Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 312 I just want you to beat him up

on the playing field

Itou Shucheng dodged Nagano Toyoshi's leg sweep, and then hit Nagano Toyoshi's chest with an upper kick.

Nagano Toyoshi had just retracted his legs at this time and was adjusting his body posture. It was already too late to resist or retreat.

In desperation, Nagano Toyoshi could only fold his arms in front of his chest to block Itou Shucheng's kick.


There was a soft sound, and Nagano Toyoshi felt his hands were lightly tapped by Itou Shusei's soles. The force was neither painful nor itchy, and he was gone at the touch.

Nagano Toyoshi was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed and he immediately jumped back.


A strong wind suddenly blew in front of his legs, causing the Tao uniform on his legs to sway slightly.

Nagano Toyoshi's eyes moved slightly, and he saw Itou Shucheng silently retracting his swept out right leg, a look of pity flashed across his face.

Just now, he wanted to use his left leg to feign attack on Nagano Toyoyoshi's chest, and then use the force to quickly let his leg fall to the ground. His right leg swept out, sweeping down Nagano Toyochi who ignored his lower body due to the defense of his chest.

However, Nagano Toyoshi was experienced after all and reacted quickly without being hit.

However, his retreat was done in a hurry, and his body was inevitably unbalanced.

Itou Shucheng never replayed this opportunity, and immediately stepped forward to attack, forcing Nagano Toyoshi to be somewhat awkward.

"Nagano has fallen into the opponent's rhythm." Meng Yu commented lightly.

"There is no other way. This Itou's style of play is flexible and changeable, and he is indeed the type to restrain Nagano." Akira Hanamiya nodded.

Mengyu looked at it for a while and narrowed her eyes slightly: "Nagano did not sit still and wait for death. Although he temporarily fell into the opponent's rhythm, he gradually adjusted his posture during the opponent's attack, and even tried to guide the opponent's attack... Look!”

While Meng Yu was talking, Itou Shucheng hit Nagano Toyoshi with a side kick in the abdomen.

When Nagano Toyoshi was dodging the last attack, he had just finished blocking with both hands. At this time, his body was still a little unstable, and he was unable to dodge or block again.

Seeing that the sole of his foot was about to kick Nagano Toyoshi in the abdomen, a proud smile appeared on Itou Shucheng's face.

However, the next moment, Nagano Toyoshi's eyes suddenly became sharp. The originally slanted figure suddenly straightened up, and at the same time he quickly took two steps forward, and with a move of his left hand, it had already wrapped around the right leg kicked by Yi Tang Xiucheng.

"not good!"

Itou Shucheng's expression changed, and he quickly reached out to open Nagano Toyoshi's left hand.

However, Nagano Toyoshi had already expected a straight punch with his right hand, and opened Itou Shusei's probing hand.

The next moment, Nagano Toyoshi suddenly kicked out his leg and kicked it hard on the calf of Itou Shucheng's supporting leg. The hand holding Itou Shucheng's right leg was pressed hard at the same time, and his shoulders suddenly pressed down.


Yi Tang Xiucheng was instantly thrown to the ground by the multi-pronged force.

Itou Shucheng's expression condensed. As a master of karate, he knew very well the consequences of being thrown to the ground by his opponent. The moment he escaped from Nagano Toyoshi's grasp, he was immediately ready to stand up.

However, his opponent also knew this. After Nagano Toyoshi knocked Itou down with a throwing technique, he immediately stepped forward to attack again.

After a fierce attack, Itou Shucheng was forced into a panic. Nagano Toyoyoshi's score that had been suppressed and fell behind was quickly tied, or even surpassed.

"Yes, Nagano's defensive counterattacks are becoming more and more skillful." Akira Hanomiya showed admiration at the guest table.

"Well, Nagano's attack induction is indeed beautiful, but... I always feel that something is wrong." Meng Yu frowned slightly.

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, recalling the fight between the two on the field in his mind, and his eyes moved slightly:

"Ido should have had the chance to counter Nagano's counterattack just now."

"Well, Yi Tang could adjust his direction and kick Nagano in the chest while he was moving. In fact, he did show such an intention, but he seemed to forcibly control his right leg and did not move. To carry out this intention, let Nagano grab his right leg." Kyogoku Shin said calmly.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming's expression moved slightly: "Is he... trying to hide his clumsiness?"

Meng Yu pointed her chin with her finger and thought: "It's not impossible. Faced with the situation just now, if it were me, the moment I saw Nagano's figure move, I would use the second stage to increase the speed of my kick again. In Nagano Before his hand grabbed his right leg, I could already kick him in the chest."

"But the prerequisite for exerting force in the second stage is either to have a certain amount of spare power, or to form a short burst by adjusting the body posture and breath when taking full force."

"The former is real hard power, while the latter is a skill that is difficult to master. No matter which one it is, it is certain that Yi Tang Xiucheng is hiding his strength."

"But why does he hide his strength?" Suzuki Sonoko asked doubtfully.

"It's very simple!" Meng Yu chuckled: "If I guess correctly, Yi Tang does not regard Nagano as an opponent, and the real opponent he considers is watching his game right now, isn't it?"

"Me?" Yu Gongming pointed at himself.

"Otherwise?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

"Didn't I refuse his so-called duel invitation before?" Hanomiya Akira raised an eyebrow.

"I bet a hundred dollars that he will definitely challenge you, the former commander of Emperor Dan, as the commander of Abedo High School." Meng Yu said faintly.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "If he challenges me, I don't have to agree, just like I did just now!"

Meng Yu shook her head slightly: "The challenge he will propose later is different from the original so-called duel. You were my boyfriend before. It is reasonable for you to refuse my [duel]. No one will say anything."

"But now, you are sitting in the guest seat, and you represent Teidan. As a senior invited by Nagano, if you refuse the challenge from the juniors from the other school, it will not only affect Teidan and your personal reputation, but also your reputation as a senior. The Nagano you invited will also have a hard time doing it.”

"So, if he does issue a challenge later, it would be a wiser choice to accept it than to reject it."

Hearing this, Yu Gongming felt that what Meng Yu said still made some sense.

However, the next moment, he reacted suddenly, glared at Meng Yu and said: "Hey! You have been talking nonsense for a long time, but you actually want me to accept the challenge and beat up that Yi Tang, right?"

Meng Yu was stunned and blinked at Yu Gongming: "Well, have you been seen through?"

"You don't seem to be hiding it much, right?" Yu Gongming was speechless.

Meng Yu smiled slightly: "Then I'll show my cards. Yes, I just want you to beat him up."

"Okay, anyway, I was unhappy with that kid." Yu Gongming nodded, then changed the topic, with a narrow smile on his face: "But, after all, I am helping you, shouldn't you express something? "

Meng Yu rolled her eyes: "Let's wait until you beat him to the ground and find his teeth!"

During the chat, the duel between Nagano Toyoshi and Itou Shucheng was over, and Itou Shucheng won with a slight score advantage.

Next, the individual and team competitions were carried out in an orderly manner. It is worth mentioning that Yi Tang Xiucheng did not play in the team competition, and many people were talking about this.

After all the games were over, the host came to the center of the venue.

He adjusted the microphone and said with a smile: "Thank you to all the players for bringing us such a wonderful game! I believe everyone is still satisfied."

"Don't worry, next is a session we specially arranged for this exchange meeting. Let's invite Kyogoku Shin-senpai, the former leader of Aido High School Men's Karate Club, and the former leader of Teitan Men's Karate Club, who are now well-known in Tokyo. Detective - Senior Akira Hanomiya!"

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