Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 393: How can the detective’s incident be called a scene of destruction?

Officer Henggou led the police officers into the woods.

After seeing Yu Gongming and the others, Officer Henggou's eyes lit up: "Eh? Isn't this Detective Ha Gong? Miss Mengyu, Miss Xiaolan and Conan are also there!"

"Yes, Officer Henggou, we are the ones who called the police this time." Yu Gongming nodded to Officer Henggou.

"Oh? What about the victim?" Officer Henggou asked.

"We gave the victim first aid, and she was carried into the ambulance five minutes ago." Mengyu replied.

"I see..." Officer Henggou nodded suddenly and continued:

"Can those guys tell me what happened?"

"Well, we just finished enjoying the fireworks display..."

Akira Hanomiya described the entire story in detail from when they passed through the woods to when he came back from chasing the suspect.

"Oh? Detective Hanomiya placed a tracker on that car?" Officer Henggou's eyes lit up.

"Well, it's best for us to track him immediately. If the gangster is alert enough, he may abandon the car and run away at any time." Akira Yumiya said solemnly.

"Okay!" Officer Henggou made a prompt decision and began to issue orders:

"The forensics team stayed to investigate the scene, the first team went to the hospital to protect the victim, and the others worked with me to track down the gangster!"

He turned to look at Hanomiya Akira: "Detective Hanomiya, since you installed the tracker, we can only trouble you to come with us."

"I am very happy. After all, we have uncovered his evil deeds. There is no guarantee that he will not retaliate against us. Naturally, I hope to catch him as soon as possible." He nodded with the citizen.

"It won't be too late, let's set off immediately." Officer Henggou said urgently.

"By the way, can Mengyu and the others leave first? The hotel we are staying in is nearby. If the police need to question them, it will be very convenient." Yu Gongming asked.

Officer Henggou thought for a while and said, "No problem, but our police personnel need to accompany them back."

"It's not that I doubt you, it's just that there are certain procedures that should be followed, otherwise it will be easy for people to speak out."

"I understand." Yu Gongming smiled.

He turned to look at Meng Yu and the others: "Then you go back first. Officer Henggou and I will go there."

"Brother Hanomiya! I'm going too!" Conan shouted.

How could he, Conan, stay out of a case like this?

"Conan, why don't you go? Officer Henggou and the others want to arrest a brutal gangster. It's too dangerous for you as a child to go!" Xiaolan said worriedly.

"It's okay, don't forget that I am Brother Yumiya's apprentice, I will protect myself!" Conan said with a smile.

"Officer Henggou, let him follow, otherwise this kid will act without permission later, which will cause trouble." Yu Gongming looked at Officer Henggou.

"Since Detective Hanomiya said so, of course there is no problem, and Conan is also a very smart kid, so he should be able to help a lot." Officer Henggou said with a smile.

In Officer Henggou's perception, none of the characters around the famous detective are simple. Even a child like Conan can always come up with dazzling reasoning.

In the eyes of Officer Henggou, bringing Conan with him is not an extra burden, but an extra helper, and Officer Henggou will naturally not mind.

In addition to the last case involving Professor Hirota, Akira Hanomiya had sold him a favor, and he was willing to give him this face.

Therefore, Conan successfully blended into the team.

"Then you should be careful all the way. Let's go back to the hotel first." Meng Yu also expressed her position.

Since the two famous detectives were gone, there was no need for her to get involved.

And although the possibility is very small, there is no guarantee that that person will come to cause trouble?

Mengyu stayed at the hotel, and two karate masters, Xiaolan, took charge.

"Well, let's go then."

After the two detectives said goodbye to their companions, they got into the police car and began to track the suspect.


"Tch~ the thing you were most worried about happened."

Akira Hanomiya looked at Mazda, which was constantly being beaten by the waves washing up on the shore, and his face became slightly gloomy.

He quickly determined that this was the vehicle used by the gangsters to escape.

The transmitter is attached to the roof of the car!

However, the car is now empty.

"Did you still let that person escape?" Officer Henggou was also a little depressed.

"There is a row of footprints here, which should have been left by the murderer when he escaped. While the lines are still relatively clear, we can collect the traces." Akira Hanamiya looked at the footprints extending into the distance next to the Mazda.

"Well, the footprints are indeed a clue, and according to Detective Hanomiya, the murderer ran away in a hurry and should have left some traces on the car." Officer Henggou nodded.

Officer Henggou said with a heavy expression on his face: "Actually, what I'm most worried about is that if that guy sees something is wrong and leaves Izu overnight, then the difficulty of our tracing will increase dramatically."

"Then we will conduct an investigation overnight." Conan said suddenly.

"However, the victim is still being treated in the hospital, and you witnesses have not seen the suspect's appearance. How can we check this huge crowd of people?" Officer Henggou sighed.

Conan spoke eloquently: "Before Officer Henggou came, we checked the lady's belongings. Of course, we wore gloves so that the evidence would not be destroyed."

"The lady's name is Yamashita Rika, she is from Tokyo. She still has a ticket from Tokyo to Izu in her wallet, and even a ticket for the return trip tomorrow."

"This shows that she is a traveler coming to Izu."

"And she also has a voucher for a certain hotel restaurant in her bag. She should be staying in that hotel."

"We can go to that hotel to make inquiries, and maybe we can get new clues."

"Oh? I see. Which hotel is that lady staying at?"

"It's the Heart of the Ocean Hotel." Conan replied instantly.

"Okay, let's set off right away!" Officer Henggou said immediately.

He didn't care about why Hanemiya Akira and the others turned over the victim's belongings before the police arrived.

How can the detective's incident be called a scene of destruction?

He turned to look at the other police officers who were following him: "Notify the forensics department and ask them to send people over to inspect the car and these footprints."

"Leave two people to watch here, the rest follow me!"

Soon, the group got into the police car again and roared to the Ocean Heart Hotel.

About ten minutes later, two police cars pulled up outside the Ocean Heart Hotel.

Everyone entered the lobby of the hotel, and the menacing momentum shocked the front desk clerk.

After Officer Henggou showed his identity as a police officer, the waiter breathed a sigh of relief.

The commotion was so loud that it alerted the hotel lobby manager, who was also startled when he saw a group of police officers.

It's usually not a good thing for the police to come to a hotel!

"Excuse me, police officer, what can I do for you?" the lobby manager asked cautiously.

"Excuse me, your hotel has been checking into a young brown-haired woman named Rika Yamashita from time to time recently?" Officer Henggou said straight to the point.

The lobby manager looked at the waiter.

The check-in list is usually recorded at the front desk.

The waiter saw the manager's look and immediately started operating on the computer nearby.

After a while, she turned to look at Officer Henggou: "There is indeed a woman named Yamashita Rika staying in our hotel, and I remember that she does have brown hair."

"Only this one?" Officer Henggou's eyes lit up.

"Yes, there is only one Miss Rika Yamashita staying in the whole hotel, so I have a deep impression. I still remember her hair color."

"Then she checked in alone?" Yu Gongming suddenly asked.

"Well, I remember there was a gentleman beside her at that time." the waiter replied.

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