Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 39: Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

From the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, police cars roared out one after another.

This mobilization of police force was so rare in scale that many Tokyo citizens who saw this scene were a little confused, wondering what kind of big case had occurred that had alerted so many police officers.

The police car drove along and split into two groups at an intersection.

According to the information obtained by the police, there are two buildings owned by Hirota Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. One is a pharmaceutical research institute located on the outskirts of Tokyo, and the other is an office building in an old city that is about to be renovated in the southern part of Yoneka Town.

Therefore, in order to save time, the police divided into two groups and went to the two buildings to conduct searches.

One police car after another came to the institute, and Officer Mu Mu got out of the first police car.

As soon as he stepped out of the police car, the sight he saw made Officer Memu's pupils shrink.

What you see is a pile of ruins of buildings with thick smoke and burning flames!

And a group of mobile team members were struggling to run through the ruins.

"what happened?"

Officer Megure called the head of the mobile team and asked.

"We didn't know either. We were about to arrive at the research institute. We saw the building right in front of us. Just when we were about to park, a series of explosions suddenly occurred in the entire building. Parts of the building quickly collapsed into ruins during the explosion. We We are now trying to search and rescue to see if we can find survivors." The person in charge of the mobile team arrived.

"So what's the situation now? How many casualties are there?" Officer Memu's heart sank, and he had a vague premonition, but the answer from the head of the mobile team surprised him:

"The strange thing is here. We searched for a long time and didn't find any human corpses or survivors. We found a lot of rat corpses."

"What? Are you sure?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

"Yes, after a full fifteen minutes of searching, no human body was found!" the leader of the mobile team affirmed again.

Officer Megure frowned. His many years as a police officer made him realize something was wrong. He took out his cell phone and reported the situation here to Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

"An explosion also occurred over there in the office building. It also happened before the mobile team arrived. There was also no sign of any casualties."

The news he received from Matsumoto Kiyonaga made Officer Megure even more confused.

The mysterious man called the Metropolitan Police Department and said that a time bomb was planted in the building of Hongda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and it exploded three hours later.

As a result, in less than half an hour, the mobile team had just arrived at the target building, and both buildings were blown up.

It could be said that the criminals were teasing the police, but there were no signs of casualties in the two bombing buildings. It was as if the bombing criminals notified the people here to evacuate in advance before the bombs exploded...

All kinds of doubts made Officer Memu full of doubts, and he had to rethink the whole incident.


Thirty minutes ago.

Near the office building of Hongtian Club, on the roof of a three-story building, Akira Hanamiya and three others were each holding a telescope, silently observing the movement of the office building.

Don't ask where the telescope came from. The fathers of the three of them all have detective backgrounds, so it makes sense to have telescopes at home.

"Why did they react so quickly?"

Conan watched the silhouettes of people flashing around in the office building. People kept hurriedly walking out of the gate to the parking lot, preparing to drive away.

This is by no means a normal flow of people!

"It's been less than ten minutes since we called the police, and they have already begun to evacuate... Sure enough, there are their people in the police, and they are probably searching for the first class!" Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"So, you specifically asked Officer Memu to answer the phone, not only to make us look more like the real bomb-terrorists, but also to target possible undercover agents?" Mengyu asked.

"Yes, now it is almost certain that there are people from that organization in the Search Section 1. Conan, please don't be so out of touch when you are on the scene in the future." Akira Hanomiya looked at Conan.

"I understand..." Conan nodded with a heavy face.

"Their car is coming this way!" Mengyu warned.

"Oh, I spent the whole afternoon yesterday inspecting the nearby terrain before I found the only way for them to leave. It's hidden!" Yu Gongming said and squatted down slightly.

The guardrail on the roof is a low wall made of cement. The three of them can hide their figures by squatting down slightly.

At the same time, a white Toyota car was approaching the building where the three people were staying at a slow speed.

Conan took out a transparent plastic bag, which contained four white spherical objects the size of fingernails.

Akira Hanomiya took out a small ball with his gloved hand.

"Let me see if the ball the doctor made works well!"

As Yu Gongming spoke, he stood up slightly so that he could see the road below.

The image of the white Toyota became clearer and clearer in Han Gongming's eyes.

"Okay... now!"

Han Gongming shouted in his heart, swung his arms, flicked his wrist, and the white ball of super glue ball in his hand came out instantly!

The moment the white Toyota passed under the building, the white ball hit the roof of the Toyota!

The next moment, the white ball burst open suddenly, and a pool of transparent fluid material splashed out from the inside of the ball, and then formed a trace on the roof of the car.

And among this trace, there is a small square the size of a mung bean.

The color of the small square is almost the same as that of the trace. If you don't look carefully, you can't find the existence of the small square.

The small square fell on the roof of the car, but it was not blown away by the strong wind as the vehicle drove. Instead, it was firmly fixed on the roof of the car as if it was stuck by something.

"How is it?" Yu Gongming looked at Conan.

Conan turned on the tracking glasses and looked at the electronic images displayed on his eyes.

After a few seconds, Conan nodded slightly and said: "The transmitter was successfully installed."

"Okay! Next, place all the transmitters on the leaving vehicles!" Yu Gongming was sure and said excitedly.

In the next few minutes, Akira Hanomiya successfully placed all the transmitters he carried on the vehicles evacuating from the office building.

Looking at the four rapidly moving dots on the tracking glasses, Conan's face was filled with joy.

"Very good, as long as you follow them, you can find another or even more strongholds of that organization!"

"So I said that the doctor's invention is really suitable for espionage activities!"

Yu Gongming half complained and half admired:

"The airtight superglue ball will break when subjected to a slight impact, the special superglue that solidifies faster than normal superglue, and the transmitter that can still work normally after being soaked in superglue... The doctor is really amazing!"

"But having said that, if you throw the tracker on their car, there should be some movement, right? Why don't they get out of the car to check?" Meng Yu also asked doubtfully.

"The ball was overall soft, and I deliberately controlled the force, so the movement it made was actually not that big."

"And look..." Yu Gongming pointed to the road:

"I put some pebbles on the road. When the car rolls over the pebbles, there will be movement. I just need to pick the right time and throw the ball on the roof of the car to further cover up the movement on the roof."

"Plus they were in a hurry to leave to escape the police, so naturally they wouldn't get out of the car to check."

"That's it..." Mengyu nodded suddenly.

While Akira Hanomiya was talking, Conan had already called the doctor.

"The doctor will be here to pick us up soon." Conan put down his phone and said.



Thirty minutes after the Hongtian Club explosion.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Headquarters Building, in the conference room of the Search Section 1.

The White Horse Police Chief is sitting at the head of the conference table, with a serious face and calm eyes.

Next to him, there was a telephone.

This is the police answering phone of the Search Division 1. It was temporarily moved to the conference room under the order of the White Horse Police Chief.

Apart from the White Horse Police Director, there was no other person in the conference room.

The quiet gaze of the White Horse Police Director occasionally fell on the phone, as if he was waiting for something.

At some point...

Ring ring ring!

The ringing of the telephone was particularly harsh in the quiet conference room.

The White Horse Police Director stared intently and answered the phone without any hesitation.

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