Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 34 Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi are dating?

It has been a few days since Sayuri Matsumoto's wedding.

Several cases have occurred in the past few days, but they were all solved by Akira Hanomiya or Conan using Mouri Kogoro, and their reputations became more and more famous.

However, Yu Gongming was still deeply impressed by the wedding a few days ago.

The biggest gain for Akira Yu at the wedding was not witnessing the birth of a newlywed couple, but the return gifts given by the host to the guests.

Akira Hanamiya's return gift was given by Toshihiko Takasugi himself. Akira Hanamiya came back and opened the gift, and there was a check for 10 million yen inside!

It is a check that can be withdrawn directly at Siling Bank!

Yesterday, Akira Hanamiya went to Siling Bank to cash the check and deposited the money into his account.

After receiving a huge sum of money, Yu Gongming was in a very happy mood!

So, today, Yu Gongming suspended the business of the office and gave himself a day off.

He told Mengyu the news, and Mengyu was also very happy. The two decided to go out and celebrate today.

At noon, the two of them went to the Chinese-style restaurant last time. This time Meng Yu was not polite, and the dishes were a bit more expensive.

Yu Gongming's pockets are bulging, but he doesn't feel bad. Even the quality of the dishes he ordered is even better than Meng Yu's.

Therefore, the two enjoyed a more perfect cooking experience than the last time, and also experienced a more exciting price impact than the last time.

"Although I had expected it, when I saw the bill of 200,000 yen (approximately RMB 13,000), I still felt complicated..." Akira Hanomiya said with emotion.

"It's a bit expensive, but it's good to come here once in a while! After all, the food here is really delicious, isn't it?" Meng Yu said with relief.

"That's true." After recalling the taste of those dishes, Yu Gongming swallowed unconsciously and felt a little more comfortable.

"Eh? Isn't that Conan and Xiaolan?" Meng Yu saw two familiar figures, one large and one small, from a distance.

"It's rare. Xiaolan rarely brings Conan out alone. She is either accompanied by Uncle Maoli or Yuanzi. What happened today?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"Hey! Look carefully, Xiaolan is smiling and seems to be in a good mood, while Conan has a solemn look on his face, as if he has something on his mind." Hanemiya Ming said.

"That's right! He clearly came out with Xiaolan and was still being held by Xiaolan, so how could he have that expression?" Meng Yu also frowned slightly.

The two of them came to Xiaolan with doubts and said hello.

"Huh? It's Mengyu and Senior Yu Gong, what a coincidence?" Xiaolan said in surprise when she saw Yu Gong Ming and the two.

"It's indeed a coincidence. Where is Xiaolan going?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm going on a date!" Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Sister Xiaolan said she wants to date Brother Shinichi!" Conan said in a cute voice, while constantly winking at Akira and Hanomiya.

"I didn't want to bring you with me. Who told you to insist on following me? Really!" Xiaolan glared at Conan angrily.

The expressions of Yu Gongming and Meng Yu became weird at the same time.

"Dating with Kudo Shinichi and taking Conan with him? Has Conan's identity been discovered by Xiaolan? That's not right! If Xiaolan really discovered his identity, Xiaolan wouldn't have reacted like that just now..."

"Wait a minute... Conan's expression just now... It turns out that Xiaolan is going to date Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi is actually Conan, and Xiaolan did not discover Conan's identity. So, the person Xiaolan is dating Who is it? Conan must be struggling with this..."

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu exchanged glances, nodded at each other, and understood that the other party had already guessed the general situation.

Mengyu looked at Xiaolan and showed a sly smile: "Hey, Xiaolan, in front of me, Kudo Shinichi's sister, can you answer me truthfully, who do you want to date?"

Xiaolan suddenly showed an awkward smile: "Well, the person I am dating is indeed not Shinichi. Shinichi has only contacted me recently, and he is still investigating a case out of town!"

"So? Who is the date?" Mengyu then asked.

"Oh! Mengyu, why are you asking so many questions? Isn't Hanamiya-senpai a detective like Shinichi? Let Hanamiya-senpai reason and figure out who I want to date!" Xiaolan threw the question to Yu Gong Ming.

Hearing this, Meng Yu turned her head slightly to look at Yu Gongming, and said with a smile: "Okay! I'll leave that to you, Yu Gong Ming."

"Okay, there are quite a few clues. I already have a rough idea." Yu Gongming nodded slightly.

Xiaolan looked at Yu Gongming expectantly, and Conan on the side also quietly pricked up his ears.

He said there were no clues at all yet.

"First of all, since you are going on a date, Xiaolan, you have dressed up specially, which shows that you attach great importance to this date, so the person you are going on a date with should be someone you care about."

"Well, he is a very important person to me!" Xiaolan confirmed Yu Gongming's analysis.

"And judging from Conan's reaction just now, you lied to Conan about dating Kudo, right?"

"Well, Sister Xiaolan said from the beginning that she wanted to date Brother Shinichi!" Conan on the side agreed.

"Then, let's see, since it's a date, although you are a little dissatisfied with Conan coming, you don't have a strong intention to chase Conan away, which means that the person you are dating should not be a young man, because if it is a young man who cares a lot, Men, if you know that you have no male relatives of the same age, you can only think about love."

"And if you are dating for the purpose of falling in love, you will never let Conan follow you."

"Well, the person I'm dating is indeed not a young man." Xiaolan nodded.

Conan on the side was slightly relieved when he heard this. As long as he was not a young man, he would be half relieved.

"Okay, since you're not a young man, why did you lie to Conan? It's just a date, is it necessary to hide a child?" Akira Hanamiya continued his analysis.

"So, I speculate that it is precisely because of Conan's status as a child that if you tell Conan about your real date, Conan, a child, will be very distressed if he is lax and lets someone know about it."

A look of surprise gradually appeared on Xiaolan's face. It was obvious that Yu Gongming's analysis was absolutely correct!

"Let's review Conan's relationship circle, the Young Detective Team, this can be ruled out, Dr. A Li, this possibility is also very slim..."

"There is also your childhood sweetheart Kudo. Conan has always admired Kudo. It is possible that he told Kudo about this, but according to previous analysis, because your date is not a young man, nor is it related to a relationship, there should be no need to hide it from Kudo. .”

"As for us, if you use Kudo as a cover, it will be easy for us to see through it, so it won't be us."

Yu Gongming paused for a moment and said: "Then, there is only one person left who is familiar with Conan, who Conan may tell, and who will make you distressed, Xiaolan, who meets these three conditions... and that's yours Father, Mouri Kogoro!"

"Senior Hanomiya..." The surprise on Xiaolan's face gradually turned into shock.

Yu Gongming ignored Xiaolan's expression change and continued:

"Then let's sort out the clues. This date is: Xiaolan, someone you care about very much; bringing Conan on a date may have some influence, but it's harmless; someone you don't want Uncle Maori to know..."

Yu Gongming showed a confident smile: "Based on Xiaolan's social circle, the answer is already obvious. If my reasoning is correct, the person you are dating... is your mother, the undefeated queen of the legal world. ——Fei Yingli!"

Yu Gongming looked at Xiaolan with a smile: "Xiaolan, am I right?"

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