Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 482 Underground Passage

Everyone's expressions changed slightly as they felt the roar that shook the entire castle.

The next moment, the ground beneath their feet began to move slowly.

Conan and Chinnikov quickly retreated.

After a while, the shaking finally stopped, and a huge entrance to the passage suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Waves of smoke-forming dust rise, and the mottled stairs wind down, leading to the unknown darkness.

"The password is really this!" Mouri Kogoro said in shock.

"Let's go down," Yu Gongming said calmly, waving his hand to dispel the smoke rising due to the opening of the passage.

So, the group of people turned on their flashlights and walked down the stairs.

Soon, the stairs reached the end, and several people entered a winding underground passage.

Chinnikov looked around the passage, looked at Natsumi Kasaka and asked: "Miss Natsumi, why did your great-grandfather set the password to a magician at the end of the century?"

Natsumi Kasaka blinked and said hesitantly: "That's probably his title, right? He once participated in the World Expo in 1900,"

"I see, 1900 is indeed the end of the last century." Mouri Kogoro suddenly said.

The group of people chatted all the way, but the generals remained silent, and even fell behind the others intentionally or unintentionally.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he looked around carefully, as if he was looking for something.

"Hmph! This egg must be mine in the end!" Ganjiang snorted coldly in his heart.

At a certain moment, his flashlight suddenly flashed a flash of light!

Ganjiang's eyes lit up and he pointed the flashlight there again.

"That's...a diamond...could it be..." Gan Jiangyi's heart beat rapidly.

He first looked at the people walking in front of him with vigilant eyes. When he saw that everyone was still chatting and no one noticed him, he quietly left the group.

He turned off the flashlight and tiptoed toward the diamond based on the impression he had just made.

Soon, he came to the place he remembered, and looked back at the people who were gradually going away. He breathed softly, with a greedy smile on his face:,

"There is a diamond on the Egg of Memory. If this diamond is on the Egg of Memory, then the Egg of Memory must be nearby!"

"Hmph! A bunch of ignorant guys, if the egg of memories falls into your hands, it's just a treasure covered in dust!"

He thought to himself, turned on the flashlight again, and shined it in the direction of the diamond.

The next moment, a diamond the size of a fingernail came into view!

The officer rubbed his hands and carefully picked up the diamond.

However, after taking a closer look at the diamond, his expression suddenly darkened!

"Asshole! It's actually a fake diamond made of glass!" He cursed in his mind.

Previously, because the distance was far and the light from the flashlight was not sufficient, he could not see clearly.

But looking closely now, as a senior art dealer, he quickly discovered a problem.

He threw the diamond away with a look of dismay, thought about it, and decided to go back and follow the main force.

However, the moment he turned around, a cold hard object suddenly hit his forehead!


After Yu Gongming and others walked for a while, the road had reached the end.

"There's no... no way?" Mouri Kogoro stared at the stone wall in front of him that was covered with strange patterns.

"It shouldn't be... this should be the only way..." Officer Shiratori also looked thoughtful.

"In other words, there are mechanisms." Yu Gongming stared at the patterns on the stone wall and said.

"Mechanism..." Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at the stone wall at the same time.

Conan pushed up his glasses and scanned the patterns with his flashlight: "That's..."

I saw a strange bird-shaped creature with two heads on the stone wall. There was a crown on the top of the creature's head, and there seemed to be a sun-shaped pattern behind the crown.

"The two-headed eagle...the symbol of the Russian emperor...the crown...the sun...the light...can you say that!" Conan's eyes lit up and he shouted:

"Officer Shiratori, can you please point your flashlight at the crown?" Conan pointed at the crown on the head of the two-headed eagle.

"Okay!" Officer Shiratiao didn't hesitate at all and focused his flashlight directly on the crown.

In an instant, the crown suddenly bloomed with a burst of white light.


A huge shaking sound was heard, and a crack appeared without any warning on the ground that originally seemed to be seamless to everyone's side.

Along with the shaking sound, the crack continued to expand, and finally formed a huge entrance again.

"This... is another mechanism!" Chennikov said in shock.

After several people looked at each other, they entered the entrance one by one.

After reaching the flat ground again, everyone briefly scanned the surroundings with flashlights.

Below is a space that is not too small. The top of the space seems to be a curved surface, and the surrounding walls are also curved to a certain extent.

If I had to describe it, the entire space was like a huge egg.

"Eh? What is this?" Conan encountered a hard horn in the darkness.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a lighting candlestick here..." Officer Shiratori said, taking out a lighter and approaching it.

A candlelight lit up, illuminating the space.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the scene in front of him and said in surprise: "Is this a coffin?"

In front of everyone's eyes, a coffin was lying quietly.

He walked forward and touched the coffin, frowning slightly: "The style is Western, but it is made of wood... It's really strange."

He looked up and down the coffin again, and soon discovered: "There is a lock here!"

"Miss Natsumi, that key!" Conan shouted.

Natsumi Kasaka also reacted, took out the key from her bag, walked slowly to the coffin, and inserted the key into the keyhole.

The key was turned slightly, and with a click, the lock was successfully opened.

"Miss Natsumi, can you open it?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Yes!" Natsumi Kasaka nodded lightly.

Seeing this, Mouri Kogoro tried to open the coffin lid.

"Hiss! It's so heavy!" Kogoro Mouri lifted the lid of the coffin with some difficulty, revealing the scene inside the coffin.

Inside was a skeletal corpse, which was holding an oval-shaped object in its hand. Its style is almost identical to that of the Memory Egg.

"Is the body sleeping with the egg in its arms..." Mouri Kogoro muttered, then turned to ask: "Miss Natsumi, is this the body of your great-grandfather?"

Natsumi Kasaka shook her head slightly: "No, this should be the body of my great-grandmother,"

"There is only the remains of my great-grandfather in the cemetery in Yokosuka. I always thought it was strange. I thought maybe it was because she was Russian, so she couldn't be displayed together in the tomb of my ancestors, right?"

At this time, Chinnikov stepped forward and said apologetically: "Miss Natsumi, although it is a bit inappropriate now, but can you show me the egg?"

"Well, of course." Kasaka Natsumi said, and when she came to the coffin, she didn't dislike the body in the coffin, so she picked up the egg of memory from the body and handed it to Chennikov.

Chinnikov took the egg and looked at it carefully.

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