Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 390 The Importance of Local Friends to Travel

After hearing Kyogoku's true doubts, Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "To answer your question, I have to ask you first, why did you suddenly propose to carry Sonoko on your back?"

Kyogoku didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Because I saw that she was too tired, and I wanted to help her relieve her fatigue."

""If you support her to walk, it may be more uncomfortable for her to walk due to factors such as their height, weight, center of gravity, etc. "

"That's why I thought of carrying her directly on my back, so that I can control these factors and she can have a good rest."

Yu Gongming stared at him: "Is it really just like this? You don't have other thoughts?"

"No, if there is, it's because I didn't think well and made her leave so tired, right?" Kyogoku replied calmly.

Seeing that Kyogoku's expression didn't seem to be fake, Yumiya Akira nodded: "That's okay. If you don't feel guilty, she will feel a little embarrassed at most and won't have any ill feelings towards you."

"And having such close contact will also help you get into her heart later, which is not a bad thing."

"When you get along with her in the future, just do what you want to do, and don't mention what happened in those twenty minutes. Then there will be no problem."

"I see..." Kyogoku nodded suddenly.

Yu Gongming patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, as long as you are sincere and bravely express your feelings at the appropriate time, you still have a great chance."

"I understand, thank you." Kyogoku nodded and thanked him sincerely.

"What are you talking about?" Mengyu and Xiaoai, who were holding cameras, walked up to them at some point.

"Talk about Kyogoku's life events." Hanamiya Akira said with a smile.

"Oh~" Mengyu understood immediately.

"We have already taken pictures!" Yuanzi's voice came, and she and Xiaolan also walked towards the group of people.

"So, should everyone continue playing now, or should we take a break first?" Kyogoku asked.

"Whatever." Yu Gongming shrugged.

"It doesn't matter." Mengyu followed.

"I had already rested while taking pictures just now." Xiao Ai said calmly.

"I listen to Sister Xiaolan!" Conan laughed.

"I don't have anything, but Sonoko..." Xiaolan hesitated and looked at Suzuki Sonoko.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes focused on Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko felt uncomfortable being looked at by several people. She blushed and shouted, "What are you looking at!? I am not the kind of petite rich lady!"

Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand: "Let's go! Let's continue playing!"

"There is a large fishing ground nearby, as well as a quite vast mustard field. The scenery is also very good. Where do you want to go?"

"How much do you charge for that fishing spot? What's the fish density like?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"One session takes three hours and costs 5,000 yen per session. The density of fish is not bad, and there are very few fish that are quite expensive. If you are lucky enough, you may have a chance to get your money back." Kyogoku Jin introduced.

"Does he help with the caught fish?" Mengyu asked.

"There is a processing place, but you have to pay extra. After you catch the fish, you can bring it directly to our store, and we can cook it for you and serve it directly." Kyogoku replied.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up: "Then let's go to the fishing ground! The fish we catch will be tonight's dinner!"

Several people quickly agreed and the group headed towards the fishing ground with great interest.



The group returned to the SUV and prepared to return to the hotel.

Yu Gongming opened the trunk with a woven bag with several small holes.

There was a noise from time to time in the woven bag, which seemed to contain something alive.

Yu Gongming put the tied woven bag into the trunk and closed the lid with a bang.

When he entered the cab, everyone else had already gotten on the bus.

While starting the car, he said to the people in the back:

"Everyone is lucky today. Not only the dinner, but also the lunch portion tomorrow."

"Thanks to Kyogoku-senpai for choosing a good place for us, we can basically gain something new every ten minutes at most." Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile.

"Because the place I chose is an area where feed is often put in the fishing ground, many fish will instinctively gather there, so it is easier to catch fish." Kyogoku explained.

"Generally, this kind of feeding work should be done after the guests leave, right? How do you know?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

Kyogoku smiled: "My father is friends with the owner of the fishing ground. Sometimes he will go to the fishing ground to meet this friend for a drink, and I will ride a motorcycle to take my dad to the fishing ground."

"The more people come, the more you will understand some things."

"So, how important it is to have local friends when traveling!" Akira Hanamiya said with emotion.

"Indeed, I really want to thank Kyogoku-senpai for the hospitality this time." Xiaolan said sincerely.

"You're welcome. Since I invited you to Izu, of course I want you to have a good time." Kyogoku replied.

A few people chatted all the way, and after about half an hour, they returned to the hotel.

"I'll take care of the fish. You guys go to your room and rest first. I'll call you when dinner is ready." Kyogoku said, carrying the woven bag and walking towards the hotel.

"Let's go, I'm really tired after playing all afternoon." Yu Gongming greeted everyone and walked upstairs.

After returning to the room, Conan threw himself directly on the bed, kicked off his feet, and his shoes were thrown to the ground.

Akira Hanomiya found his backpack, took out a copy of "Murder on the Orient Express", and started reading it leisurely.

Conan glanced at it accidentally and immediately recognized the book from its cover.

"You still have a mystery novel with you?" Conan asked in surprise.

"Yes, I use it to kill time when I'm bored." Yu Gongming nodded.

Nowadays, smartphones have not yet appeared, and the Internet is not as developed as in the previous life. Akira Hanomiya can only pass the time with novels.

Conan immediately turned over and sat up, jumped directly next to Yu Gongming, and asked: "Do you have other novels with you?"

"Yes, I also brought Ellery Quinn's Tragedy series, you can take it yourself." Akira Hanomiya pointed to his backpack.

When Conan saw this, he immediately rushed to Yumiya Akira's backpack and started rummaging through it.

Not long after, Conan also held a copy of "The Tragedy of X" and read it with great interest.

Time passed unconsciously as the two of them were immersed in reading. At a certain moment, there was a knock on the door.

Yu Gongming closed the book and stood up, walked to the entrance and opened the door.

"It's time to start dinner." Kyogoku said outside the door.

Yu Gongming nodded, greeted Conan, and walked out of the room.

Kyogoku Shinya notified the others one after another, and not long after, the group arrived at the hotel.

This time, because we brought our own ingredients and processed them in advance, there was no need to wait for anything. As soon as we arrived at the table, the dishes were served one after another.

A few people began to enjoy tonight's dinner.

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