Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 51 The detective’s daily life is so boring and boring

The next day.

After having a simple breakfast, Akira Hanomiya opened the door of the detective agency and changed the sign on the door to "Open".

It seemed like we were lucky today. Not long after, a client knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Hello, is Detective Hanomiya here?" the man asked.

Yu Gongming looked at his client.

This is a man in his thirties, with meticulously combed hair, a serious expression, and slightly pursed lips. His clothes cannot be called expensive, but he is very clean and decent.

"A person who pays attention to image and has a serious personality..." Yu Gongming had a preliminary impression of this client.

"Hello, I am Yu Gongming. How can I help you?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Hello Detective Hanomiya, I am Kazuo Tamada. I do have something that I would like to ask Detective Hanomiya to help investigate."


The two came to the living room sofa and sat down. Akira Hanamiya took the photo handed over by Kazuo Tamada.

"You want me to investigate whether your wife is cheating on you, right?"

Yu Gongming took a look at the woman in the photo. Although her face was not outstanding, her skin was well maintained and her temperament was not bad. She was quite charming.

"Yes, my wife Eina and I have not had children since we got married. We wanted to enjoy our two-person world for a few more years. But recently, when I came home from work, I always felt that someone else had been at home. But I asked When I visited Eina, she said that no one came to visit, so I always felt that Eina seemed to be hiding something from me, and I wondered if she..." Tamada Kazuo said.

"I see. Then, can you tell me about your wife's daily routine? This will also facilitate my investigation." Yu Gongming said.

"Of course, my wife is an ordinary housewife. She basically stays at home. At most, she goes out to buy some ingredients and daily necessities, or occasionally attends tea parties held by her best friends." Tamada Kazuo said.

"Can you tell me when you are usually away from home?"

"I work in the library. Weekdays usually last from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. On weekends, the librarian usually gives us time off. He only calls us if there is anything we need help with, so my time at home is variable."

"So on what day do you usually feel like someone has been at home when you go home?"

"Sometimes it's Monday, sometimes it's Thursday, this week it's Tuesday..."

After Yu Gongming asked for some more information, he nodded slightly and said:

"So, do we just need to investigate whether your wife is cheating?" Yu Gongming asked again.

"Well, if Eina is indeed cheating on her, please ask Detective Hanomiya to also investigate the identity of the cheating partner." Tamada Kazuo said.

"Well, no problem. Please write down your name, address and phone number. This investigation totals 300,000 yuan. You need to pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan in advance and sign an entrustment agreement."

After Tamada Kazuo completed the entrustment process as instructed, he took out 50,000 yuan in cash from his wallet and handed it to Yu Gongming.

After Yumiya Akira collected the money and the commission agreement, Tamada Kazuo said goodbye. After Yumiya Akira sent Tamada Kazuo to the door, he turned and returned to the office.

Today is Sunday. If Tamada Kazuo's wife really cheated on her, she and her lover would not choose to have a tryst today, because Mr. Tamada's time at home on the weekend is uncertain, so this commission can be started tomorrow, Monday. investigation.

A commission came to my door early this morning, which put Yu Gongming in a very good mood.

But after that, until the end of the office's business hours at 6 p.m., Akira Hagong never received another commission.

"Tch, did my luck run out in the morning? No, I have to go to Mengyu's house for a meal to soothe my injured heart."

Yu Gongming found a random excuse, locked the door of the office with peace of mind, and went to Meng Yu's house to have dinner leisurely.


Monday, half past eight in the morning

After Akira Hanomiya had a simple breakfast, he put on his camera and other equipment and prepared to complete Kazuo Tamada's commission.

According to the address left by Tamada Kazuo, Hanemiya Akira took a taxi to the apartment building where Tamada Kazuo lived.

"Room 302 on the third floor..."

According to the address, Yu Gongming came to the door of Yutian and the husband's house.

Akira Hanomiya first hid the camera aside to ensure that it would not be out of sight and would not be seen by anyone inside the door, then he knocked on the door of Room 302.

About a minute later, the door slowly opened, revealing a woman in her thirties wearing home kimono.

Seeing the face of the woman in kimono, Akira Hanomiya immediately compared it with the photo given by Kazuo Tamada.

"It seems that this is Tamada Ena..."

"Sorry to bother you, is this Mr. Nakano's house?" Akira Hanamiya asked in a natural tone.

"Sorry, you must have gone to the wrong place. This is Tamada's house. If you are looking for Mr. Nakano, he lives on the fifth floor." Tamada Ena said.

"I'll go and make up a random name. Is there really someone living in this building?"

Yu Gongming was surprised, but there was an embarrassed expression on his face:

"Ah! I'm really sorry. Maybe I got the wrong address. I'm really sorry for bothering you!" Akira Hanamiya bowed slightly apologetically.

"It's okay." Tamada Eina nodded and closed the door.

Yu Gongming looked at the closed door and suddenly smiled:

"It took more than a minute after I knocked on the door to open the door. Moreover, it was obvious that the belt of the kimono had been fastened hastily. The folds were not smoothed out, and the hem and sleeves were not positioned completely correctly. It was obviously put on in a hurry."

"According to Mr. Wada's description, he goes out at eight o'clock on weekdays. As a wife, Ms. Ena always needs to get up early to prepare breakfast and lunch lunch. After her husband goes out, she will start to clean up the housework. Generally, there will be no Going back to catch up on sleep,”

"Moreover, Ms. Huina's face was rosy and she spoke with great energy. She didn't look like she was sick. The possibility of taking a temporary break due to illness is also ruled out."

"So, normally speaking, Ms. Ena should be doing housework now, but if she is doing housework, how could the kimono look like she put it on in a hurry?"

"Obviously, she was wearing less or no clothes when I knocked on the door."

"And when I came here, I called Mr. Tamada to confirm that he is no longer at home..."

"It makes a housewife not wear clothes in broad daylight... As expected, Ms. Eina is ninety-nine times cheating on her."

Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

"It's only half past nine. Not long after Mr. Tamada left, Ms. Ena's lover came back. The green grassland above Mr. Tamada..."

"But I didn't expect that things went much smoother than expected. Now I know that Ms. Huina is indeed cheating. All that's left is to wait until their tryst is over. I'm tracking the cheating partner, and it's not difficult to figure out his identity. "

While thinking about it, Yu Gongming had already taken back the camera and hid it in the stairwell of the safety staircase.

Looking out from the stairwell, you can see the door of Room 302.

Yu Gongming just waited patiently.

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