Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 386 Loneliness as Snow Suzuki Sonoko

Yu Gongming suddenly turned around.

In the hotel lobby, Kyogoku Ryuichi has left, and the waiter is receiving a new guest.

Outside the hotel, there was an endless flow of cars and people on the street, everyone going about their own business, everything was business as usual.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "The feeling of being stared at just now... was I nervous?"

Shaking his head slightly, Yu Gongming collected his thoughts and followed the footsteps of everyone.

Several people quickly arrived on the third floor.

"Kyogoku-senpai, your father is so enthusiastic!" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, we really caused trouble for uncle..." Xiaolan was also a little embarrassed.

Kyogoku said: "My father is still very hospitable, especially since I rarely bring friends back, so he will naturally be more hospitable."

"Haha, I think it's more than that simple, right?" Yu Gongming laughed in his heart.

He could clearly see that when the few people were communicating with Kyogoku Ryuichi, Kyogoku Ryuichi's eyes rested on Suzuki Sonoko several times, and his scrutinizing gaze was thought-provoking.

I'm afraid Kyogoku is really angry with his father. He is worried about his son's life-long affairs!

Kyogoku quickly led several people to the door of their respective rooms.

303, 304, and 305 are just three room numbers shared by several people.

As soon as he saw this number, Yu Gongming became more convinced of his previous guess.

You know, it's the peak tourist season, and Kyogoku's hotel is also located near the scenic spot. The passenger flow is considerable, and the room accommodation is definitely quite saturated.

There is a very small chance that two rooms with adjacent numbers like this will be vacant at the same time. If there are three rooms... the possibility is already so low that it can be ignored.

If it weren't for Kyogoku Ryuichi, the hotel owner's deliberate arrangement, Hamamiya Akira wouldn't believe it.

"I'll go to the hotel below to help first. After you settle in, you can come directly to me below. I'll treat you to lunch."

Kyogoku said hello to a few people and then went downstairs.

Akiya Hanomiya and Conan entered their room.

The room decoration is not very luxurious, but it is very clean and tidy.

Yu Gongming tried the hot and cold water, electric lights and other living facilities again. After seeing that there was no abnormality, he nodded with satisfaction.


Conan threw himself directly on the bed, as if he didn't want to move.

"Hey! Are you okay? Get up quickly, we are going to have lunch." Yu Gongming urged.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Conan turned over impatiently:

"If I weren't afraid that Yuanzi would lead Xiaolan into trouble, I wouldn't want to come!"

Akira Hanomiya chuckled: "Don't want to come? It's impossible not to go to the beach in Izu. I don't believe you don't want to see Xiaolan's swimsuit!"

Conan blushed: "Who wants to see it? What's so good about that kind of thing?"

Yu Gongming was too lazy to talk to Conan anymore and said directly: "Stop talking nonsense, Xiaolan will call you later, don't you still have to get up?"

"I know, I know!" Conan muttered, jumping off the bed and following Yu Gongming out of the room.

At this time, other people just walked out of the room, and everyone went to the restaurant next to the hotel together.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Kyogoku greeted him.

"I heard from your master's recommendation!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Then why not have our restaurant's specialty seafood fried noodles, plus our restaurant's specialty pan-fried lobster. If you feel tired, we also provide a vegetable and fruit salad. What do you think?" Kyogoku Jin introduced.

"Well, in addition to these special dishes, just add a few small side dishes." Yu Gongming added.

"No problem." Kyogoku nodded, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, do you think Kyogoku-senpai is a little too serious?" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly said.

"I feel okay? Kyogoku-senpai doesn't have any bad hospitality!" Xiaolan replied.

"I know, but I always feel that the way he looks at us is a little strange, and his expression is a little stiff. I always feel... he seems a little nervous?" Suzuki Sonoko considered the words and described it with some uncertainty.

"No? Why didn't I feel it?" Xiaolan was confused.

Hanamiya Akira glanced at Suzuki Sonoko and cursed in his heart: "Maybe the girl he likes is right in front of him, so he is a little at a loss, right?"

Others who knew the inside story also had more or less guesses.

Only Xiaolan, who didn't know the truth, continued: "Maybe he rarely receives friends, so he is a little nervous, right? Kyogoku-senpai is definitely not a bad person."

"Oh, I know! I saw what happened at the last karate exchange meeting. Kyogoku-senpai is still very responsible." Suzuki Sonoko looked at Xiaolan with some annoyance:

"I just think Kyogoku-senpai's behavior is a bit strange, so I just want to gossip about it!"

"Sure enough, you won't change your mind!" Conan rolled his eyes silently.

"Well... maybe this is someone else's private matter, so we shouldn't gossip so much, right?" Xiaolan was sometimes speechless about Suzuki Sonoko's gossipy personality.

"Aren't you curious at all? Senior Hanomiya, as a detective, don't you want to explore the truth behind your opponent's abnormal behavior?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hanomiya Akira and said bewilderedly: "Maybe there is a weakness hidden in this? When the time comes for you to duel again, wouldn't it be that Hanomiya-senpai has a greater chance of winning?"

Yu Gongming was speechless.

He doesn't know what Kyogoku's current weakness is, but if nothing happens, his future weakness will be you, Miss Sonoko.

If you want to defeat Kyogoku Makoto, if you are directly used as a hostage, Kyogoku Makoto's combat power will be reduced by at least half!

Of course, one cannot generalize between people. What if someone directly explodes into a Super Saiyan when they are extremely angry?

Calculating it this way, in fact, Suzuki Sonoko is not necessarily Kyogoku's real weakness, but a prerequisite for opening up?

Yumiya Akira's thoughts were racing for a moment, and he smiled slightly: "I'm actually not interested in exploring other people's privacy. Of course, if you, Sonoko, are willing to formally entrust me with the investigation, I will also be willing to help."

Suzuki Sonoko was immediately discouraged after hearing this: "Let's forget it. I'll just gossip. There's no need to ask you, a famous detective, to investigate."

But the next moment, she turned to look at the others: "What about you? Are you interested in this matter?"

"Yuanzi!" Xiaolan couldn't stand it anymore.

Meng Yu shrugged: "As the girlfriend and assistant of a famous detective, I have no interest in exploring other people's privacy. Of course, if you, Yuanzi, are willing to officially entrust me with the investigation, I am willing to help."

Suzuki Sonoko's mouth twitched.

This answer is too perfunctory. What does it mean to just repeat it?

As for Conan and Xiao Ai, each turned their heads to one side and had no intention of talking to Suzuki Sonoko.

Looking at the reactions of several people, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly felt that life was as lonely as snow and it was hard to find a close friend.

But while a few people were chatting, Kyogoku had already brought up a large pot of fried noodles.

Seeing the real owner coming, Suzuki Sonoko had no choice but to interrupt the topic, turned her depression into appetite, picked up a large bowl of fried noodles, and ate it.

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