Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 480 Being smart

Half past nine in the morning.

Because they had to wait for the arrival of the police, the group's departure time was temporarily postponed.

Everyone gathered in the lobby, chatting together in twos and threes, but the overall atmosphere was not very lively.

Now what happened on the cruise ship last night and Pu Siqinglan's accident of escaping overnight have been known to everyone.

The remaining generals 1 and Chennikov both expressed that they would still go to the castle, but they also expressed their willingness to accept police protection.

Finally, at about 9:40, Officer Shiratori arrived at the scene with several plainclothes police officers.

"I'm sorry everyone, we caused you trouble because of our mistake." Officer Shiratori shook hands with Akira Hanamiya and apologized.

Yu Gongming smiled understandingly: "It's okay, we can understand the police's difficulties."

"Thank you Detective Hanomiya for your understanding." Officer Shiratori nodded gently.

After the police arrived, everyone who had been prepared for a long time officially set off for the castle.

The car drove all the way out of the city and soon turned onto a winding mountain road.

After turning a corner, the front suddenly became clear.

I saw a majestic castle standing among the greenery. The sun shone down, making the whole castle seem to be cast in a golden glow.

Soon, three Honda cars drove into the forecourt of the castle.

Everyone got out of the car and looked up at the towering castle in front of them.

"Wow! This is much more beautiful than the one on the magic mirror!" Xiaolan exclaimed.

"This castle looks very much like a castle in Germany. It was built to imitate Cinderella's castle." Officer Shiratori commented.

"Huh? Why is it a German castle? Isn't Miss Natsumi's great-grandmother Russian..." Conan muttered in his heart.

"Eh? By the way, why didn't I see that art dealer?" Hattori Heiji walked over and asked doubtfully.

"Oh! He said he had other things to deal with. He would drive over later." Chinnikov explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of an engine came from far and near.

A red car drove into the castle. After the car stopped, the art dealer Qianyi stepped out of the car with a backpack on his shoulders.

Mouri Kogoro looked at him and frowned: "Why did you bring your luggage here? Do you still want to explore the castle?"

The general smiled and said, "Be prepared. After all, didn't Pu Siqing Lan escape? If she comes to this castle secretly, it will be a big deal. I have to get some self-defense guys, right?"

"Is that so..." Mouri Kogoro glanced at him suspiciously, and didn't say much in the end.

Xiaolan lowered her head and looked at Conan: "Conan, don't run around in the castle later! Tell me where you want to go."

Conan was stunned, looked up at Xiaolan, was silent for a while, and said "hmm" softly.

After everyone arrived, under the guidance of Butler Sawabe, several people walked into the castle.

"Mr. Butler, please lock the door to prevent some people with ulterior motives from sneaking in." Yu Gongming reminded.

Butler Sawabe, who was closing the door, agreed and locked the castle door accordingly.

Butler Sawabe first led everyone to a room on the first floor:

"This is the knight's room, which is full of Western knight armor and tapestries."

After everyone visited for a while, they left at the signal of Butler Sawabe.

Afterwards, the group went up to the second floor.

After arriving on the second floor, Butler Sawabe led everyone into a room filled with various paintings.

"This is the lady's room. The old lady used to like to spend the whole day here because she said this room was the most comfortable." Butler Sawabe introduced.

Everyone looked at the walls covered with paintings of various styles and the exquisitely furnished rooms, with more or less admiration on their faces.

Then, the group came to another room.

"This is the emperor's room..."

"Um, where is the toilet?" Gan Jiangyi suddenly asked.

"Oh! It's at the end of the corridor." Butler Sawabe replied casually.

"Thank you!" The general agreed and walked out of the room.

Butler Sawabe was about to continue the introduction, but Akira Hanamiya suddenly stopped him: "Mr. Sawabe, I think it would be better to go and see Mr. Qian."

"Ah? Why?" Butler Sawabe was puzzled.

"According to your description and the layout of the castle we just saw when we came up, the toilet should be along the route we came to all the way to the end of the corridor, right?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Yes." Butler Sawabe nodded.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "That's right, because I just heard that Mr. Qian ran in the opposite direction to the toilet after he went out."

"In the opposite direction?" Everyone was stunned.

"Yeah, it doesn't look like he went to the toilet." Yu Gongming's tone suddenly dropped.

Hattori Heiji thought thoughtfully: "Isn't this guy trying to find the Egg of Memory secretly?"

"It's possible. I always thought it was suspicious that he was holding that backpack," Mouri Kogoro also said.

"In that case, let's..." Butler Sawabe was about to say something, when suddenly...


There was a crisp sound of metal collision, followed by Ganjiang Yi's heart-rending scream!

"Go and have a look!" Mouri Kogoro's expression changed and he rushed out of the room first.

The others followed closely behind.

In a moment, everyone rushed to the place where the sound came from - the lady's room.


Mouri Kogoro pushed open the door.

I saw Gan Jiang slumped on the ground with a frightened look on his face, breathing heavily.

His right hand was currently reaching into a safe embedded in the wall, and his wrist seemed to be stuck by something.

And above his head, there were several upside-down iron swords with very sharp tips. The tip of the iron sword was less than ten centimeters away from Ganjiang Yi!

However, I don’t know if it was due to disrepair, but this mechanism-like iron sword did not continue to fall in the end.

"What...what's going on?" Mouri Kogoro looked at this scene in confusion.

Yu Gongming walked into the room and pointed to a tool bag that fell next to Gan Jiangyi: "It seems that our Mr. Qian is not only a successful art dealer, but also a skilled locksmith."

Hattori Heiji also walked in, looked at the gold and silver jewelry in the safe, and Ganshouichi's wrist that was caught by the buckle, and sneered:

"However, it seems that people are not very smart. How could a castle like this not have any anti-theft mechanisms?"

Steward Sawabe looked at Gan Jiangyi, his expression darkened, and he said in an indifferent tone: "This is an anti-theft mechanism designed by Mr. Kiichi 60 years ago."

"There are many similar mechanisms in the castle, so please be careful."

As he spoke, he took out the key and opened the buckle that held the general's wrist.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at Gan Jiang Yi expressionlessly: "There are many mechanisms, but they can kill people!"

"So, for your own safety, it's better not to act alone."

As Officer Shiratori said, he directly took away Gan Jiangyi's tool bag and checked Gan Jiangyi's backpack at the same time:

Looking at the wide variety of unlocking and digging tools in his backpack, Officer Shiratori chuckled: "You are well prepared, but I think you only need this."

As he spoke, he threw a small flashlight to Gan Jiangyi and collected the other tools directly.

Gan Jiangyi's face suddenly turned bitter.

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