Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 451 Everyone insists on their own opinions

About twenty minutes later, Officer Megure led a team to the scene.

By this time, the power had already been restored, and everyone gathered in the living room, waiting for police questioning.

"Why is it you again?" Officer Megure looked at Hanomiya Akira and the others speechlessly.

"Officer Megure, don't be like this! After all, we haven't seen each other for a while." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"Is this something worth talking about?" Officer Memu twitched the corner of his mouth.

He turned to Kogoro Mouri again: "Not only Brother Hanomiya, Brother Mouri and Conan are also here. It's really..."

"Hehe! Officer Megure, don't worry, my famous detective Mouri Kogoro is here, it will definitely reduce your workload greatly!" Mouri Kogoro said with a proud look on his face, not noticing the kind of behavior of Officer Megure at all. Complex tone.

"Then thank you so much!" Officer Megure was very used to the behavior of his old friend.

He coughed lightly and his expression became serious: "Then please tell me the situation in detail."

"Okay, here's what happened..." Akira Hanamiya explained what happened after the power outage in as much detail as possible.

However, he definitely couldn't say that Conan was asked by him to follow Yoko Shinde, but that Conan was looking for the bathroom and [accidentally] discovered Yoko Shinde's weirdness.

"So, Mrs. Shinde put a wire plugged into the socket into the bathtub, and Mr. Shinde's hand happened to be resting on the armrest at that time. Once the call came, Mr. Shinde was likely to be electrocuted?" Officer Megure confirmed.

"Yes, that's it." Yu Gongming nodded.

"Wait a minute, I said this little brother saw it wrong. I was just chatting with my husband and didn't even notice when the line entered the bathtub!" Shinde Yoko retorted.

"Oh? In other words, you admitted that there was indeed a wire placed in the bathtub?" Officer Megure stared at Shinde Yoko sharply.

"...Yes." Shinde Yoko's momentum suddenly weakened and she replied in a low voice.

"Then when did this wire enter the bathtub and who touched this wire, we need to confirm it carefully."

As Officer Megure said, he ordered the forensic personnel to go to the bathroom to investigate the line, and then turned to look at Niiki Shinde: "Then Mr. Shinde, do you know when that line appeared in the bathtub?"

Xinde Xihui said with certainty: "I am sure that before the power outage, there would be no such line in the bathtub. Otherwise, I would have been electrocuted long ago. How could I still be able to talk to that woman?"

"And after the power outage, the only ones who actually entered the bathroom were the woman and Conan's little brother." He looked at Shinde Yoko and said with a cold face:

"At that time, she asked me hypocritically if I was frightened because of the power outage, and she shined the penlight in my face."

"After that, this little brother suddenly shouted, 'Stop it!' and then rushed in, pulled out the wire in the bathtub, and unplugged the plug."

Shinde Xiki pointed at Shinde Yoko and shouted: "This woman must have secretly put the wire in while she was talking to me. Mr. Police, arrest her quickly!"

"Don't be slanderous!" Shinde Yoko said tit for tat: "You have a habit of shaving while taking a bath. Who knows if you accidentally dropped the thread in the bathtub after shaving?"

"My shaver is still powered, so there is no need to plug in the cord. I clearly put the previous cord on the shelf next to the bathtub!" Shinde Xihui immediately retorted.

"This..." Seeing that the two of them were insisting on their own opinions, Officer Memu looked at Hanomiya Akira and others: "Brother Hanomiya, what do you think?"

"I definitely believe Conan, and from the perspective of evidence, Conan had no motive to deliberately frame Mrs. Yoko, nor did he have any reason to kill the new doctor. His testimony can be accepted." Hanamiya Akira was naturally convinced. Quite Conan.

Conan also said: "Moreover, Mrs. Yoko's behavior before entering the bathroom was also very suspicious. I think she was designing an alibi for her murder plan."

"Although there are the testimonies of Mr. Shinde and Conan, it cannot be completely ruled out that others, other than Mrs. Shinde, took advantage of the power outage before Mrs. Shinde entered the bathroom and put the wires plugged into the socket into the bathtub in the dark. Here." Officer Mu Mu was cautious and did not rush to a conclusion.

"Are you kidding me!" Xinde Xihui immediately became excited: "If someone enters the bedroom, plugs the cord into the socket and finally puts it into the bathtub, how could I, the person in the bathtub, not know?"

"Um, well... there was a sudden power outage and everything was dark. If the person moved lightly enough, it wouldn't be impossible, right?" Officer Megure said, touching his chin.

"Do you think I'm deaf?" Xinde Xihui said angrily.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I just had reasonable suspicion. After all, many clever thieves can sneak into other people's houses quietly." Officer Megure quickly explained.

"Hmph!" Xindi Xihui snorted coldly and said nothing more.

"Officer!" The forensic officer trotted over and reported: "The wires in the bathroom have been checked and the fingerprints of three people were found!"

"Oh? Three people?" Officer Memu was startled.

"These fingerprints should belong to Dr. Shinde, Mrs. Yoko and Conan respectively, right?" Meng Yu said.

"We need to compare exactly who it belongs to." the forensic officer replied.

"It's not weird even if there are my fingerprints, right? We go in and out of this bathroom every day, so it's normal for us to accidentally touch that wire, right?" Shinde Yoko said with a smile.

"Well...that's true..." Officer Megure nodded.

"By the way, I've always felt that the previous power outage was a bit strange. Officer Megure, you might as well investigate it?" Akira Hanomiya heard a new direction of investigation.

"Oh? What do you say?" Officer Megure asked.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "If this is really a case of deliberate murder, then the power outage that just happened is definitely not a coincidence. Maybe the murderer has manipulated the switch, or used a device such as a power outage timer to cause this What if his home loses power when he needs it?”

When Shinde Yoko heard this, his expression suddenly changed!

"Well, that makes sense. For forensics, go to the electric switch and see if there is a power outage timer or anything like that in this house!" Officer Megure immediately ordered.

Not long after, a forensics officer came to report: ‘Report! We did find a power outage timer near the electric switch, and it looked like it had just been used. We collected several fresh fingerprints on it! ’

Officer Megure looked at Yoko Shinde: "Mrs. Shinde, can you please provide your fingerprints?"

Shinde Yoko's face darkened slightly. After hesitating for a while, she nodded: "Okay, please do so."

After collecting Yoko Shinde's fingerprints, Officer Megure looked at Yoko Shinde seriously: "Mrs. Yoko, based on the current evidence, we have reason to suspect that you are suspected of attempted murder. You can go to the police station with us. Going?"

"Okay, I am willing to cooperate with the police investigation." Shinde Yoko nodded.

Afterwards, after confirming that there were no other clues, Officer Megure and Akira Hanomiya said hello and left the scene with Yoko Shinde.

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