Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 510 Ah~ Shirley!

After Yu Gongming was surprised for a while, he calmed down and began to think seriously about the current situation.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is quite normal. Gin and vodka are also professional killers after all. It doesn't make sense that people like this who walk in the dark can't do anything if they are wanted by the police.

Yu Gongming looked at Conan: "Did you hear anything?"

Conan raised his eyes and said, "Not yet...huh? Wait, is there a phone?"

He made a silent gesture to signal a few people to be silent, and then pretended to listen attentively.


On the road of Mikka Town.

A certain white Porsche 356A was driving at a neither fast nor slow speed.

In the car, Gin, who had short silver hair, lit a cigarette and blew out a smoke ring with an indifferent expression.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the slightly drooped eyelids obscured the expression in his eyes, making it impossible to read any thoughts from this face.

A cell phone rang.

Gin frowned, took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Hey! It's me... Well, I'll rush over soon... Oh? Isn't anyone here yet?"

Gin held the cigarette in his mouth, snuffed it out in the ashtray beside him, and said calmly: "Don't worry, he will show up at Abeido Hotel on time at six o'clock in the evening. He doesn't know yet that this memorial service will It’s also dedicated to him.”

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to say something else. Gin suddenly sneered and said, "Huh! Of course I won't complete my mission to the letter, but you, don't mess it up... Pi Sco!"

After a pause, Gin continued: "It doesn't matter if you want to use that medicine when necessary. As long as the police kill Shigehiko Tonguchi before he is arrested tomorrow, everything will be no problem."

After saying this, Gin hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Gin suddenly frowned: "Strange..."

"Brother, what's wrong?" Vodka, who was driving beside him, asked doubtfully.

Gin did not answer, but took out what seemed to be a radio from the storage box in front of the passenger seat.

He pressed a button on the radio.


There was an intermittent sound of radio waves.

Gin's face darkened and he began to search around.


Gin made a silencing gesture, signaling Vodka not to speak.

He groped around with his hands for a while, and finally pulled out a piece of brown hair from a narrow gap between the seat and the door.

A cold light flashed in Gin's eyes. He paused slightly with his other hand and took out a thumb-sized device from the gap between the seats.

Vodka stared at the device with wide eyes.

A cold smile appeared on Gin's lips, and he said, "Shirley, I didn't expect that you came to me first. I'm really touched!"

On the other side, Conan's face changed slightly: "Why are these words so loud? It's as if... it's like he said it directly to the bug!?"

Gin stared at the bug with cold eyes and a hint of heart-stopping excitement on his face: "Shirley, I'm very interested in meeting you and the guy behind you!"

There was a hint of madness in the smile on Gin's lips: "I'm really looking forward to the moment when I meet you again!"

After saying that, Ginjiu used a little force and crushed the bug in his hand to pieces!


Conan took off his eyes with a gloomy expression: "It was discovered."

"We have put out bugs not once or twice. Gin will be more or less vigilant. In fact, I think you were too reckless to put the bug in his car. It didn't leave any traces, right?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

Conan was silent for a while, then sighed: "It really is."

"Hey! Don't be scary!" Yu Gongming's expression condensed.

"No, it did leave traces, and this trace should have been left by Haiyuan." Conan said calmly.

"What did I leave behind?" Xiao Ai's eyes trembled.

"Yeah! Because Gin seemed to believe that the bug was placed by Sherry, and said he was very interested in meeting Sherry and the guy behind her." Conan replied.

Yu Gongming's expression became more solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Tell us what you just heard in as much detail as possible."

"Okay." Conan also knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately told exactly what he heard.

After listening to Conan's narration, Yu Gongming asked: "When you installed the bug, Xiao Ai followed you into the car?"

"At that time, I saw that he wanted to install a bug and thought he was too reckless, so I went over to persuade him not to be so impulsive," Xiao Ai replied.

"I see, the clues were left at that time..." Meng Yu said thoughtfully.

"But, what kind of clues would make Gin immediately believe that this was a bug planted by Sherry?" Conan frowned.

"I think it should be the hair." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Huh?" Conan heard this and looked at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai also looked dazed and couldn't help but raise her hand to touch her soft hair.

When she put down her hand, there was a brown hair in her palm.

Yu Gongming and others also saw that hair, and Meng Yu's eyes flashed slightly: "Well... as a mixed race, Xiao Ai, in addition to her beautiful ice blue eyes, her wavy brown hair is also very recognizable."

"But Xiao Ai, if your hair really exposes the problem, then I have to talk to you." Yu Gongming frowned and looked at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai raised his head slightly, glanced at Yu Gongming, and then lowered his head.

"Hey! A Ming, Xiao Ai didn't mean it, and you don't have to..." Dr. A Li, who was sitting in front, quickly spoke to smooth things over.

"Yes, things have happened now. Let's not say that this is not Xiao Ai's problem at all. Even if it is, we should think about what to do first." Meng Yu also said.

Yu Gongming's brows twitched: "What are you doing? Who told you that this is what I'm going to say?"

"Eh?" The others were stunned.

Yu Gongming looked at Xiao Ai seriously and said calmly: "It's so easy to lose your hair. Have you started staying up late again recently?"

As soon as Yu Gongming finished speaking, the entire Beetle fell into a brief silence.

Meng Yu blinked: "Uh, yes, Xiao Ai, did you stay up late again?"

Xiao Ai raised her head, looked at Yu Gongming and Meng Yu with strange eyes, and said: "Well, the research on antidote has hit a bottleneck recently. It seems that there is still some missing information. I have been trying to restore the missing parts during this time. so……"

"So Xiao Ai, do you now know how harmful it is to stay up late?" Yu Gongming asked.

Xiao Ai was silent for a while and said softly: "I know, this lesson is indeed profound enough."

"Well, that's good." Yu Gongming smiled.

"Be careful in the future!" Meng Yu also said.

Xiao Ai nodded, feeling warm in her heart.

She understood that Yu Gongming's seemingly unfocused concern was actually telling her that they didn't mind at all the trouble caused to several people because of her mistakes.

To be honest, she felt really bad when she knew it was because of her hair that Gin discovered the bug.

Although her reason told her that it was not her fault, she still couldn't suppress the self-blame in her heart.

She couldn't help but think that if she hadn't gone over to dissuade Conan, or put on a hat or something, maybe she wouldn't have kept this hair?

However, before her self-blame spread in her heart, Yu Gongming directly used this alternative method to resolve her emotions.

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