Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 406: Death-seeking Maori

He Ye was stunned when he heard Meng Yu's question, and then responded with some embarrassment: "Ah! It's nothing, I just got up too early in the morning and was a little distracted..."

Meng Yu smiled when he heard this: "Ah! Indeed, it must be very hard to catch the tram so early."

Naturally, she could see that He Ye's words were just perfunctory, but since they didn't want to talk about it, there was no need for her to get to the bottom of it.

"By the way, is there any place to eat nearby? I haven't had breakfast yet!" Hattori Heiji asked.

"There are no places that specialize in selling breakfast nearby. Generally, I make breakfast at home, or go to a convenience store to buy sandwiches or something." Hanemiya Akira said.

"Ah? That means we can only eat sandwiches and milk from convenience stores, right?" Hattori Heiji seemed disappointed by this.

"Since you came so early and prepared breakfast before you were home, you should be prepared for this, right?" Mouri Kogoro put his hands in his pockets and said impatiently.

Hattori Heiji said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about it. After all, when my mother was making takoyaki yesterday, she accidentally hit her foot with an iron plate and fractured it. Now she can't move at all. How can she help me prepare breakfast? !”

"You still have the nerve to say it?" Kazuha glared at Hattori Heiji angrily:

"I told you at that time that I could bring you breakfast, but you said you wanted to try Tokyo's food. You must be regretting it now!"

Hattori Heiji also stared back without showing any signs of weakness: "You are so long-winded. Who knew there is no place selling breakfast near the station?"

"Okay, okay, isn't it just breakfast?" Yu Gongming interrupted the bickering between the two:

"Hattori, just buy something from the nearby convenience store to pacify your stomach. I'll treat you to a feast at the most famous Chinese restaurant in Rice Krispies at noon!"

"Well... wouldn't it be too expensive? I heard that the prices at Huaxia Restaurant are very expensive. How about we pay for it ourselves?" He Ye said a little embarrassed.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. We often eat there. We have already applied for a membership card and there are discounts."

At this time, Mouri Kogoro suddenly came over, hooked Hanamiya Akira's shoulders, and pulled him aside while Hanamiya Akira was confused.

"Uncle Maori, what are you doing?" Yu Gongming was confused.

Mouri Kogoro made an expression like a secret agent and whispered:

"Hey, Mr. Yu Gong, can you get a bottle of Maotai and let's have a drink together?"

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Uncle Maori, isn't this bad?"

"What's wrong? How can you not drink at this time? I heard that the wine table culture is very popular in China?"

"I don't want to feel the profound cultural connotation of China!"

The corners of Hanamiya Akira's mouth twitched, and it was lucky that Mouri Kogoro could figure out this reason.

He said speechlessly: "Uncle Maori, wine table culture is not a good thing. I suggest you not to understand it in depth. There is a lot of excellent culture in China. There is no need for you to focus on these dross."

"Besides, Xiaolan gave you a one-month ban on drinking, and it's not even half a month yet, right?"

"So when the time comes, you have to cooperate and force me to fill up the glass of wine. By the way, when Xiaolan stops me, persuade her to at least let me drink that glass of wine."

"As long as I drink the first cup, Xiaolan won't care if I drink the second cup!"

Yu Gongming was shocked when he heard this.

"Uncle Maoli, you are very good at calculating. Why don't you think you are so smart when you usually solve cases?"

Yu Gongming complained in his heart, but said righteously on his face: "Uncle Maori, you made Aunt Yingli angry last time and made Xiaolan's efforts in vain. Xiaolan is very kind to only let you not drink for a month. "

"You are still using this kind of crooked thinking. Are you worthy of Xiaolan's hard work?"

Mouri Kogoro wanted to say something else, but a gentle voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"Dad, do you want to drink Maotai?"

When Mouri Kogoro heard this voice, his whole body trembled.

His expression was dull, and he turned his head stiffly like a machine with rusty gears.

Behind him, Xiaolan was looking at him with a smile.

However, this smile, in the eyes of Mouri Kogoro, is more terrifying than the devil!

He quickly shook his head and said: "Ah! No, I just want to convince this guy to come from afar. I should treat him well with a bottle of Maotai!"

"Oh? Serving two underage high school students with liquor?" Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro, her eyes becoming colder.

"Ah! This..." Mouri Kogoro was so nervous that he didn't think of a new rhetoric for a while.

Xiaolan's smile remained unchanged and continued: "As long as you drink the first cup, I don't care if you drink the second cup?"

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Mouri Kogoro's forehead.

After Hanemiya Akira glanced at Mouri Kogoro sympathetically, he broke away Moori Kogoro's hand on his shoulder.

Ignoring Mouri Kogoro's call, Yu Gongming returned to Meng Yu with brisk steps.

"Eh? What's going on?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

Conan and Hattori Heiji also came over and cast curious glances at Hanomiya Akira.

Yu Gongming briefly explained the situation.

After hearing what happened, Meng Yu couldn't help but laugh: "It seems that Uncle Maoli will accept Xiaolan's punishment."

"Uncle Maori is usually very confused, but he didn't expect to have so many bad ideas on this kind of thing." Conan also sighed.

Yu Gongming also tutted repeatedly: "When Uncle Maori said the first words to me, Xiaolan was already standing behind him, and the footsteps were so light that I almost didn't hear them."

"If Xiaolan hadn't been standing behind me, I wouldn't have been able to help Uncle Maori."

"Hey, I've heard of Moutai that uncle mentioned. How about a bottle for lunch?" Hattori Heiji said suddenly.

"Heiji! Stop joking, we are not old enough to drink yet!" Kazuha said dissatisfied.

"I know, I just said that casually!" Hattori Heiji muttered.

Meng Yu smiled and said: "Moutai is not only a good choice for gifts in China, but also has considerable collection value. You can actually take some back to your uncles and aunts."

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up: "That's right, then we will ask for some in the name of Uncle Mouri and give them back to my dad to try!"

"By the way, I can also share some..." Hattori Heiji silently added in his mind.

Yu Gongming said: "But the price of Moutai may not be very friendly, a bottle of medicine costs 100,000."

"What? One hundred thousand?" He Ye said in surprise.

Meng Yu nodded: "Yes, this kind of wine is not cheap in China, let alone in Japan."

"Then forget it, we didn't bring that much money at all." Hattori Heiji said helplessly.

As for asking Hanomiya Akira and others to pay, Hattori Heiji is not so shameless.

At this time, Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro came back.

Xiaolan's expression was normal, but Mouri Kogoro was dejected, with an expression that made him hopeless.

It seems that Xiaolan may have imposed new sanctions.

Seeing this, Yu Miyazaki said: "Now let's solve Hattori's breakfast problem first, and then we will take you around."

"Okay! Let's go quickly, I'm almost hungry!" Hattori Heiji said impatiently.

Afterwards, the group left the tram station.

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