Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 4 Analysis by Yu Gongming

Hanomiya Detective Agency.

After taking a comfortable bath, Yu Gongming lay leisurely on the bed, his body naturally lying flat, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, and his hands were pillowed behind his head.

This is his most relaxed state and the most comfortable state in which he can think about problems.

"Today is a big gain in every sense of the word." Yu Gongming silently thought in his heart.

Today, after communicating with Kudo Shinichi and others, Hanomiya Akira can clearly feel that both Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi have a very good impression of him.

This can be regarded as his initial interaction with the male and female protagonists, and his goal has been basically achieved.

As for Kudo Mengyu, Yumiya Akira also had certain ideas.

Although most of Hanemiya Akira's main conversations and eyes were focused on Kudo Shinichi, a considerable part of his attention was focused on Kudo Mengyu.

Thanks to the karate foundation of this body, his perception of certain details has become much sharper. Even if his peripheral vision occasionally passes by, Yumiya Akira notices a lot of things.

"At first, when we first met, her attitude was just like ordinary people, with a bit of suspicion and caution. But when I expressed that I wanted to discuss detective reasoning with Kudo Shinichi, her eyes seemed to become cautious. .”

"However, with such a cautious attitude, she persuaded Kudo Shinichi to agree to my invitation... She should want to know more about me."

"Compared to the nonsense possibility of falling in love at first sight, I prefer to believe that she is targeting me as an imaginary enemy to get to know me."

"This is interesting. If you are a normal person, when you meet a stranger who is obviously well-intentioned, you will at most refuse the request out of caution or personal matters. Like this, you have a certain degree of vigilance and subconsciously want to make contact. The worth pondering..."

"You wouldn't have this kind of mentality when you meet a stranger on the road and strike up a conversation. According to my memory, Kudo Mengyu and I have indeed never crossed paths. It's unlikely that I would have this kind of mentality because of who I am."

"And if she thinks that I am deliberately getting close to Kudo Shinichi and she is worried about her brother, then just reject me directly. There is absolutely no need for Kudo Shinichi to agree to my request."

"Then, excluding all possibilities, the only factor that makes her attitude so weird is... time!"

"The time I appeared and the time I deliberately approached Kudo Shinichi caused her to have certain associations, which led to hostility."

"During the conversation, I have already figured out that Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan will go on a date at Dorobiga Paradise this Saturday. This is also the beginning of all the plots in Conan."

"If you consider it from this aspect, the probability that she is a time traveler will increase infinitely."

"In addition, as we came to the restaurant, the conversation between Kudo Shinichi and I gradually changed from Sherlock Holmes to previous cases he had solved. Kudo Mengyu's brows would frown slightly from time to time."

"This is also what I want to see. I will not deliberately hide that I have investigated Kudo Shinichi in advance. I just want to see her reaction to this matter."

"After that, I also occasionally communicated with Xiaolan. She seemed to be chatting with each other, but the actual topics involved were quite detailed."

"For example, the analysis of certain moves in the match between Kyogoku and I, such as a certain traditional custom in Japan, such as the gossip of a certain member of the men's karate club."

"These contents may seem ordinary, but they are closely related to "Aki Hanomiya" and Japan."

"This is obviously not a coincidence."

"Because from the beginning, her attitude towards me was quite cautious. With such an attitude, she was unlikely to talk to me about Japanese customs, let alone gossip about the karate club, especially the men's karate club. gossip."

"In other words, whether it was my ceremonial communication or her taking the initiative to talk to me, the content of her words revealed a certain purpose."

"It's not so much a daily chat, but it's more like testing whether I am 'Aki Hanomiya' himself, or whether I am Japanese..."

"But the question is, why does she have such suspicion? Where did she get the clues to question the nationality and even identity of 'Aki Hanomiya'?"

"So, from this point of view, the probability that she is a time traveler has increased again."

"This way of thinking can only be seen from the perspective of a time traveler."

"Because she is a time traveler, at this point when the plot is about to begin, she has doubts about me, a character who has not appeared in the 'original work'."

"Because she is a time traveler, she can think of the possibility that I am a time traveler and test this."

"Perhaps her behavior alone can have other reasonable explanations, but when this series of behaviors are connected in series, the probability of coincidence is too low."

"Then, until new clues appear, it is temporarily presumed that Kudo Mengyu is a time traveler."

"Based on this logical basis, let's review her behavior and mentality."

"She gets along quite well with Kudo Shinichi, and she can influence Kudo Shinichi's will to a certain extent."

"She was quite cautious about my sudden appearance, and when it came time to say goodbye, that attitude seemed to soften a bit."

"She probably hasn't determined whether I am a time traveler or not, and she has not sensed my malice, so she has such a change in attitude."

"Then, her interests and emotional tendencies should be on Kudo Shinichi's side, that is, the [red] side."

"Eh? Speaking of [Red] and [Black], if she were a time traveler and knew that Kudou Shinichi would become smaller in a few days and start a battle of wits and courage with the winery, what would she do?"

"Sit back and watch Kudo Shinichi being attacked by Gin, naturally shrink into Conan, and then help Conan destroy the winery? Or...prevent Kudo Shinichi from being attacked by Gin and directly sever the original connection between Kudo and the winery? "

"The latter may not be impossible. After all, she is Kudo Shinichi's sister now, and since time travel can happen, no one can guarantee that Gin's sap after discovering Kudo Shinichi only knocked Kudo Shinichi unconscious. Rather than being beaten to death, or Kudo Shinichi will definitely become smaller after taking the A drug instead of dying directly."

"Also, don't look at the organization. In anime, there are only those who are killed by one's own (Pisco, Ireland, Miyano Akemi), those who are killed by others (Tequila), those who commit suicide (Kusuda Rikuchi), and those who paddle (Vodka, Chianti, Cohen), traitors (Curaçao, Shirley), undercovers (Shuichi Akai, etc.), rebels (Sister Bae), and gin and rum seem to be gone.”

"But if you think about it from another angle, such an organization that looks like a basic pill has existed for half a century, and it can still be cultivated. It kidnapped a lot of scientists to develop drugs for them, but there was no news about it. Members of the assembly were killed when they asked. , arrogantly drove armed helicopters to strafe and bomb Tokyo landmarks, but the Japanese Self-Defense Forces responded extremely slowly."

"Taking out these piles one by one is enough to make people think deeply... If I had known in advance that my brother was going to confront such an organization, my brother would still have a good relationship with me. I thought about it. You have to stop it somehow..."

"However, this is the world of Conan after all. Even time travel can happen, and there is absolutely no pressure for me to accept [World Will], [Heavenly Direction] and other settings. If she really wants to stop Kudo Shinichi and Can the contact with the winery really come true?”

"Huh, forget it, don't think about it so much. I should know the answer when I go to Dorobiga Paradise on Saturday... I have a hunch that this should be a quite interesting experience..."

Yu Gongming gathered his thoughts, cleared his mind, and soon fell asleep.

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