Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 368 Hidden Danger

Officer Megure arrived at the scene in less than ten minutes.

"Brother Takagi, how are you?"

Officer Megure looked at Officer Takagi expectantly.

"Yes! The suspect Zeiki Fair has been controlled by us. This is evidence that he committed the crime!"

Several police officers handed a piece of physical evidence to Officer Megure.

"This crossbow..." Officer Memu's eyes suddenly lit up. This military-grade crossbow was so recognizable.

While Officer Megure was looking at the crossbow, Officer Takagi continued: "The suspect just admitted that he was the murderer who attacked you, and he also wanted to poison the concubine's lawyer."

"What! Poisoning to kill Yingli?" Officer Megure was shocked.

Officer Takagi nodded slightly, and then told Officer Megure what he knew about the situation.

Of course, he also conveyed Yu Gongming's intention not to reveal his involvement in this matter.

"I see, then where are they now?" Officer Megure asked.

Officer Takagi said: "After arresting the suspect, they left first and said that if the police officer needed their cooperation in the investigation, he would contact them again."

"Understood, then the others will stay to conduct further searches of the house. Brother Takagi, you and I will return to the Metropolitan Police Department immediately with the suspect!"



"Hanomiya-senpai, Conan, you are finally back!" Xiaolan trotted to the door, and it was time to open the door for Hanomiya Akira and his wife.

"Well, where is the dream language?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Mengyu is putting the food on the table. We are waiting for you to come back for lunch!" Xiaolan said with a smile.

Conan sniffed and his eyes lit up: "Did Sister Xiaolan make lunch?"

Xiaolan smiled and touched Conan's head: "Yes, after all, Mengyu has always been cooperating with your actions. There is nothing I can do to help you, but I can at least make a decent lunch."

"Thank you for your hard work, let's go in first." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Several people came into the house, and a table full of dishes was already placed on the table.

In the middle is the steaming puffer fish hot pot with a rich aroma!

Surrounding fugu hot pot, there are not only Japanese dishes such as sushi and fried tempura, but also Chinese dishes such as twice-cooked pork and sweet and sour pork ribs.

Yu Gongming also saw that Meng Yu had just started the juicer and seemed to be preparing to squeeze juice.

The two detectives couldn't help but swallow as they smelled the rich aroma of the dishes.


Conan's belly screamed for food!

"You're back, wash your hands and eat!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

A few minutes later, several people were sitting around the dining table, and Akira Hanamong and Conan started to eat without ceremony.

The two girls were relatively more reserved. Mengyu also turned on the TV, intending to find some entertaining programs.

Mengyu kept switching channels, and finally stopped at Rimai TV Station.

The news is being broadcast on TV at this time:

[Around 11 o'clock today, the police dispatched dozens of police officers and surrounded an ordinary apartment in Cupido Town. A dozen heavily armed special police officers rushed into the house under the leadership of a police officer. 】

[However, a few minutes later, the criminals in the room took three police personnel, including the police officer, hostage and started a confrontation with the police. 】

When the news anchor said this, the screen changed.

I saw on TV that it was the three men from Feiyan who held Officer Shiratiao and two special police officers hostage and faced off with the police.

The attention of several people was instantly attracted by this news.

I don’t know if there were too many people traveling with me at the time, so the camera lens often shook, but I could still barely watch it.

This video is very detailed, including the entire process of Hanamiya Akira cooperating with police snipers to subdue the three killers.

The scene ends with Officer Megure leading the police officers towards the camera.

Then there are some comments and discussions by the studio anchors on this incident.

"This group of media moved so fast? It's only been more than an hour, right?" Conan said in surprise.

"Were the media present at the time?" Xiaolan asked.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded: "I guess it was called by the killers. After all, in front of the media, the police pay more attention to the safety of the hostages."

Meng Yu looked at Yu Gongming: "More than a dozen people rushed in, and two special police officers and a police officer were kidnapped. This..."

"How did I know how it would end up like this? Fortunately, I followed him for peace of mind, otherwise who knows how things would have developed?" Yu Gongming also said a little helplessly.

"Were you the SWAT officer who defeated the two killers?" Meng Yu asked.

"Eh? That special policeman is Hanomiya-senpai?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Did you see it?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows.

Meng Yu's lips curled up: "Although I'm trying to hide it, I'm too familiar with your shooting habits and overall style. You can't deceive me."

"Awesome!" Yu Gongming gave Meng Yu a thumbs up.

"The football that flew out is..." Xiaolan turned to look at Conan.

"Hey, I kicked it!" Conan said a little embarrassed.

"Conan, how come you are so strong? That football knocked someone unconscious!" Xiaolan looked at Conan in surprise.

"Conan deliberately aimed at the opponent's vital points, and he also trained regularly, so he was able to achieve such an effect." Akira Hanamiya explained.

"That's it...Conan; you're so awesome! You are the hero who saved three police officers!" Xiaolan said with a smile.

"It's okay!" Conan's face became more and more embarrassed, but he was also frightened in his heart.

Faced with this situation, I was in a position where I had to kick a curve ball, and it was a curve ball with enough power.

The curve ball originally uses clever force. The greater the force exerted, the higher the difficulty.

Even Conan's skills cannot be said to be 100% certain.

Simply, everything went well in the end.

"Senior Hanomiya, can you tell me the whole process of your actions?" Xiaolan looked at Yumiya Akira expectantly.

"Of course, but let's eat first. Let's talk slowly after dinner." Yu Gongming did not refuse Xiaolan's request.

"Okay!" Xiaolan nodded.

Afterwards, several people put aside this topic for the time being, watching the news on the TV and enjoying the food.

After having enough wine and food, several people sat around the coffee table and drank juice.

Yu Gongming did not break his promise and told Xiaolan all his actions throughout the morning.

Xiaolan listened intently, and as Yu Gongming told her story, her expression kept changing, including surprise, excitement, joy, worry... and so on.

Especially when she heard that Sawaki wanted to kill Fei Yingli, Xiaolan's face became even more gloomy, and she clenched her fists tightly: "You actually want to harm your mother, that's too much!"

Afterwards, Akira Hanamiya said that the police had caught Fairy Sawaki, and Ran was visibly relieved.

After a while, Yu Gongming stopped talking.

Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that you have experienced so many things in just over two hours. It's really incredible!"

Yu Gongming also sighed: "Yes, this is much more tiring than usual when I complete the commission, and there is no money to get it."

Mengyu also sighed: "No way, we are not suitable to show up for this kind of thing. Speaking of which, you should not have been noticed by too many people during the whole operation, right?"

"Don't worry about the police. Throughout the entire process of arresting the killer, I only contacted a few police officers and had no contact with other grassroots police officers."

"Officer Megure will probably only report this matter to Administrator Matsumoto."

"Because of what happened to Mr. Matsumoto, Administrator Matsumoto still owes me a favor. If I say hello to him, he should help me hide the matter."

"As for Sawaki Pair, I also have a reasonable argument. With the cover of Officer Takagi and Officer Megure, there should be no problem."

Yu Gongming said this and frowned: "However, there is a hidden danger in other aspects that cannot be ignored."

Meng Yu blinked, and then her face changed: "You mean..."

"Yes." Yu Gongming looked solemn: "It's the man in black robe who provided us with important information!"

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