Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 374 The dishonest Kogoro Mori

In the evening, in a private room of a Chinese restaurant in Miwa Town.

Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, Xiaolan, and Conan were sitting around the dining table. Yu Gongming temporarily refused the waiter's inquiry about ordering food.

"Xiaolan, you really didn't miss any opportunity to win over your parents!" Meng Yu sighed.

"Dad did pretty well yesterday. Today we must strike while the iron is hot. What if mom is happy and agrees to move back?" Xiaolan said with longing.

Yes, this dinner tonight was specially arranged by Xiaolan to bring the Maori couple together.

Because Fei Yingli was almost killed, Xiaolan told Maori Kogoro the news. After some hard work, Maori Kogoro was really worried about Fei Yingli, so he agreed to Xiaolan and Fei Yingli to have another dinner together.

As for Fei Yingli, Xiaolan claimed that Mouri Kogoro was very worried about her, so he invited her to have a meal together, and also thanked Hanemiya Akira for his help.

In the end, with Xiaolan's efforts, the Maori couple agreed to the dinner.

While several people were talking, the door of the box was pushed open.

When Xiaolan saw the person coming, she immediately smiled and said, "Mom! You're here!"

"Yes, because of what happened today, I also turned down some work, so I got off work early." Fei Yingli said with a smile.

She pulled up a chair and sat down, looking around for a while: "Isn't that person here yet? He is really unpunctual as always!"

"Mom, don't say that. Dad may have been delayed by something in the middle." Xiaolan quickly defended her father.

Fei Yingli snorted coldly: "What can happen to him? Is he playing mahjong, drinking, or hooking up with another woman on the road?"

"This really seems like something Uncle Maori can do..." Yu Gongming muttered to himself.

"I heard you, a woman, saying bad things about me as soon as I came here. I really shouldn't have come!" A voice full of dissatisfaction sounded.

Several people looked around and saw Mouri Kogoro walking into the box.

With sharp eyes, Xiaolan saw a small, beautifully packaged box in Mouri Kogoro's hand.

Her eyes lit up and she said with a look of surprise: "Dad, what are you holding in your hand?"

Mouri Kogoro's expression froze, and then he pretended to be casual and placed the exquisite box on the dining table close to Fei Yingli.

"I saw a lottery drawing in a store on the road, so I took it and I just happened to win this thing. I didn't want it for nothing, so I brought it."

Meng Yu glanced at the exquisite box, blinked, her eyes full of teasing, and chuckled: "What a coincidence, Uncle Maori happened to meet the store where the lottery was held on the way here."

"Moreover, the uncle who has always been uninterested in the lottery will actually participate in the lottery." Yumiya Ming took over the conversation.

"What's even more coincidental is that Uncle Maori even got Auntie's favorite chocolate, Jikoba!" Conan used his innocent voice to send a wave of assists.

"Oh, that's really a coincidence. It's such a coincidence that I can't believe it!" Xiao Lan showed a sly smile.

She paused and delivered the final blow: "Or is this box of chocolates not something dad got in the lottery at all?"

"You little brats!" Mouri Kogoro's face immediately turned bad after being squeezed by a series of strange people. He glared fiercely at the juniors who were trying to undermine him.

Seeing this, Fei Yingli didn't understand that this box of Jikoba chocolates was specially bought by Maori Kogoro for herself.

The smile at the corner of her mouth flashed away, and Fei Yingli moved the box of chocolates in front of her in a natural manner: "Just in time, I was almost poisoned by jikoba chocolate just now, and now I need a normal box of chocolates to calm my panic. Then this box The chocolate is mine!"

"It's up to you. Anyway, I don't like to eat such sweet things. If you want, take it." Mouri Kogoro waved his hand as if he didn't care.

Then, he pulled out the chair next to Fei Yingli and sat down.

"What a dishonest man..." Fei Yingli secretly laughed in her heart, not intending to expose Mouri Kogoro, so she put the box of chocolates in her handbag as a precious treasure.

Xiaolan looked at this scene with joy in her eyes.

Sure enough, it was a wise decision to tell Mouri Kogoro to buy Jikoba chocolate in advance!

My mother's favorability seems to be rising steadily!

After Fei Yingli put away the chocolates, she looked at Yu Gongming and her expression became serious: "Aming, how are things going today?"

Akira Hanomiya smiled and said: "The person has been caught, and that guy is the one who hired the killer to attack Murakami's father."

Mouri Kogoro's face darkened and he asked: 'Who is that guy? ’

"You all know that person, it's the bartender Sawaki Eiroji we met yesterday." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"It's actually him!?" The Maori couple looked surprised at the same time.

"We don't seem to have any grudges against him, right? Why did he kill Murakami's father and also harm Eri?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Hanomiya Akira's eyes suddenly turned cold and he said calmly: "According to the interrogation results from Officer Megure, neither Murakami's father-in-law nor Auntie Eri is his real target, it's just a cover-up used by him to deceive others!"

"A blind trick?" Mouri Kogoro was stunned.

"Yes, because his goals happened to match a certain number on the playing cards, so he wanted to kill people starting from K and going all the way to A to hide his real goals and motives."

"For example, he actually planned to attack Officer Megure, and Officer Megure's name is Megure Thirteen, which is the King in poker."

"And Aunt Yingli's last name is Queen in English, which corresponds to the Queen card in playing cards."

"And his real targets are the famous rich man Asahi Katsuyoshi, the model Nana Koyamauchi, Mr. Hiroki Tsuji who we just met yesterday, and the best-selling food writer Nishina Nishina who was criticized by Mengyu Yitong."

"Eh? The names of these people..." Xiaolan frowned slightly.

"Hiroki Tsuji's Tsuji, Asahi Katsuyoshi's Asahi, Koyamauchi Nana's Nana's pronunciation is very similar to Seven, and Mr. Nishina's Jin."

"The names of these people include two, seven, nine, and ten respectively." Conan was the first to react and explained.

"Why did he kill these people?" Mouri Kogoro asked with a gloomy face.

Akira Hanamiya explained: "He lost his sense of taste after a car accident. According to the doctor's diagnosis, the loss of taste was caused by the car accident and excessive stress."

"The person who hit him with the car was Nana Koyamauchi, and the one who put pressure on him was Asahi Shengyi, because he used to work for Asahi Shengyi, and he and Asahi Shengyi had some unpleasantness over the issue of wine maintenance."

"As for Mr. Nishina, it was because he spread wrong knowledge about wine in his food books, and Mr. Hiroki because he made rude remarks about his status as a bartender at a party."

"This... If it's fair to say that Miss Koyama and Mr. Asahi are okay, but Mr. Nishina and Mr. Hiroki will become his targets just because of this matter, isn't it too much?" Xiaolan looked incomprehensible.

"Moreover, in order to cover up his crimes, he actually hurt other innocent people! It's simply unforgivable!" Mouri Kogoro hammered the table hard.

"Don't worry, the person has been caught. For such a bad behavior, and it has indirectly caused the Metropolitan Police Department to lose face, I'm afraid I will spend the rest of my life in prison!" Yu Gongming sneered.

"Speaking of which, this time it's all thanks to Amin and you guys. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what would have happened." Fei Yingli looked at Yu Gongming, Meng Yu and Conan with admiration.

"Well, you guys did a good job this time, Hanomiya boy." Mouri Kogoro also said.

Yu Gongming smiled and was about to say something when his cell phone suddenly rang.

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