Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 366 Finally found it!

Sawaki heard this cry and came to the window in confusion.

I saw a little boy of about seven or eight years old with blond bangs and a beret standing outside the door.

Sawaki looked around and saw that there was no one else around except this child.

The little boy seemed to have noticed Sawaki Fair, and his eyes immediately lit up: "Uncle! My toy airplane accidentally fell into your yard. Can you open the door and let me go in and look for it?"

Zekiposhi frowned, hesitated, and then walked downstairs.

If you ignore it and the child calls you, or breaks into your yard privately, it will be troublesome.

Zekihei came to the front yard and asked, "Did your plane really fall inside?"

"Yeah!" The little boy nodded fiercely:

"I saw with my own eyes that the plane landed in this yard. Uncle, could you open the door and let me go in and look for it?"

Sawaki frowned, and finally opened the door: "Yes, but you can only search in the yard, not running around."

"Thank you, uncle!" The little boy ran into Sawaki's front yard with a face of joy.

Zekihei was about to close the door.

But one hand was on the door, stopping Sawaki's momentum of closing the door.

Sawaki was stunned, turned his eyes slightly, and saw a man in his twenties looking at him solemnly.

"Who are you?" Sawaki said with a vigilant look on his face.

The man walked directly into the yard through the open door, and then took out a police officer's license and a search warrant:

"I am Takagi, from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Section 1, Forced Criminals of the Third Series. Sir, you are suspected of a poisoning case. Please cooperate with our investigation!"

This man is none other than Officer Takagi!

While Officer Takagi was talking, three more powerful police officers in police uniforms walked into the yard.

Sawaki's pupils suddenly shrank!

He tried hard to control his expression and forced a smile: "Officer, are you kidding me? How could I be related to any poisoning case?"

"But a lot of evidence points to you. We have applied for a search warrant. We need to investigate your house. If you are really innocent, please cooperate with our investigation!" Officer Takagi said in a meticulous tone.

Sawaki's expression changed, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry, I can't let you conduct random investigations into my house!"

"Is there any inconvenience?" Officer Takagi's face darkened.

Sawaki said with a gloomy face: "I know that I didn't do anything. You searched my house indiscriminately. I am very suspicious of your identity as a police officer!"

"This is my police officer ID." Officer Takagi showed his police officer ID again, and he thoughtfully turned over the pages page by page for Sawaki to see.

Then he motioned to the police officer behind him.

Several police officers understood and took their police ID cards and showed them to Sawaki page by page like Officer Takagi.

"Okay, do you still have any questions?" Officer Takagi asked calmly.

Seeing this, Sawaki Fair rolled his eyes and stepped aside: "Okay, I am willing to cooperate with the investigation."

"Thank you for your cooperation. Oh, by the way, what is this gentleman's name?" Officer Takagi asked.

"Just call me Sawaki." Sawaki said calmly.

Officer Takagi nodded: "Mr. Nazagi, according to regulations, the person involved should be present when we investigate. You can go in with us."

Seeing this, Sawaki had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

Soon the group entered the villa.

A group of police officers started searching on the first floor.

Officer Takagi stood behind Sawaki Taira and just looked at Sawaki Taira without joining the search.

The police officers searched very carefully, starting from the entrance and searching inch by inch.

Zekihei just watched the policemen rioting in his house, and his heart became more and more anxious.

I had just returned from the operation. Although I hid the crossbow, syringe and other incriminating evidence out of caution, if I followed the meticulousness shown by these police officers, they might not be able to find any clues.

He actually thought about running away for a moment.

However, the police officer named Takagi was standing behind him. Whether intentionally or not, he happened to be blocked between the living room and the door.

If he wanted to escape, he had to get past this police officer.

Zekihei is self-aware. As a bartender, there is no way he can beat the police in unarmed combat.

Therefore, Zekihei could only secretly pray that the police would not find anything.

However, he seemed to have overlooked one person.

The little boy he let in first!


While Conan was negotiating with Officer Takagi, Conan had already sneaked into Sawaki's home and headed straight to the second floor with a clear purpose!

When he reached the second floor, he turned directly into the bedroom.

Based on the information from Mengyu, Sawaki took almost all the incriminating evidence into the bedroom.

Conanyan glanced quickly and took a rough look at the entire room.

At least on the surface, he didn't find what he was looking for.

So, he started rummaging through drawers, wardrobes and other places.

First there are the drawers on both sides of the bed.

Conan was quite efficient in finding things, and he finished checking the drawers in less than five minutes.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

So Conan turned his attention to the wardrobe again.

After opening the closet door, he took out the items inside one by one.

Anyway, it has been confirmed that Sawaki Eira is the murderer, so there is no need to worry too much.

Not long after, everything in it was thrown out of the closet by Conan.

"Strange, or not?"

Conan pulled the communicator hidden in the beret to his ear: "Dreamwhisper, are you sure he hid the crossbow and other things in the bedroom?"

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes from the surveillance camera. He took the things in and came out empty-handed, and he never went in again." Meng Yu's tone was very certain.

"How many minutes did it take him to get from the bedroom to the time he came out?" Conan asked.

"About three minutes?" Mengyu recalled.

Conan frowned and then groped around the bed for a while.

"There seems to be no mechanism... In other words, this is just an ordinary mattress, so it is impossible for Sawaki to move the mattress, hide the evidence under the bed, and then reset the mattress within three minutes."

Conan's eyes turned to the wardrobe again: "Is there really something wrong with the wardrobe?"

After walking closer and observing the empty wardrobe for a while, Conan suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He came to one side of the closet, observed it for a while, then returned to the open closet and took a look at the inner space.

Conan smiled slightly, already knowing: "The width of the inner space and the wardrobe are not the same, and a considerable part of the space is not used."

Conan groped around inside the closet for a while.


Conan pulled off a small piece of wood and then pushed hard against the inner wall of the closet.

The inner wall was immediately moved away, revealing a small space.

Conan's eyes lit up.

Finally found!

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