaka, and I do have something to trouble you with." The young woman said, having already reached the guest sofa.

Akira Yumiya also came to the guest sofa and sat down opposite the young woman:

"Miss Takenaka, if you have anything to do, it's okay to say it." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Ah! That's it. I want you to investigate this person's life experience." Takenaka Kazumi said and took out a photo.

In the photo, there is a handsome young man with a frail temperament between his eyebrows.

Yu Gongming recalled it and found that he did not recognize the person in the photo.

"Can you briefly tell me about this gentleman's situation?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Of course!" Kazumi Takenaka nodded:

"His name is Takasugi Toshihiko, he is the heir to the Takasugi Consortium, but he is an adopted child of the Takasugi family. He is getting married recently. His fiancée has always felt that Takasugi looks like her first love twenty years ago. I am that fiancée My friend wants to help her investigate and confirm."

"Eh? Why does it feel a bit familiar..." Hearing Kazumi Takenaka's description, Yu Gongming suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"I remembered! Isn't this Takasugi the murderer of the June Bride murder case? So the fiancée is Sayuri Matsumoto, right? Speaking of which, she was the music teacher in this body's junior high school... Then this commission is stable Got it!"

When Yu Gongming recalled the plot, he felt happy. Now that he already knew the conclusion, Yu Gongming could save a lot of effort!

He was already stable in his heart, but he asked calmly on his face: "What about the fiancée's first love? Can you introduce me to him?"

"Well, that fiancée's name is Sayuri Matsumoto. She is the daughter of Japan Metropolitan Police Inspector Matsumoto Kiyonaga. Her first love lived near her home. He ran a bakery at the time, but later moved away. They were twenty years old. I lived there years ago...Please help Detective Hanomiya!" Kazumi Takenaka said.

"Are there any other clues?"

"That's all." Kazumi Takenaka shook his head.

Akira Hanomiya pretended to ponder for a while and said: "Well, I will accept this commission, but the price may be a little higher. After all, it is to investigate what happened twenty years ago, and it also involves the heirs of the Takasugi Consortium."

"I understand this. Is the one million commission fee enough?" Kazumi Takenaka asked.

Yu Gongming suddenly showed a warm smile: "Of course, it is completely enough! But you need to pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan first. And sign an entrustment agreement."

Yu Gongming took out the commission agreement.

"No problem!" Takenaka Kazumi readily took out 100,000 yuan in cash from her purse and handed it to Hagong Akira, and signed an entrustment agreement.

Akira Hanomiya put away the money and the entrustment agreement, took out a notepad and handed it to Kazumi Takenaka:

"Please include your name, address and contact information."

After Kazumi Takenaka completed filling in the information, she said goodbye: "Then, I will just wait for the good news from Detective Hanomiya!"

"I will inform you when the results are available." Yu Gongming said.

After sending Kazumi Takenaka away, Akira Hanomiya began to think about how to complete this commission.

If it is just to confirm whether it is his first love, Akira Hanomiya can even write an investigation report directly, wait a few days to notify Kazumi Takenaka, and tell her the conclusion that she already knows.

However, Akira Hanomiya knew that Toshihiko Takasugi was planning to kill Sayuri Matsumoto at the wedding.

The two parties in this marriage, one is the heir of the Takasugi Consortium, and the other is the daughter of the police inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department, the future police inspector.

If Akira Hanomiya can prevent this murder and let the two first lovers settle their differences, it will be equivalent to gaining a favor from the Takasugi Consortium and Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

If you use it well, you may have unexpected gains in the future!


Three days later, Akira Hanomiya contacted Kazumi Takenaka to indicate that the commission had been completed.

So Kazumi Takenaka came to the office.

"How about Detective Hanomiya?" Kazumi Takenaka asked.

"Well, after investigation, it was found that Takasugi Toshihiko did live in that neighborhood before he was adopted by the Takasugi family, and he did open a bakery with his biological mother at that time." Hamamiya Akira said.

"Really? Sayuri will be very happy to know this news!" Kazumi Takenaka suddenly smiled.

"But..." Yu Gongming seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong, Detective Hanomiya?" Kazumi Takenaka was confused.

"Well, I also investigated some other things... Can you let me see Mr. Matsumoto? There are some things I need to tell her in person."

"What's the matter...Wait a minute, what did you call Sayuri just now?" Takenaka Kazumi looked at Hanomiya Akira in surprise.

"To be honest, Mr. Matsumoto was actually our music teacher in junior high school." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"So that's it...but what do you have to tell Sayuri in person? Can't you tell me that I'll tell Sayuri?" Kazumi Takenaka asked doubtfully.

"Well, um, this matter is not suitable for too many people to know..." Yu Gongming explained.

Kazumi Takenaka hesitated and said, "I'll call Sayuri to see if she wants to see you."


Kazumi Takenaka took out her mobile phone and went outside the office. After a while, she walked into the office and nodded to Hanomiya Akira: "Sayuri agreed, is it convenient for you now?"

"I have no problem." Yu Gongming said.


The two took Kazumi Takenaka's car and arrived in front of Matsumoto's house.

Kazumi Takenaka had already called to confirm that Sayuri Matsumoto was at home, so after the two rang the doorbell, the door opened quickly.

Sayuri Matsumoto, dressed in home kimono, was revealed behind the door.

"Izumi, are you here? Is this Hanomiya-san? Long time no see, please come in!" Sayuri Matsumoto greeted warmly.

The two entered the house and followed Sayuri Matsumoto to the living room.

"I didn't expect that Hanomiya-san would become a famous detective after not seeing each other for so many years. It's amazing!" Sayuri Matsumoto said with emotion.

Akira Hanomiya took a sip of the black tea that Sayuri Matsumoto had just brewed, and said with a smile: "I'm ashamed to say that I have been busy with my studies in the past few years and have no time to visit the teacher. This time I took the liberty to disturb you because of Miss Yimei's request. .”

"Speaking of commissions, I heard from Kazumi that you have already investigated and found out that my fiancé Takasugi was my first love twenty years ago, right?" Sayuri Matsumoto looked at Hanamiya Akira expectantly.

"Well, yes, but I also investigated other things, and I need to tell you, Mr. Matsumoto, in person." Hanemiya Akira said.

"Detective Hanomiya is so mysterious that he even hid it from me, the client. Let's talk about it. I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now. Let's go shopping in Ginza together when the weekend comes!"

She looked at Yu Gongming again: "I will pay the commission fee tomorrow!"

After Kazumi Takenaka said hello to Sayuri Matsumoto and Akira Hanomiya, she rejected Sayuri Matsumoto's offer to stay and left Matsumoto's house.

"Hanomiya-kun, it's just the two of us now. If you have anything to tell me, just tell me." Sayuri Matsumoto looked at Akira Hamiya.

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