Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 399 Meeting again, preparing to arrest

"That person..." Yu Gongming suddenly stood up so that he could see more clearly.

"What's wrong?" Meng Yu asked with some confusion when she saw Yu Gongming's sudden movement.

"Look over there at Xiaolan." Yu Gongming pointed in a certain direction.

Mengyu and Xiaoai followed Yu Gongming's direction and looked.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Conan were seen standing on the beach, and next to them, a young man in a gray shirt was smiling and chatting with them.

"Oh, someone is chatting up Xiaolan and the others...what's wrong?" Mengyu asked.

"That man is the suspect we finally locked in yesterday." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Meng Yu's face darkened: "Is it him? Why did he come to approach Xiaolan and Yuanzi?"

"I don't know. Logically speaking, since we discovered his murder yesterday, he shouldn't dare to wander around so arrogantly, and he happened to find Xiaolan and the others..." Yu Gongming also frowned slightly.

"Maybe he thought we didn't see his face, so he was so unscrupulous?" Xiao Ai guessed.

Mengyu also looked thoughtful: "If it were me, I would leave the hotel immediately that night, or even leave Izu directly."

"After all, if I kill someone and someone catches me, I won't bet that someone doesn't see my face, even if the environment is dark."

"In addition, if I am discovered during the murder, I cannot guarantee that the person I want to kill will definitely die. This is also a hidden danger."

"The police are not naive. The victim's belongings are all there. The police can easily find out her identity and then the hotel where she stayed."

"According to what Ming said last night, that person checked into the hotel with the victim and showed that he knew him in front of the waiter."

"So under such circumstances, it's really not normal for him to hang out here..."

She looked at Yu Gongming: "By the way, are you really sure that the murderer is him?"

Yu Gongming nodded: "Although the evidence is still insufficient, I can be 100% sure that it is this person."

When he said this, he glanced at Mengyu.

Mengyu understood it instantly and stopped asking any more questions.

Yu Gongming frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea flashed:

"I'm going to call and ask Officer Henggou." Akira Hanamiya said and walked to the locker room.

Not long after, Yu Gongming found his mobile phone from the locker. After arriving at an inconspicuous corner, Yu Gongming began to contact Police Officer Henggou.

"Hey! Officer, it's me."

"Ah! It's Detective Hanomiya. I was about to call you!" Officer Henggou replied.

"The suspect came to the beach and was talking to Xiaolan and Sonoko." Hanemiya Akira said calmly.

"Oh! Sure enough, Detective Hanomiya is also nearby?" Officer Henggou didn't seem surprised by Yumiya Akira's words.

"What has he done since last night until now?" Yu Gongming asked.

Officer Henggou replied: "After you left, he went downstairs with his luggage around ten o'clock, checked out the room, and then found another hotel to stay."

"And the person who targeted him followed him into that hotel."

"Then this morning, he left the hotel at about seven o'clock, then went to a second-hand car dealer to rent a car, and then he drove near the hotel where you were staying."

"Then, he drove to all the famous attractions and food stores in Izu, centered there."

"Finally, they came to the beach where you are. Detective Hanomiya should know what happened next."

After listening to Officer Henggou's account quietly, Yu Gongming's doubts dissipated a lot.

He suddenly remembered that when he first arrived at the hotel, he seemed to feel like he was being stared at, but when he looked back, that feeling suddenly disappeared.

Thinking about it carefully, when I turned back, wasn't it when Suzuki Sonoko turned up the second half of the stairs?

In other words, that gaze was actually staring at Suzuki Sonoko.

If that gaze belonged to Dokyo Masahiko, then Suzuki Sonoko might have been selected as the target yesterday.

He came to strike up a conversation this time, most likely because he wanted to kill his chosen target before the police found him!

It's entirely possible for someone with such paranoid anger towards a brown-haired girl to do something like this.

Moreover, for his series of operations, if the police had not acted so quickly last night, he would have temporarily escaped the police's sight as long as he left the hotel.

As for the victim, the best outcome is to die directly. The worst outcome is that with such a volume of bleeding, he will fall into a coma. The police will no longer be able to obtain clues from the victim's mouth immediately.

In other words, it will take quite a while for the police to track him down or even find him.

And he was confident that he could kill Yuanzi before then!

"Hmm... It seems that when he first set his sights on Sonoko at the hotel, he probably didn't have much of an impression on me. Otherwise, I had already seen him last night. How dare he come up and chat with me even though he knew that Sonoko and I were together? ?”

Yu Gongming's mind was filled with thoughts, but only two seconds had passed in reality.

He asked Officer Henggou: "How is the victim's condition now?"

"He is out of danger, but he is still in a coma. It will take some time to wake up," Officer Henggou said.

"Well, in this case, I think we should be able to take action. With the witness and other auxiliary evidence, at least the arrest will be no problem."

"Well, judging from the current clues and his behavior, his suspicion is enough for arrest. However, Detective Hanomiya, please help keep Xiaolan and the others away, otherwise it will be bad for them." Then Guan's tone was probably serious as well.

"No problem." Yu Gongming agreed. It was not difficult.

"Oh, by the way, what happened to the person who targeted him?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Um, well...he found us in the morning and showed his identity. It turns out that he is a policeman from Chiba Prefecture, and he followed this Taoist Association to Izu. It turns out that a similar case happened in Chiba. "

"Now he has given full responsibility for the case to us." Officer Henggou explained.

"That's it." Yu Gongming was not surprised by this:

"Then I'll find a way to get Xiaolan and the others away, and I'll leave the rest to you, the officers."

"Okay, I will arrange the arrest immediately. Detective Yumiya, please be careful." Officer Henggou said and hung up the phone.

Yu Gongming put down his mobile phone and came to the beach to meet Meng Yu and Xiao Ai.

At this time Kyogoku Shinya came over, his expression looked a little bad.

Time was running out, so Yu Gongming told the three people his speculation and the current situation.

"Hmph! I knew that guy was not a good person. He had dined with several girls at my restaurant before."

"Now we have to keep Xiaolan and Yuanzi away from the suspect to make it easier for the police to arrest him."

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu and Kyogoku: "Because I met the murderer, I won't go there. The task of sending them away will be left to Meng Yu and Kyogoku."

"no problem!"


Kyogoku and Mengyu both readily agreed.

"Well, be careful, the other party may have a murder weapon on him." Yu Gongming explained.

Both of them nodded solemnly, and then walked towards Xiaolan and the others.

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