Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 478 Early morning prank

Yokosuka City.

Akira Hanomiya and his party have already disembarked from the luxury cruise ship, and the police have almost completed their investigation of the scene.

This case was actually not complicated due to the involvement of Akira Hanomiya. Ryuu Samkawa was indeed shot through the right eye by Pu Siqinglan with a pistol.

There were some signs of rummaging at the scene, and Pu Siqinglan seemed to be looking for something.

After a subsequent body search, it was confirmed that what she was looking for was the memory card of the Samchuanlong camera.

Combined with this, the police speculated that there must be some secret in this memory card.

Officer Megure said that if any clues are found, he will inform Hanomiya Akira.

Because it was getting late, they planned to stay in a hotel in the city for one night and then go to the castle the next day.

People from the Suzuki Consortium, including Sonoko, separated from a few others.

According to Sonoko, in fact, they came to Yokosuka this time because they had other things to deal with, and they were not specifically looking for the egg of memories hidden in Yokosuka Castle.

Of course, Suzuki Shiro also said that if Kasaka Natsumi is willing to part with another memory egg, the Suzuki Foundation will definitely be able to give a satisfactory price.

Natsumi Kasaka politely declined on the grounds that it was a relic of her ancestors and could not be sold easily.

Suzuki Shiro didn't care about this, and even generously paid for everyone's three-day hotel accommodation.

hotel lobby.

Akira Hanomiya flicked the check amounting to 15 million in his hand and chuckled: "As expected of the Suzuki Consortium, it is really grand."

Meng Yu on the side gently touched his arm and said with a smile: "Then you can't be stingy after you go back. Treating you to a meal is not too much, right?"

"No problem! It's a joke!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

At this time, Hattori Heiji appeared out of nowhere: "Hey! Do you mind if I come too?"

Yu Gongming glanced at him sideways: "Don't you have to go back to Osaka to go to class? Are you so free?"

Hattori Heiji laughed: "It doesn't matter, I have already asked for a week's leave from school!"

"You are so shameless!" Conan, standing next to Mengyu, cast a look of contempt.

"Oh! We are all friends, so don't worry about it so much!" Hattori Heiji said, ravaging Conan's head.

Conan easily dodged Hattori Heiji's clutches, rolled his eyes, and was too lazy to deal with this shameless guy.

At this time, two girls, Xiaolan and Ye, walked towards a few people.

"Senior Hanomiya, these are room cards for three double rooms. How to distribute them?" Xiaolan asked.

Yu Gongming rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "How about I share a room with Mengyu, Hattori and Ye, and Xiaolan and Conan?"

"No!" Hattori, Kazuha, and Conan objected at the same time.

" can I be in the same room as Heiji!" Heye yelled with a blush on his face.

"Just...just say it! Kazuha is a girl, how can I be in the same room with her?" Hattori Heiji also said.

"I..." Conan seemed to want to say something, but suddenly he was speechless.

What could he say?

He shouted no, partly because he didn't want to be alone with Xiaolan, and partly because he didn't want Yu Gongming and Mengyu to be in the same room.

However, can these reasons be stated in front of Xiaolan?

As a result, Conan, who couldn't think of any other reason for a while, suddenly became confused.

Yu Gongming looked at everyone's reaction and chuckled: "Then let's change the plan."

"Look, we have three men and three women, and we have three double rooms. There will always be a man and a woman sharing one room."

"Mengyu and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's reasonable for us to live in the same room. Then you can figure out the rest."

"Then I'll share a room with Brother Heiji!" Conan arrived immediately.

"Then I'll live in the same room as Xiaolan!" He Ye followed closely behind.

Xiaolan glanced at Conan, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly; "Well, let's do that."

Conan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he glanced at Yu Gongming with a slightly warning look, and the meaning was self-evident.

Yu Gongming glanced at Conan amusedly. This kid can't even protect himself, but he still cares about others?

After assigning rooms, several people walked towards the elevator.


The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Yu Gongming slowly opened his eyes, then stood up and sat up.

Yu Gongming turned his head slightly and saw Meng Yu on the other bed, leaning sideways, eyes closed, and his whole body curled up in the quilt.

Yu Gongming blinked, put on his slippers lightly, and came to Meng Yu's bedside.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at Meng Yu's peaceful sleeping face. He became playful for a moment and gently lifted a strand of Meng Yu's hair and brought it to the tip of her nose.

As time went by, Mengyu's brows wrinkled slightly, and her nose seemed to twitch slightly because of itching.

Until a certain moment, Yu Gongming let go and jumped away——

"Ah... sneeze!"

Mengyu sneezed suddenly.

She suddenly opened her eyes!

After a moment of confusion, Yu Gongming's face with a playful smile came into view.

Rubbing her nose gently, Meng Yu slowly sat up, straightened her messy hair, and then, with lightning speed, she picked up the pillow and threw it at Yu Gongming!

Yu Gongming was startled and subconsciously blocked it with his hand.

The pillow hit his arm painlessly and then fell downwards.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Yu Gongming caught the fallen pillow, put it back on Meng Yu's bed, and said with a smile: "What are you doing?"

Meng Yu snorted coldly: "Don't you know what you did just now?"

"Ah? What did I do? I originally wanted to wake you up, but who knew you would wake up by yourself." Yu Gongming looked innocent.

Meng Yu sneered: "Are you still pretending? Your way of waking people up is really unique!"

As he spoke, he pointed to his nose and smoothed his hair.

When Yu Gongming looked at it, he realized that this was really a discovery. He was not deceiving himself, so he had to laugh: "That is just a little prank..."

Meng Yu's expression was unkind: "Don't you know that disturbing someone's dreams is like killing their parents?"

Yu Gongming's mouth twitched: "Isn't that true?"

"Why not? That pillow just now was just a little interest. It's not that easy to let this matter go away!" Meng Yu said lightly.

"Then what do you mean..." Yu Gongming asked cautiously.

"Well..." Meng Yu's white jade finger gently tapped her chin, thinking for a while, and then shook her head in distress: "Forget it, I can't think of any conditions at the moment, so I'll just owe it to you first."

"Okay, it will be valid for life anyway." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Mengyu gave you a knowing look, then put on her slippers and walked towards the bathroom.

About twenty minutes later, both of them finished washing. Yu Gongming looked at the time. According to yesterday's agreement, he drove to the castle at nine in the morning. There was not enough time now.

"Let's go."

Just when Yu Gongming was about to open the door, a cell phone rang.

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