Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 342 Xiaolan also came

Dorobica Land is a very grand theme park.

There are not only various huge and complex recreational facilities, but also a large lake and a rockery tens of meters high.

At this time, Sawaki Peiji was getting closer to the rockery.

Akira Hanomiya put the old monocular telescope in front of his eyes.

Sawaki's walking figure was clearly visible in his field of vision.

Akira Hanomiya turned his perspective again, and his vision moved behind Sawaki Hiroshi.

A man wearing a black casual hat, black-rimmed glasses, and a beard followed Sawaki Koei not far away.

In his hand, he was holding a handbag.

This handbag is wrapped with a layer of colored paper, and on the colored paper are patterns of various snacks.

On the surface, this is just a gift package of snacks sold in supermarkets.

However, combined with the bearded man's stalking of Sawaki Fair, this [gift package] seems very suspicious.

Obviously, the bag of this snack gift bag is just a disguise, and it could be anything except snacks.

And it’s definitely something shameful!

Soon, Sawaki arrived at the rockery and walked into the artificial cave.

And the bearded man who followed Sawaki Fairy also came all the way to the rockery. After looking around for a while, he also walked into the cave.

Yu Gongming put down the telescope.

"Did you find anything?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming described what he saw in a concise and comprehensive manner, and finally concluded:

"They may be preparing for some secret transaction. It is only fair that the person following Sawaki follow him to confirm the safety of the transaction."

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows: "Well, not many people go there at night. It is indeed a good place for trading. Let's go and have a look after we get off the Ferris wheel."

"Definitely." Yu Gongming nodded.

Not long after, the Ferris wheel had completed one revolution. At the signal of the staff, the two got off the Ferris wheel.

Xiaolan and Conan, who got on the Ferris wheel before them, naturally got off the Ferris wheel before them.

After a few people met, Yu Gongming looked at Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, Mengyu and I want to be alone for a while, so let's separate here first."

"Eh? Are Senior Yumiya and Mengyu going to live in a world of two?" Xiaolan blinked.

"Well, that's right." Yu Gongming scratched the back of his head a little [embarrassingly].

"Okay! I won't disturb you anymore!" Xiaolan smiled.

"Well! Let's go then!" Yu Gongming nodded slightly, then pulled Meng Yu and trotted away.

"Then Conan, let's...Eh? Conan?"

Xiaolan originally wanted to ask Conan to continue playing other projects, but when she lowered her head, Conan was nowhere to be seen.

Raising her head slightly, Xiaolan saw that Conan was using all his strength to chase in the direction of Yu Gong and Akira.

Xiaolan originally wanted to call Conan to stop, but after a moment of hesitation, she did not make a sound, but followed Conan's footsteps silently.


Yu Gongming and the two came all the way to the rockery.

Yu Gongming glanced at the environment around the rockery.

There were almost no people around the rockery at this time, and only a few street lamps provided lighting. There was a forest near the rockery, and there were many strange rocks dotted with it. If you looked at it during the day, the scenery should be quite good.

Yu Gongming felt confident, and then handed a bug to Meng Yu and said:

"This cave has a total of three exits. One of the exits is an observation tower, which is four meters above the ground. They should not choose to go from there."

"I'll be guarding here. Meng Yu, you go and watch the other exit. If you see someone coming out, don't act rashly and notify me immediately."

"Understood." Meng Yu nodded without any nonsense. He took the bug and ran directly towards the other exit of the rockery.

Yu Gongming was looking for a place to monitor when his ears suddenly twitched.

When he turned around, he saw Conan running over, panting all the way.

Behind Conan, Xiaolan was trotting along with Conan very easily.

Yu Gongming frowned and immediately stepped forward.

"Senior Hanomiya..." Xiaolan was about to say something, but was directly interrupted by Yumiya Akira:

"I don't care why you are following me, just find a place to hide now."

Both Conan and Xiaolan were stunned. After all, Conan was experienced and reacted immediately. He pulled Xiaolan and hid behind a stone about one person high and half a person wide on the side of the road.

And Yu Gongming quickly got into a dense bush that he had already targeted, and the position was right next to Xiaolan and Conan.

"Conan..." Xiaolan subconsciously followed Conan to the rocks before she came back to her senses. She quickly lowered her head and looked at Conan, as if she wanted to ask something.

"Shh!" Conan quickly made a silencing gesture and shook his head slightly, signaling Xiaolan not to speak for the time being.

Seeing Conan's serious expression, Xiaolan's heart jumped inexplicably. She quickly suppressed all questions and held her breath.

A few people just stayed there silently. After about three minutes, a figure flashed out from the entrance of the rockery in the distance.

When Yu Gongming took a quick look, it was none other than Sawaki Fairy.

Sawaki's expression was normal, his steps were natural, and there seemed to be nothing suspicious about him.

However, Akira Hanomiya instantly locked onto a handbag held by Taira Sawaki in his left hand.

And that handbag that looked like a snack gift bag was clearly in the hands of that bearded man!

"They are indeed conducting a transaction!" Yu Gongming thought to himself.

At the same time, three soft "da da da" sounds suddenly came from the eavesdropping receiver in Yu Gongming's ear.

"It seems that Mengyu's side has also discovered something. In other words, the bearded man should have chosen to leave through another exit, so..."

He turned to look at Conan and whispered: "Conan."

Because the distance was relatively close, Conan still heard Hanamiya Akira's voice even though his voice was very soft.

He turned to look at Yu Gongming.

"Release the transmitter!" Akira Hanomiya whispered, pointing at Sawaki Fairy.

Conan also saw Taira Sawaki walking out of the cave, and he also had doubts in his heart.

He also thought it was quite strange for Sawaki Fair to appear in this place.

After hearing Yu Gongming's words, he did not hesitate, nodded slightly, and left the boulder where he was hiding.

However, he did not walk to the road, but disappeared into the woods behind him.

Although Xiaolan, who stayed where she was, was confused, she wisely did not make any sound.


Sawaki was walking on the road to the amusement park, feeling the weight of the handbag on his right hand, and a hint of anxiety and expectation gradually rose in his heart.

"I didn't expect them to be so efficient. They sent me a crossbow that night. Then, the plan can be officially implemented tomorrow!"

Zekihei was thinking about something in his mind when a figure suddenly flashed out of the corner in the distance.

Sawaki was stunned when he saw the small figure rushing towards him.

Zemu fair instinctively moved out of the way.

However, that figure seemed to have spotted him, and it also changed direction. The next moment...


That little figure hit Sawaki Hiroshi hard!

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