Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 513 Belmode’s Thoughts

Yu Gongming took out the listening device and handed it to Mengyu and Xiaoai: "You guys help monitor the situation at the memorial venue. I'll go out and take a look."

"Is it okay for you to be alone? How about I go with you." Meng Yu frowned.

"No problem." Yu Gongming said confidently: "This hotel is too dangerous for Xiao Ai now. You need to stay to protect Xiao Ai and deal with the unexpected situation on Conan's side."

Hearing this, Meng Yu immediately stopped insisting: "Okay, just be careful and contact us immediately if you need help!"

"I understand." Yu Gongming nodded solemnly.

Then, he opened the door of the box and walked out.

"Sir, do you need to order something?" A waiter came up and asked.

Yu Gongming thought for a while and said, "Is there a set meal for three people?"

"Yes, sir, these are all!" The waiter, waiter, turned the menu to a certain page and handed it to Hanamiya Akira.

Yu Gongming glanced at it casually and ordered a set menu that Meng Yu and Xiao Ai probably didn't like. After ordering a dessert that both of them liked, he dismissed the waiter.

He thought for a while and then walked towards the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.


Near the Cupido Hotel, in front of an abandoned warehouse.

Gin stood up and clapped his hands.

"Brother, the other side has also been checked and nothing suspicious was found." Vodka trotted over to report.

Gin nodded lightly, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

After a while, the call was connected, but then hung up again.

When Gin saw this, his expression didn't change at all. He was still holding his phone, as if waiting for something.


Memorial venue.

Pisco frowned slightly and took back his phone naturally. Then he smiled and said hello to the people chatting next to him, and then walked towards the entrance of the venue.

What he didn't know was that a line of sight had already been locked on him.

"Kenzo Masuyama...Did he also attend this memorial service..." Conan's eyes narrowed slightly:

"The last time Yumiya and Bellmod fought against each other, Bellmod mentioned the Lushan Building... Is it too much of a coincidence?"

Conan's thoughts were racing, he raised his head and said to Bellmode: "Sister Chris, I want to go to the toilet. It seems that it will be difficult to go out after the memorial service starts."

"I'll go with you. There are people everywhere in the hotel now. I'm a little worried about you going alone." Belmode smiled.

"No, I can do it by myself!" Conan said quickly.

"It's better that I go with you. After all, Mr. Hanomiya asked me to take care of you. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to Mr. Hanomiya and the others."

Belmod said, holding Conan's hand and walking out of the lobby.

Being pulled by Belmod, Conan could only watch as Kenzo Mayama quickly disappeared from his sight.

Resisting the urge to break away from Belmod, Conan could only cry inwardly while walking with Belmod towards the toilet.

"Damn it, this woman is really in trouble. If she hadn't been concerned about her identity as a member of the organization..."

While Conan was being pulled by Belmod, he turned around and looked around to see if he could find any trace of Kenzo Masama.

When he walked to the counter, Conan turned his eyes and saw that Kenzo Masayama had reached the end of a corridor, then turned around and disappeared.

"That direction... seems to be the old Abedo Hotel... What was he doing there?" The suspicion in Conan's eyes grew stronger.

But no matter how much doubt he has, it means nothing to him now. He can only be pulled in another direction by Belmod.

The door to the men's room.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Belmod smiled.

Hearing this, Conan suddenly held his stomach and said with a look of pain on his face: "Well, Sister Chris, my stomach is not feeling well now, and it may take a long time to go to the toilet. You don't need to wait for me. I will come out later. I will go back by myself, but if that doesn’t work, I can go find Brother Yumiya and the others!”

After hearing this, Belmode glanced at Conan's painful expression, remained silent for a while, and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back to the venue first. Remember, the memorial service will start in twenty minutes. , don’t miss the time!”

"Yeah! I know!" Conan responded hurriedly, then rushed into the toilet as if he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Belmod looked at Conan's disappearing back and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "I didn't expect that a child could have such outstanding acting skills. Unfortunately, it was a hasty performance after all..."

"It seems that this child followed me into the venue not just out of curiosity, but for another purpose..."

She frowned slightly: "If it is said that he and I came in because of Yu Gongming's instructions, then things will become interesting!"

"However, the look in that child's eyes is really concerning... Why does his look remind me of a year ago..."

"Is it an illusion... He seems to be so close to Angel and Gddess... And there has been no news from Cool Gd in Japan recently... Could it be that..."

A certain thought flashed through Belmod's mind, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Her expression changed for a while, and then she turned around and left the place. She put her cell phone back in her pocket when she was about to take it out.

On the other side, after Conan entered the toilet, he looked around to make sure there was no one around, then he came to the toilet window and jumped out neatly.

"The direction of the old building should be..." Conan glanced around, quickly determined the direction, and then ran quickly in the determined direction.

Not long after, he turned along the road outside and entered the old building of the hotel.

After arriving at the old building, he adjusted his breathing, then walked lightly towards the old building.

Not long after, a voice came to his ears: "What? Did you find any trace of Sherry?"

Conan's expression moved slightly and his eyes narrowed slightly: "This voice is definitely Kenzo Masayama, Sherry... he is indeed a member of the organization!"

Conan was secretly happy and moved closer again.

Arriving outside the door of a dark room, Conan carefully adjusted his angle and glanced inside the door.

In the room, the light of a mobile phone stood out in the darkness. Within the light range, a thick palm could be faintly seen.

Kenzo Masayama's voice sounded again: "Oh? She installed a transmitter in your car? That means she knows about our actions this time..."

"You want me to find her... but I don't know what she looks like now... Well, okay, I will pay attention, but as promised, I will still give priority to killing the target. You have to know this... Well, first so."

After Kenzo Masuyama finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He put away his cell phone and walked quickly out of the room without stopping.

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