Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 465 Psychological Induction

A dozen police officers rushed towards Kaitou Kidd.

The dense crowd obscured the sight, drowning the figure of Kaitou Kidd.

As the crowd surged, a light suddenly erupted!

"Close your eyes and cover your ears!"

Yu Gongming reminded everyone loudly.

About three seconds later, he opened his eyes slightly, and the light coming through the gap told him that the effect of the flash bomb had worn off.

So, he opened his eyes completely again and looked into the warehouse.

At this time, a group of police officers who arrested Kaitou Kidd were watching their surroundings at a loss.

At this moment, there was no trace of Kaito Kidd in the warehouse, only a group of special police officers wearing gas masks remained.

"Check the number of people immediately!" Conan shouted.

After hearing Conan's words, a group of police officers immediately began to confirm, regardless of whether this was just a child.

"Report! A total of fourteen police officers entered the warehouse just now, and now there are fourteen people in the warehouse!" one of the police officers shouted.

"What? What about Kaitou Kidd?" Chamu was shocked.

Conan frowned slightly and began to scan around.

Yu Gongming frowned slightly, looking at the policemen mingling in front of him, he suddenly frowned:

"Wait! Who was the one who said fourteen people just now? There are clearly fifteen people inside!"

"What? Fifteen people?" Everyone was shocked.

"That's right!" Yu Gongming said with certainty:

"Yes, I specifically counted them. There are indeed fifteen people."

"Well, Hanomiya is right, there are indeed fifteen people." Hattori Heiji seemed to have already counted the number of people clearly.

"Then the one named Fourteener just now..." Conan glanced sharply at the police in front of him.

"I'm afraid Kaitou Kidd deliberately gave us wrong information." Akira Hanomiya said calmly:

"Just now, he reported that there were fourteen people in a very positive tone, so that we can quickly get the answer to the question and make us believe that the answer is correct, and then stop exploring and focus on other aspects."

"If it were normal times, this method might not have much effect, but now that Kaitou Kidd has suddenly disappeared, the probability of being tricked is still quite high in a desperate situation."

Conan and Hattori Heiji both looked unhappy.

Because even they just believed the conclusion of the fourteen people and turned their attention to their surroundings.

Akira Hanomiya smiled and stared at the policemen in front of him, or at the Kaitou Kid hidden among the policemen:

"He is worthy of being a magician under the moonlight. Not only does he have exquisite magic props, but he is also very unpredictable in the psychological induction of the audience."

The policemen looked around, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Everyone, no one is allowed to move! Anyone who dares to move will be knocked unconscious immediately!" Chamu Policeman was experienced after all, so he immediately ordered.

Suddenly, fifteen special police officers stood motionless on the spot.

"Everyone, take off your masks!" Chamu Jingjing continued.

The policemen heard the order and immediately began to remove their gas masks.

In the end, only one person was left, still wearing a gas mask.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The man chuckled from behind the mask:

"It's really difficult! It seems that we can only use the backup plan."

"Come on, catch him!" Chamu immediately issued an arrest order regardless of what Kaitou Kidd said.

In an instant, the policemen who were standing there immediately rushed towards the guy wearing a gas mask.

However, a burst of gray smoke suddenly rose.

The police who rushed forward were smoked by the smoke, and their forward momentum suddenly slowed down.

Then, after shaking left and right for a while, they fell to the ground.

The faces of everyone standing at the door of the warehouse changed slightly, and they immediately put on the gas masks they had prepared earlier.

"Damn it! It's sleeping gas! I forgot to ask them to put on their gas masks again!" Police Chamu cursed secretly and shouted quickly:

"Reserve team, immediately enter the warehouse and continue arresting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden "boom" in the crowd where Yu Gongming was.

The next moment, a burst of thick smoke instantly engulfed the crowd!

"What...why are you behind..." Yu Gongming was shocked and turned around quickly.

The next moment, Conan suddenly heard a painful cry of "Ouch" next to him.

"Conan?" Yu Gongming shouted and asked.

"Someone knocked me down and ran outside!" Conan responded immediately.


Chamu Jingjing heard Conan's words and quickly looked behind him.

However, in the thick smoke, he saw nothing.

After more than ten seconds, when the smoke dissipated, Chamu took a closer look and saw that there was no trace of Kaito Kidd anywhere in the warehouse?

"Hurry up!" Police Chamu quickly called to the police officers and left the warehouse in a mighty manner.

"Let's leave quickly!" Abdomen Heiji greeted.

However, neither Haminiya Akira nor Conan moved.

"What's wrong?" Hattori Heiji was confused.

"No, if we leave, then Kaitou Kidd will really run away!" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Huh? You mean..." Hattori I Heiji's face changed slightly.

"This is another psychological induction." Conan said lightly.

"That's right?" Yu Gongming came to the open warehouse door and pulled hard.

"Mr. Phantom Thief Kidd, who deliberately knocked down Conan to create the illusion of escape."

Conan and Hattori Heiji took a look and saw a [policeman] wearing a gas mask standing behind the door.

The [Police] looked at Yu Gongming and the others, snorted softly, and walked out from behind the door at a leisurely pace.


A burst of pink smoke rose up, and when the smoke dissipated, Kaitou Kidd in white appeared in front of several people.

"It seems that I failed quite completely this time! Not only did I steal a fake egg of memories, but my several attempts to escape were discovered."

"So, are you planning to capture him without mercy?" Conan sneered.

"No, no, no..." Kaitou Kidd shook his finger:

"I just want to say that since it has failed, then I should simply give up on this Egg of Memory, right?"

"Hmph! Do you think you can escape the punishment of the law like this?" Conan said coldly.

"Well, actually, if you can agree to a condition, then it's not impossible for us to let you go." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Hey! Hanomiya, what are you talking about?" Conan and Hattori Heiji both looked at Yumiya Akira in surprise.

"It's nothing, it's just that now that the police have been diverted by his accomplices, it is almost impossible for us to catch him alone."

"Accomplice?" Conan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Yes, the smoke bomb in the crowd just exploded from behind. It couldn't have been set by Kid, the thief in the warehouse."

"Even if there are only a few of us, how will we know if we don't try?" Hattori Heiji was obviously dissatisfied.

"Then how do you think about how to break through his smoke bombs, flash bombs, and sleeping gas? A gas mask alone is not enough!" Akira Hanamiya reminded.

"This..." Hattori Heiji was speechless.

Akira Hanomiya changed the topic: "However, we should be able to cause you some trouble. Mr. Kidd shouldn't doubt this, right?"

Kaitou Kidd smiled slightly: "I admit, several famous detectives did give me a lot of surprises."

"Then, as long as you agree to my conditions, I will let you go temporarily this time."

"Oh? What are the conditions?" Kaitou Kid asked with interest.

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