The masked man was startled when he heard the footsteps and looked back.

At the door, another man, also masked, walked in.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you not to come here if you have nothing to do?" The masked man frowned.

The masked man who walked in tilted his head: "I'm here because I have something to tell you."

"Huh? What is it...wait, your voice..."

The masked man's expression changed, and he quickly reached for the pistol hanging on his waist.

However, he had just touched the pistol, and the other hand had already touched his waist first!

I saw that hand gently picking up, and the pistol fell into his hand.

The masked man who came in later raised his hand and put the muzzle of his gun directly on the forehead of the masked man in the room!

The movements of the masked man in the room immediately froze.

His eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he was already between life and death in an instant!

A calm and low voice sounded in his ears: "What I want to tell you is that in this building, of your people... you are the only one left standing."

"What? How is this possible!?" The masked man in the room couldn't help but scream.

"Nothing is impossible." There seemed to be a hint of smile in the calm voice:

"Including those who went to buy breakfast, there are five people in total, right?"

The masked man in the room was shocked, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

The number of people is correct!

The other party was able to report the accurate number of people, and even knew that one of them was going to buy breakfast. In addition, the other party showed a neat hand just now...

My companions are probably in danger!

But why didn't I hear any movement at all?

Before he came in, except for the one who bought breakfast, he had just met the other three people. It only took about five or six minutes, and his companion was killed so quietly?

"You...who are you?" he asked tremblingly.



The words are not finished yet. The mysterious man who came in behind hit him hard in the face with the butt of his gun. The powerful force knocked his body to the side, making him slightly away from Yi Tang Xiucheng.

The mysterious man took a step forward, then pushed him hard against the wall, and put the gun on his head again:

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll ask and you answer. If you're not honest, it will make your head explode!" the mysterious man said coldly.

The masked man's throat trembled, and he swallowed hard. After two seconds, he replied with a trembling voice: "This... this boss, don't... don't get excited, I have something to say... ah!"

He was punched hard in the stomach again. The pain was so severe that he couldn't help but cover his stomach with his hands and subconsciously arched his body.

However, the muzzle of the gun on his forehead was pressing against him, making it impossible for him to lower his head or bend over.

"Don't talk nonsense." The mysterious man's voice became colder.

The masked man wanted to cry but had no tears.

He had just used this move on Yi Tang Xiucheng next to him, but in less than five minutes, he had already used this move on himself.

Isn't this worldly reward coming too soon?

Yi Tang Xiucheng, who was on the side, noticed this scene and was filled with schadenfreude: "Good fight! Damn it, you treated me like this just now, now you have met someone even more cruel, right?"

After gloating over his misfortune, he had some worries: "But where is this guy coming in from behind? He doesn't look like someone from the police... If he is a gangster, will I be silenced? And... "

Yi Tang Xiucheng frowned slightly: "Why do you feel like you have heard this person's voice somewhere?"

Not to mention that Yi Tang Xiucheng was thinking wildly on the side. After the mysterious man saw that the masked man had calmed down, he said calmly:

"Let me ask you, do you have any other accomplices?"

The masked man's eyes moved, seeming hesitant.



The masked man's scream this time was even more terrifying than before!

Just because the mysterious man's kick hit the masked man directly in the lower third!

The masked man covered his crotch with difficulty with both hands. However, because the gun was pressed against his head and he was unable to bend down, the pain he felt became particularly clear!

Yitang Xiucheng looked at this scene and couldn't help but gasped in his heart: "It hurts just to look at it... It seems that this person who came in from behind is not a good person... Isn't it really a gangster?"

The mysterious man waited for a while, and after seeing the masked man's breathing became slightly calmer, he said, "Tell me, are there any other accomplices?"

"Yes! I sent two of them out!" the masked man said quickly, fearing that he would be kicked in the face if he answered too slowly.

"What are you doing out there?"

"Go and monitor Yi Tang's house to prevent their parents from calling the police."

"Is he near Yi Tang's house?"

"Yes! They are all here, I just asked!"

"Who ordered you to kidnap Yi Tang Xiucheng?"

"A guy wearing a peaked cap and a mask, we don't know who he is specifically. We only know that he is of medium build and should be a man."

"How did he instruct you?"

"He gave us a photo and asked us to kidnap this kid named Yi Tang Xiucheng, and then call his parents to threaten them."

"You don't need to say the specific content of the threat, just say something like [agree to our conditions], and the other side will naturally know what to do."

"After explaining this, he gave us two million and promised to give us another ten million when the matter was completed."

"So can you contact that person?"

"No, he takes the initiative to contact us every time, and he uses public phones."

After hearing this answer, the mysterious man was silent for a while, and then slowly put down the gun.

The masked man breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the mysterious man suddenly raised his hand and gave the masked man a heavy blow on the neck!

The masked man's eyes widened, and after groaning, his body fell softly.

The mysterious man glanced at the masked man slumped against the wall, then turned around and his eyes fell on Yi Tang Xiucheng.

Yitang Xiucheng's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but shrink back to the inside of the room.

The mysterious man didn't seem to care about Yi Tang Xiucheng's reaction. He came directly to Yi Tang Xiucheng and squatted down, and took off the rag that was stuffing Yi Tang Xiucheng's mouth.

Yitang Xiucheng took a few breaths, and then looked at the mysterious man quietly without speaking.

After a long silence...

"Don't you have anything to say?" In the end, it was the mysterious man who spoke first.

Yitang Xiucheng hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'm afraid that if I speak, I'll be beaten again."

Not sure if it was his own imagination, Yi Tang Xiucheng seemed to see the mysterious man's shoulders shaking slightly.

After a few seconds of silence, the mysterious man said calmly: "Don't worry, I'm here to save you."

"Save me?" Yi Tang Xiucheng was stunned for a moment, and then his face instantly brightened: "Are you from the police, or someone sent by my father?"

The mysterious man shook his head slightly: "I am not from the police. To be precise, I was entrusted by your father to find your whereabouts."

As he spoke, the mysterious man quickly helped Yi Tang Xiucheng untie the rope.

Seeing this, Yi Tang Shucheng suddenly believed a little more about the mysterious man coming to save him.

He wanted to try to get up, but things that were usually very easy now seemed extremely difficult, and he tried several times without success.

"You haven't had anything to eat or drink for two days now, so you should wait for the ambulance to come." The mysterious man said calmly.

Yi Tang Xiucheng's face turned bitter, and then he sighed helplessly: "Okay."

He looked at the mysterious man with an expression full of gratitude: "If you hadn't arrived in time, I would have been in trouble. I will thank you very much and at least treat you to a meal!"

"Oh? Thank me? Are you sure?" The mysterious man's tone suddenly became joking.

"Of course! This is a life-saving grace!" Yi Tang Xiucheng nodded with certainty.

The next moment, Yi Tang Xiucheng suddenly heard a chuckle, and then the mysterious man raised his hand and slowly took off the mask on his face.

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