Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 340 Sharp Gun Maori

After hearing what Yu Gongming said, several people looked in the direction he pointed.

In front of a stall, I saw the Maori couple standing side by side. Maori Kogoro was holding a firearm that seemed to be a rifle, aiming at it.

In front of him more than ten meters away, there was a baffle with more than a dozen large and small targets hanging on it. There seemed to be something similar to a signal light on the target.

Mouri Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly pulled the trigger.



Gunshots sounded, and a collision sound was heard from a target in the distance almost the next moment.

The signal light on the target lit up red.

As soon as he heard the gunshot, Yu Gongming could tell that it was just a toy gun and not a real thing at all.

But think about it, in a country like Japan where gun bans are extremely strict, how can you dare to blatantly display real guns in an amusement park?

"Dad! Mom!" Xiaolan shouted.

When Fei Yingli heard her daughter's voice, she turned her head and saw Yu Gongming and his party walking slowly.

Fei Yingli smiled slightly: "How was it? Did you have fun?"

"Well! I just went to ride the roller coaster and it felt great!" Xiaolan said with a smile, not looking as melancholy as before.

"Well, that's good." Fei Yingli nodded slightly, and then turned her attention to Mouri Kogoro again.

After Mouri Kogoro noticed the arrival of Akira Hanamiya and others, he just glanced at them and continued to focus on the target in front of him.

While several people were talking, he pulled the trigger again.



With two consecutive gunshots, two adjacent targets on the baffle were hit one after another, and the signal lights on the targets also lit up red.

Mouri Kogoro seemed to have found the feeling and pulled the trigger very rhythmically.




Gunshots were fired one after another, bullets were fired one after another, and the red lights lit up one after another.

At some point, Mouri Kogoro put down his gun.

And more than ten meters away from him, it was already occupied by red lights.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the boss who was standing aside with a dull expression, and said with a smile: "All the targets have been lit up, and the red light is still in the bullseye. So, according to the agreement, I can choose the prizes here. ?”

The boss's face suddenly turned bitter.

In order to attract customers, he posted a notice saying that as long as someone can hit all the targets and hit the bull's-eye, the prizes here can be chosen at will, even if they all are taken away, it doesn't matter.

If this condition is not met, you can only choose one prize at most.

Since the boss dares to make such a promise, he is naturally confident.

First, there is the design of the target.

There is an induction signal light on this target. If you hit one to four rings, the green light will light up. If you hit the fifth to nine rings, the yellow light will light up. Only if you hit the tenth ring, the red light will light up. lamp.

The boss did some tricks in this ten-ring area.

The real effective ten-ring sensing area is actually much smaller than the ten-ring range defined on the target, and is even just a soybean-sized dot in the middle.

If the ten-ring area marked on the target is used as the benchmark, then it is very likely that even if the target hits the ten-ring area, the red light will not light up.

And because this is a rubber bullet, the bullet will bounce off the target quickly. Most people cannot determine the specific impact point of the bullet, and this trick is not easy to debunk.

Secondly, there's the gun that fired.

The owner of the gun also made some manipulations, which further reduced the accuracy of the gun. Even the accuracy of aiming through the center may not be as good as a blind shot.

With such double insurance, he believed that no one could light up all the red lights.

Today, he was soliciting customers as usual.

A man and woman walked up to his stall.

The lady with quite outstanding temperament pulled the man and pointed to the most precious grizzly bear stuffed animal in her prize.

The man seemed a little dissatisfied and complained a few words, but finally came to the stall and bought a magazine.

Then he started shooting.

Although his posture was quite decent, after all the bullets were fired, his results were not that outstanding compared to other guests.

The patches of yellow light are the best proof.

And such a result cannot be exchanged for that big grizzly bear puppet.

The man frowned, and the woman next to him expressed disappointment with his shooting skills.

The man seemed to have lost his temper, so he took out his money again and bought another magazine of bullets.

How could you refuse the money that was sent to you?

The boss just likes this kind of face-saving man.

He hoped that the man would have more perseverance and try a few more times, so that he could earn more.

And just as the man was taking aim, several more people came over.

The boss’s eyes lit up instantly!

Another customer is coming! And it looks like there are couples inside too!

Judging from their conversation, they should have a good relationship. After the man tries a few times to no avail, he can encourage the new ones and make a small profit again!

He is such a business genius!

The smile on his face gradually widened.

However, the next moment, the smile suddenly froze on his face.

A gunshot!

The bullet breaks through the air!

The red light lights up!

The boss blinked, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

Why was it all yellow just now, and now it's all red?

"It must be a coincidence, the blind cat met a dead mouse!" the boss thought secretly.

However, just as he turned away from this thought, two more gunshots were fired.

Two more red lights lit up.

how come?

The boss's eyes widened!

However, before he could recover, the man had fired bullet after bullet.

One after another red lights lit up.

The boss looked at this scene with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"It seems like I hit a brick wall today..."

He prayed that the hidden man would make just a little mistake.

With the size of the red area, as long as the bullet is slightly higher, the red light will not turn on!

However, no.

Not once.

The man fired all the bullets very smoothly, and the red light lit up all the targets.

According to the agreement, the man can take away all the prizes here!

Thinking of this, he looked at the notice he posted personally, and his heart suddenly felt cramped.

Facing the man's inquiry, he gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and forced out a smile: "No...that's right, you can take away all the prizes here!"

"Okay!" Mouri Kogoro nodded, walked straight to the big grizzly bear puppet, picked up the puppet, handed it to Fei Yingli, and muttered:

"She's not a little girl anymore, she still likes furry things like this."

"You care about me?" Fei Yingli snorted, then looked down at the grizzly bear puppet, a touch of joy and tenderness flashed in her eyes.

Mouri Kogoro looked at Hanomiya Akira and the others again: "You guys should go pick out what you like. You can choose any of these prizes!"

When the boss heard this, his mouth twitched with distress.

"Uncle Maoli is awesome, so I won't be polite!" Meng Yu heard this and ran over to pick out the prizes with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Dad!" Xiaolan also followed with a face of joy.

Akira Hanamong and Conan were not very interested in these prizes, so they stood there and looked around at the people coming and going.

At a certain moment, Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly.

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