Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 423 New Discovery

"Huh? What's wrong?" Xiao Ai asked with a frown.

Mitsuhiko touched his chin and looked at Xiao Ai suspiciously: "Haihara-san, do you know where Conan went?"

Xiao Ai's expression remained unchanged and she looked at Guangyan calmly: "Why do you think so?"

"Because usually if Conan has something to do, he will ask Xiao Ai to tell us what to do. Conan should trust Xiao Ai, right?" Ayumi's tone was obviously full of resentment.

"That's right! And you two are still at the same table. I often see you muttering and not knowing what to say in class. Conan even asked you to be the deputy leader of the Junior Detective Team!" Genta also agreed.

"Yuntai, you are too loud." Xiao Ai said coldly.

Yuantai subconsciously covered his mouth and said vaguely: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also looked at Genta with some dissatisfaction.

Ayumi was simply dissatisfied with Genta speaking so loudly, while Mitsuhiko was dissatisfied with Genta being so cowardly.

However, Mitsuhiko also admitted that this brown-haired girl who had just joined the Young Detective Team not only had extensive knowledge, but also had a convincing temperament like Conan.

"Anyway, Haibara-san should know where Conan went, right?" Mitsuhiko changed the subject again.

The corner of Xiao Ai's mouth curled up: "If according to what you said, Edogawa really trusts me, then... why am I still hungry for you to be together? Instead of going to investigate with him?"

"Eh? This..." Mitsuhiko's expression froze, and Ayumi and Genta also looked hesitant.

Xiao Ai looked at the reactions of the three little ones with a playful look, and continued: "Besides, it was Mitsuhiko who was the first to notice that Conan was missing just now, wasn't it? I was woken up by the movements of you guys. If I know Edogawa If it comes to action, Mitsuhiko is the most suspicious, right?"

Mitsuhiko's expression changed, and he waved his hands quickly and said: 'How is that possible! Conan, how can you tell me if something happens? ’

"That's right!" Yuantai nodded seriously.

Xiao Ai looked at the three little ones and said calmly: "If you continue to waste time here, you might as well go back to sleep."

"If you want to go find Edogawa or investigate on your own, do it now."

"Okay, then where are we going now?" Yuantai and Bumi looked at Xiao Ai again.

Although Mitsuhiko felt that something was wrong, he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only start investigating first.

After Xiao Ai saw that the three little ones had been fooled, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and commanded calmly on his face:

"Now let's walk around the corridors of the castle. Maybe we'll have a chance to meet Edogawa. If the corridor is missing, we'll look for him one by one in the unoccupied rooms."

"Now let's start from this level."

"Okay!" The three little ones nodded slightly, and then followed Xiao Ai around the corridor on this floor.

None of them noticed that Xiao Ai kept her right hand in her pocket while talking to them.


"This passage seems to cover the entire underground of the main building of the castle." Yu Gongming flashlighted, shining around the dark inner wall of the passage.

"Yes, and this secret passage connects all the floors of the castle, and each floor has an entrance to the passage." Mengyu replied.

"However, apart from the original skeleton, there seems to be nothing else of value." Conan looked a little disappointed.

Yu Gongming waved the flashlight: "A secret passage like this should have been used to hide certain things, but it seems that the previous owner of this castle did not make full use of it."

Conan put his hands behind his head in boredom and said in a casual tone: "After all, some upstarts in Japan directly dismantled European-style castles and then transported them back to Japan in batches to rebuild them."

"Maybe the castle retains its original design, but its owner didn't really delve into the purpose of these secret passages..."

As Conan was speaking, a faint vibration suddenly sounded in the passage.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at Conan at the same time.

In the silent passage, they clearly heard the sound coming from Conan.

Conan took out a strange-looking badge from his coat pocket.

The vibrating sound came from that badge.

"Is this the contact badge that the doctor made for you?" Mengyu asked curiously, staring at the badge.

"Yes, the function of this badge is similar to that of a phone, and it also has a positioning function..."

After Conan pressed a button on the badge, a faint voice came through.

Several people listened attentively for a while,

Conan rolled his eyes helplessly:

"Those brats are really restless."

Meng Yu said a little worriedly: "It might not be a good idea if I run into the murderer if I wander around."

"With Haiyuan taking them, and the training I've given them during this period, nothing should happen in a short time." Conan said.

Yu Gongming frowned slightly, and then sighed, "Forget it, we have basically finished walking the entire secret passage now, so we should go back first... huh?"

Yu Gongming's expression moved slightly, and what he was about to say suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked confused.

Yu Gongming didn't reply. The flashlight shone on the ground, and the beam moved slowly.

Finally, the beam stopped on a floor tile.

Like everywhere else, this floor tile is a typical bluestone floor tile that looks unremarkable.

Yu Gongming squatted down, lightly pressed the floor tile, then clasped his fingers on the edge of the floor tile, and suddenly dug upward!


The entire floor tile was lifted up in an instant, revealing the scene below.

"Eh? It's not sand down there?" Conan said in surprise.

Yu Gongming didn't reply. He just followed the same pattern and tried to lift the surrounding floor tiles with this soil layer as the center.

Soon, including the first one lifted, a total of nine floor tiles were moved by Yu Gongming.

"This is..." Mengyu and Conan both gathered around curiously and turned on their flashlights to observe.

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a metal plate made of iron sheets, with a drooping pull ring in the center of the metal plate.

It was precisely because of the presence of this pull ring that the centermost floor tile looked out of place, which was noticed by Akira Hamiya.

Yu Gongming looked at the pull ring in front of him seriously, put on his adsorption gloves, and reached out to grab it.

He exerted a little force and suddenly raised it.

The entire metal plate was lifted up, revealing a dark entrance below.

The expressions of the three people changed to varying degrees.

"Want to go down and take a look?" Meng Yu said hesitantly.

Just as Yu Gongming was about to reply, his expression suddenly changed, and then his body was like a spring, rushing in a certain direction instantly!

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