Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 344 Surprised Xiaolan

"What!? Xiaolan, are you going to stay at Mengyu's house for one night?" Maori Kogoro looked at his daughter in surprise.

"Well, I have something I want to talk to Mengyu about." Xiaolan nodded.

Mouri Kogoro looked at Xiaolan with a suspicious face: "I said, it's not that brat Shinichi who sneaked back, so you want to go to Kudo's house to have a tryst with that boy, right?"

"How is that possible! Dad, what are you thinking about?" Xiaolan blushed and stared at Mouri Kogoro with some embarrassment.

"It's fine if you don't." Fei Yingli nodded slightly, and then her expression became serious: "But Xiaolan, girls must learn to protect themselves and not be confused by some men's sweet words. My Fei Yingli's Daughters are not so easy to catch! ’

"I know, I'm just going to stay at Meng Yu's house for one night!" Xiaolan looked at her parents' reaction and felt dumbfounded.

"Now that it's decided, you young people can continue playing. I want to go back." Mouri Kogoro said.

"Then I'll go back too. There's still work to be done in the office tomorrow, so it can't be too late." Fei Yingli also said.

"Then Dad, take Mom back!" Xiaolan smiled.

"She's not a child, why should I send her away? It's already past ten o'clock now. If we don't go back, the TV series starring Okino Yoko will be over!" Mouri Kogoro's face immediately dropped.

When Yu Gongming heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched: "This uncle Maori is really good at it!"

As expected, when Fei Yingli heard this, she immediately frowned and her tone became cold: "I don't need anyone else to send it to me. Who knows if it will be sent directly to a mahjong parlor or nightclub?"

"Don't worry, I will go back to the detective agency directly. Wherever you, a woman, want to go, has nothing to do with me!" Mouri Kogoro shot back.

"That's it, I'll leave first." Fei Yingli said, then stood up and walked out of the dessert shop.

"Mom! Wait a minute..." Xiaolan wanted to call Fei Yingli, but Fei Yingli just waved her hand, didn't reply, and left without looking back.

"Hmph! This woman just loves to show off!" Mouri Kogoro snorted.


Mouri Kogoro suddenly screamed and covered his head.

On his head, a big bag was slowly swelling.

Xiaolan's face was frosty, she silently withdrew her fist, turned to look at Yumiya Ming and the others, and said: "Senior Yumiya, let's go, just let dad go back by himself."

"Okay, then goodbye, Uncle Maori!" After Yu Gongming and Maori Kogoro said goodbye, they pulled Mengyu and walked out of the dessert shop.

"Conan, let's go too!" Xiaolan lowered her head and looked at Conan.

"Okay!" Conan nodded, took Xiaolan's hand and followed Yu Gongming and Meng Yu.

"Wait a minute, why is that kid coming with you?" Mouri Kogoro shouted.

"Conan is also going to live at Mengyu's house. You can stay alone in the office tonight." Xiaolan replied.

When she said this, she paused, looked back at Mouri Kogoro, and said with a focused gaze: "Dad, don't go play mahjong or drink beer while I'm not around. If I find you aren't here tomorrow morning, or the house is full of wine, If you are angry..."

Xiaolan showed a [kind] smile: "Then your pocket money for this month, next month, and the month after that is all gone!"

"Well, don't worry Xiaolan, I will take care of myself!" Mouri Kogoro swallowed quietly and quickly promised.

Xiaolan nodded with satisfaction and pulled Conan, who was suppressing a smile, to follow Yu Gongming's footsteps.

After watching Xiaolan disappear from sight, Maori Kogoro finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Really, Xiaolan and Yingli are nothing like each other. Yingli has a bad temper, but she is still quite gentle in her heart. Xiaolan is usually very gentle." , but get serious..."

Mouri Kogoro sighed again and shook his head: "Oh, it seems that we can only play mahjong until five o'clock in the morning, otherwise it will be miserable if Xiaolan finds out!"

With his mouth muttering, Mouri Kogoro also left the dessert shop.


"Well... Sawaki's movement speed suddenly accelerated. According to the position where the speed changed, he should have taken a car." Conan stared at the image on the tracking glasses.

"Conan, do your glasses still have this function?" Xiao Lan stared at the image displayed on Conan's glasses, her face unable to conceal her surprise.

"Yes, including the transmitter, these are all inventions of Dr. Ali." Conan smiled.

"In other words, Conan, you are actually not nearsighted. Are these glasses detective equipment?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

"Yes, because I was a child, Dr. Agasa specially made this pair of tracking glasses for me. Brother Hanomiya also has a similar tracking device." Conan explained.

Since Xiaolan has come with him, some things will definitely be discovered. Anyway, he has already established the character of [genius primary school student] during this period, and with Yu Gong and Meng Yu helping to endorse it, something tells Xiaolan that the problem is also Not big.

"So that's it. Conan is very powerful. He can actually use such complicated detective equipment skillfully!!" Xiaolan praised.

"It's not bad!" Conan smiled and continued to focus on the positioning image in front of him.

"Let's go, let's catch up quickly." Yu Gongming said.

So, the group of people walked out of Dorobiga Paradise, called a taxi, and continued to follow Sawaki Hiroshi.

Under Conan's guidance, several people finally came to a villa area.

Meng Yu looked around the villa area and said:

"The villas around here are quite well decorated, and most of them have gardens. The prices are quite impressive. It seems that Sawaki is quite wealthy!"

"Sawaki just came here, it doesn't mean he lives here. Maybe he is here to find someone?" Akira Hanomiya had a different opinion.

"Zawaki is nearby now. We will soon know whether he is looking for someone or living here." Conan clicked on the tracking glasses and trotted forward.

Yu Gongming called to Xiaolan and followed Conan's footsteps.

Not long after, Conan stopped and made a gesture to Hanomiya Akira and others behind him.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu stopped immediately, and Xiao Lan also followed suit.

At this time, they were at the corner of the outer fence of a villa, and looking out from this corner, they could see several nearby villas.

And the place Conan chose happened to be in the shadow of the lights in the villa area, and the night became the best cover for several people.

Through the gap in the fence, Yu Gongming saw a figure.

It’s none other than Sawaki Fair!

I saw Sawaki Koichi walking slowly along the path in the villa area, still holding the suspicious handbag in his hand.

He walked all the way to a convenience store not far away, stayed inside for a while and then walked out again.

And in his hand, there was a deck of playing cards!

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