Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 515 Rendezvous

Conan heard the footsteps and his pupils shrank slightly!

"How could anyone come to the old hotel at this time? Could it be someone from the organization!?"

Conan thought of this and quickly slipped into the room quietly.

He quickly turned on the small flashlight on his watch and briefly scanned the furnishings in the room.

Frowning slightly, Conan finally came to a half-person high container in the corner of the room and slowly squatted down.

In fact, there is a row of furniture that seems to be a wardrobe on one side of the room. As a hiding place, the concealment effect in the wardrobe is better.

However, the good concealment effect also means that once discovered, Conan will have no way to escape.

Now behind this container, he at least still has room to move, and at the last moment, he can also give the opponent a shot of football and a chance to fight hard.

Conan held his breath and listened to the movements around him.

The footsteps became increasingly clear. When he was outside the room door, he finally stopped.

Next, there was silence.

"The other party is... checking Pisco's situation?" Conan thought to himself.

After a while, there was still no movement from outside.

Conan frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in his mind: "It's strange, it's been so long. If he is a member of the organization, shouldn't he wake up Pisco immediately and ask what happened?"

While thoughts were swirling, a scratching sound came to Conan's ears.

"Is this...he dragged Pisco into the room?" Conan's doubts became more and more intense.

The next moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Come out,"

After hearing this, Conan's face was not surprised but happy, and he immediately jumped out from behind the container.

I saw a figure in the room dragging Pisco's body against the side wall of the room.

After placing the pisco, the figure turned and looked at Conan.

"Hanomiya! Why are you here!?" Conan said with surprise on his face.

The person who came here was none other than Yu Gongming!

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "I also came to the old building to investigate. After all, no one comes here. If I were a member of the organization, I would probably use this place to hide people or other things."

"But I saw you coming towards the old building from the window of the stairwell, so I told me to come down and meet you."

"But when I followed the transmitter and almost reached this corridor, I heard a banging sound. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I hurried over."

"As soon as I entered the corridor, I saw the man lying on the ground with a silenced pistol in his hand."

"I checked and found a needle hole in his neck. I was basically sure that it was you who did it."

When Yu Gongming said this, he frowned: "But what do you think, just leaving people outside the corridor like this?"

"I..." Conan's expression was slightly unnatural: "I can't hold this guy back."

Yu Gongming suddenly said: "Oh! I forgot that you are only a seven-year-old child now."

"It's good that you know!" Conan said angrily.

Then, his expression gradually became serious, and he pointed at Pisco and said: "If I guess correctly, the man you dragged in is one of the executors of this assassination operation-Pisco!"

"Oh? Is he Pisco?" Yu Gongming pretended to be surprised.

In fact, he had already recognized Masuyama Kenzo when he saw him. After all, the identity of the other party, Pisco, gave Hanamiya Akira enough reason to remember his face.

This is not difficult. As a business giant, the other party has appeared in newspapers a lot, and you can easily find photos.

Conan came to Pisco and said solemnly: "When I came here, I happened to hear his phone call with Gin. Gin seemed to ask him to help find Haiyuan's whereabouts."

"Oh? Did he just finish the phone call?" Yu Gongming's eyes narrowed slightly and he confirmed.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Conan was confused, and then his expression changed slightly: "You want to..."

Yu Gongming smiled slightly, first put on the absorbent gloves, and then took out his mobile phone from Pisco's arms.

Soon, the phone screen lit up.

"Oh? Is there a password?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows, and then said with some pity:

"Alas! I originally wanted to confirm Gin's mobile phone number through call records, and then ask you to use a voice changer to dig a hole for Gin, but it seems that won't work."

"Why don't you try entering the password once? What if you get it right?" Conan suggested.

"Okay, anyway, it should be okay if you make a mistake once." Yu Gongming nodded, and his fingers jumped on the phone.

A few seconds later...

He put down his phone and shrugged: "Sure enough, I've never been a lucky guy."

When Conan heard this, he also understood that Yu Gongming's attempt failed.

He shook his head slightly: "Forget it, just notify the police directly,"

"Yeah." Yu Gongming nodded.

Conan took out his cell phone from his pocket and started making calls.

However, just when he was about to press the dial button, Conan suddenly paused.

Then, he put the phone away and took out another phone from another pocket.

"It's not appropriate to use Conan's mobile phone to call the police. It's better to use Kudo Shinichi's name. This might also divert the organization's attention."

Hearing this, Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "You can call Officer Megure's private number and tell him directly. Officer Megure is relatively trustworthy."

Conan thought it right and nodded: "Okay, tell me the number."

So, Akira Hanomiya informed Conan of Officer Megure's number.

After Conan confirmed that the number was correct, he dialed the number and began to adjust his voice changer.

After about ten seconds, the call was connected.

"Hello! I'm Megure."

"Officer Megure, it's me." Kudo Shinichi's voice sounded.

"Oh! It's brother Kudo! I haven't seen you for a long time! Why, what's the matter with calling me?"

"Have you arrived at the Cupido Hotel now?" Conan asked.

"Eh? Brother Kudo, how did you know?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, I have something important to tell you." Conan said solemnly.

Without waiting for Officer Megure's reply, Conan continued: "In a certain room on the first floor of the old Aipado Hotel, there is a suspicious person holding a pistol. Can the officer please come over and take a look?"

"What? A suspicious person holding a pistol? Is this true? Brother Kudo?" Officer Megure's voice suddenly rose.

"Yes, Officer Megure, you will understand when you arrive." Conan said calmly.

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Officer Megure said immediately.

"Well! That's it for now." Conan said and hung up the phone.

He looked at Yu Gongming: "Let's leave quickly."

"Wait a minute, I'll add insurance."

As Yu Gongming said, he came to Pisco and shook him gently.

Pisco's eyelids twitched slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

Then, Yu Gongming slashed it down with one hand!

Pisco groaned, tilted his head, and fainted again.

Yu Gongming stood up and clapped his hands gently: "It's done, withdraw!"

Conan's mouth twitched, but his movements were not slow at all, and he quickly left the room with Yu Gongming.

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