Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 380 Let’s see who dares to cause trouble for Black Sakura!

After the middle-aged man quietly listened to the report of the crew-cut man, he slightly raised his eyes and looked at the crew-cut man:

"What do you think?"

The crew-cut man seemed to be well prepared and said respectfully: "I think this is some people or forces using the police to attack us."

"First of all, let's start with Feiyan. Yesterday morning, a member of Feiyan's team, codenamed Hummingbird, was arrested by the police. Feiyan sneaked into the Metropolitan Police Department in the afternoon and rescued Hummingbird who was arrested by the police."

"That night, wanted posters with portraits of hummingbirds and flying swallows in disguise were all over the streets of Tokyo."

"At about nine o'clock the next morning, a large number of plainclothes officers rushed to the vicinity of Mihua Park, and then the members of the search group No. 1 Thirteen also came to Mihua Park."

"In Mihua Park, two people attacked Mumu Shisan and evacuated on a motorcycle. Mumu Shisan was safe and sound, and the police also launched a pursuit with unexpected response speed."

"The two sides launched a chase, and finally the two managed to escape with the help of a white Ferrari."

"According to the investigation, the traffic lights at one of the intersections at that time had been tampered with. The left-turn and straight red lights turned on at the same time after the attacker's motorcycle passed by, blocking the police pursuit."

"Obviously, a hacker controlled the traffic light, which is consistent with the capabilities of Feiyan Team Copernicus."

"It can be seen from this that Feiyan Team should have started planning this attack."

"After the successful evacuation, all members of the Feiyan team should have returned to their residence, but half an hour later, their residence was surrounded by the police."

"The operation in Mihua Park seemed to be a plot by the Feiyan Team to target Mu Mu Thirteen. However, the police used this plot to successfully lock down the safe house of the three of them and kill them all."

"But how did the police know about Team Feiyan's plan?"

"First of all, eliminate the internal problems of Feiyan Team. If it is an internal problem, the police do not need to spend a lot of effort at all."

"And if it is an external problem, the only reasonable explanation is that the police installed a bug on someone's cell phone or in the safe house, or even lurked directly in the safe house and overheard Feiyan Squad's plan. "

"But this also means that the police have long grasped the safe house of Team Feiyan, which is obviously contradictory to the series of actions of the police."

"Therefore, it can only be a non-police third party who sneaked into the safe house to eavesdrop, or installed a bug, learned about this plan, and notified the police of this plan!"

"The next thing is Ikaruga."

"Under your order, Ikaruga went to the safe house of Team Feiyan to check the situation. At 2:55, Ikaruga contacted me and reported the information that Team Feiyan was annihilated and that he was being controlled."

"Judging from the intelligence that was later investigated, Ikaruga was probably controlled by someone in his safe house at that time. It is even possible that other members of his team had died while making the phone call."

"It took less than two hours from the arrest of Team Feiyan to the death of Team Ikaruga, and Ikaruga just happened to leave the safe house to carry out your order."

"Therefore, I suspect that Ikaruga was followed back to the safe house and then was raided."

"The number of people who attacked Ikaruga Squad was definitely not too large, because other residents living near Ikaruga Squad at the time recalled hearing three gunshots, and then there was no movement."

"If the opponent has a large number of people and has already exchanged fire, the gunshots cannot only be so few."

"So, there were at most two people who attacked Ikaruga's team, and they successfully subdued three of them in a very short period of time, or killed two of them and left Ikaruga alone."

"This method of acting is definitely not the style of the police. It should be the work of other people or forces, and it is most likely the same force that secretly helped the police arrest Feiyan Team."

"The other party is obviously here for Black Sakura. I wonder if it is because we have been taking over the industrial vacancies of the original black organization recently and touched the cakes of other forces in Tokyo, so we are being targeted?"

The crew-cut man stopped talking here and looked at the middle-aged man carefully.

The middle-aged man poured another glass of red wine at some point. He shook it gently and watched the bright red liquid rippling in the glass.

Taking a sip of red wine, the sweet taste of Chinese toon spread in his mouth, causing the middle-aged man to narrow his eyes slightly.

After slowly drinking down the red wine in the glass, the middle-aged man finally spoke.

"There's still no movement at Nightingale Cafe?"

"Yes, everything is normal now." The flat-headed man responded respectfully.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "Since he chose to notify the police, it means that he or they chose to let the police step on our trap."

"Our main focus in the near future is to compete for the industries vacated by black organizations. It is definitely not a wise move to go up against the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"Let the people monitoring Nightingale Cafe withdraw."

"Yes!" the flat-headed man said respectfully.

"Also, let the people below take more precautions to prevent a situation like the Feiyan Team from happening again!"

"I will notify you immediately!"

The middle-aged man continued: "As for that unmysterious force, you must continue to follow up and never let go of any clues!"

"Understood!" The flat-headed man nodded.

The middle-aged man poured himself another glass of red wine and waved his hand: "Okay, you can go out."

"Subordinates resign!"

Upon hearing this, the flat-headed man bowed deeply and left the room.

The middle-aged man was tasting red wine, squinting his eyes slightly and looking very comfortable. It seemed that the news brought by the crew-cut man had no impact on him at all.

However, the two strong men standing on both sides of him looked tense and felt inexplicably uneasy.

As the middle-aged man's personal bodyguards, they have followed the middle-aged man for many years, and they know very well that the middle-aged man seems to be at ease, but in his squinted eyes, there may be a cold light flashing at this moment.

This seemingly gentle middle-aged man is actually one of Black Sakura's few Sakura-level killers - Blood Sakura!

Who can become a Sakura-level killer without a lot of lives and mountains of bones on his hands?

Especially the Lord Xue Ying in front of me is not the kind of person who suffers a loss and still swallows his anger.

Xue Ying drank the red wine in the glass again and put the wine glass on the table.

He raised his eyes and looked at one of the strong men.

Upon seeing this, the strong man stepped forward quickly and removed the glass and the remaining half bottle of red wine from the table.

Xue Ying stood up and came to the balcony of the presidential suite, overlooking the night view of Tokyo.

After standing in silence for a long time, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

After a long time, the call was connected.

"Hey!" A rich male voice came from the opposite side.

"It's me." Xue Ying said calmly.

"My lord, please give me your instructions!" The voice on the other side immediately became respectful.

"Check all the actions of the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section 1 in the past two days. The more detailed the better."


Xue Yinghua hung up the phone and raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "I want to see who dares to cause trouble for Black Sakura!"

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