Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 411 Where did the crime occur?

After leaving everyone's sight, Yu Gongming did not walk out the door, but walked along the stairs to the second floor.

The two came to the corridor on the second floor. After seeing no one around, Mengyu stopped and looked at Yu Gongming with a half-smile::

"You really have something serious to do!"

"Well, I have recalled most of the plot. It is estimated that a case will happen soon. I can't limit myself to one place." Yu Gongming did not shy away from this.

He didn't wonder how Meng Yu knew that he was going to do business. After all, this was a tacit understanding between the two of them.

"Can you tell me about the specific case?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming told Meng Yu the general details of the case.

"So it turns out that it is indeed a very tragic case." Meng Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

"That's why I plan to prevent the tragedy from happening, or at least make the impact of this tragedy smaller." Akira Hanamiya replied.

"Then where are we going now?"

"I was thinking, after all, I don't know which floor the case happened on, we have to guess."

"Why?" Mengyu became interested.

"The Morizon family all live on the third and fourth floors, right?"

Meng Yu nodded: "Well, we can know from their chat and our own observation that the first floor is mainly the front hall, living room, dining room, storage room and kitchen, the second floor is the housekeeper and servant's room, the third and fourth floors are That’s where they live.”

"But they should all live on the fourth floor. After all, many rooms on the third floor have been arranged for us to stay overnight. It seems that only Miss Xiaofeng lives on the third floor."

"Then if you had to choose a place to kill, where would you choose?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Then I'll choose the second floor." Meng Yu said immediately.

"Oh? Why?" Yu Gongming smiled.

Meng Yu said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Of course! His family lives on the fourth floor, and he kills people there. Whether it is preparation beforehand, contingency during the incident, or exoneration afterward, the risks and difficulties are quite high."

"And we guests are staying on the third floor tonight. Our movement trajectory can be said to be quite irregular. If someone kills someone on our floor, who knows if we will catch him during the murder?"

"As for the composition of the rooms on the first floor, I just mentioned it. Not to mention that Uncle Maori and the others are still in the living room, but other places are also places where servants often move around. The first floor can even be said to be the worst choice."

"So, the place he chose to kill could only be the second floor."

"The second floor is where the servants and housekeepers live. Servants usually don't return to their rooms until they finish their work. It can be said that they should be the last people to sleep in the family."

"And the main working place of the servants is on the first floor, plus the third and fourth floors at most. Our guests will not go to the second floor, and the people from their Moriyuan family have no reason to go, and the servants have to go to bed before going to bed at the latest , will not return to the room."

"In other words, the second floor will be deserted for a long time tonight."

"And not every room on the second floor is occupied. The murderer only needs to invite the victim to an empty room, and then take the opportunity to kill. As long as it is premeditated in advance, the movement will be very small, and the possibility of being discovered is also minimal."

"If it were me, I would choose the fourth floor." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Eh? Why?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

"It's very simple, because the fourth floor has the least amount of roads to pass through." Yu Gongming said calmly:

"You said it yourself just now. Most of the servants work on the first floor, and at most the third and fourth floors. Then, if the murderer invited the deceased to an empty room on the second floor."

"Then they all have to walk out of the room first, pass through the corridor, and finally go all the way down to the second floor. How many people will see it in the process? This is also unknown."

"And it is precisely because there is no one on the second floor now that once someone discovers it, the impression will be even more profound."

"There are two advantages to choosing the fourth floor."

"First, the murderer will not be suspected of being active on the fourth floor because he originally lives on the fourth floor;"

"Second, after the body is discovered, there will be many suspects, because everyone in the Morigen family should be in the room, and there is a high probability that there will be no way to provide a clear alibi."

"Hmm... It seems to make sense." Meng Yu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

She looked at Yu Gongming: "Then let's go to the fourth floor now?"

Yu Gongming nodded: "Well, while I'm chatting with you, I'll probably figure out what to do."

"Well, do you need my cooperation?" Mengyu asked.

"It shouldn't be necessary. You can just eat melon by the side until then. But if the situation is urgent, you are always ready to take action."

"Okay, let's go."

The two of them had made up their minds and walked quietly to the corner of the corridor and stairs on the fourth floor.

Yu Gongming leaned against the wall, slightly tilting his head to look in the direction of the corridor.

The corridor was lit with bright yellow lights, and the entire corridor was deserted.

The next moment, the door to the room at the end of the corridor suddenly opened. Butler Shigematsu walked out with a heavy expression and closed the door smoothly.

At the same time, the door of another room opened and Morison Kikuto walked out of the room.

Akira Yumiya retracted his head after Morizono Kikuto appeared. He tilted his head slightly and listened to the movement in the corridor. At the same time, he held Mengyu's palm and quickly typed a string of Morse codes.

[Go downstairs, be gentle]

Meng Yu nodded silently and walked slowly and softly downstairs.

There was carpet on the stairs, so the sound of footsteps was not obvious to begin with. Now that the dream words were deliberately restrained, it was even less likely to alarm the people in the corridor.

At the same time, Yu Gongming's ears moved slightly and he heard two footsteps approaching.

Upon seeing this, Yu Gongming quickly retreated downstairs.

After retreating to the third floor to meet Meng Yu, Yu Gongming listened for a while and saw that the footsteps did not approach the stairs, so he returned with Meng Yu.

Akira Hanomiya looked around again, just in time to see Morizono Kikuto's figure disappearing.

"The structure of the house... there seems to be a short passage going inward and a room at the end of it."

"Let's go." After Yu Gongming whispered a reminder, he pulled Meng Yu to the corner of the passage.


There was a muffled sound at the end of the passage. Yu Gongming looked around and saw that the door at the end of the passage was closed tightly, followed by a clicking sound.

"Is this... locked?" Yu Gongming was shocked and hurriedly led Meng Yu to the door.

There was a faint sound of voices in the room:

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" This was the voice of Butler Shigematsu.

"Is there really no way to talk? Why do you have to let me break off the engagement? I obviously love Xiaofeng so much, and weren't you the one who arranged this matter in the first place!?" This was Morizono Kikuto's suppressed roar.

"There's no reason. Tonight is the deadline. If you can't bring this matter up with me tonight, then I have no choice but to tell you what happened in the company." Steward Shigematsu's voice was deep.

"In that case...drink!" Morizono Kikuto suddenly let out a low drink!

"Break the door!"

Yu Gongming's expression changed, he shouted loudly, and kicked towards the door with his ready-to-go kick.

Meng Yu and Yu Gongming kicked out their right legs almost in no particular order.


Under the powerful power of the two karate masters, the door opened in response!

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