Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 537 Attending the Banquet

The second floor of Dusk Villa.

A few detectives who got to know each other briefly came to the entertainment room on the second floor to kill time before dinner.

Senma Yoyo and Mouri Kogoro were sitting attentively, playing chess.

However, judging from the expressions of the two of them, it was obvious that Senjian Shidai had the upper hand.

Next to the pool table in the entertainment room.


Mengyu put the last ball into the bag, then straightened up and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Motegi, I won this round."

"Ah! We lost again." Haruhi Motegi looked annoyed: "Not only Hakuba, but even a little girl like you can torture me like this. I look really old!"

"Mr. Motegi, there is no need to belittle yourself." Hakuba Tan, who was watching the game from the sidelines, chuckled: "I think Ms. Mengyu's billiards level is still better than mine. You did not lose unjustly."

"When you say that, it makes me even more sad." Motegi Harushi smiled bitterly, and then looked at Akira Hanomiya, who was standing next to Mengyu: "Detective Hanomiya, do you want to play a game too?"

Yu Gongming shook his head: "No, I'm not good at this, so I won't humiliate myself."

When Motegi Harushi heard this, he exaggeratedly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay. It seems I'm not the best."

Several people smiled.

Yu Gongming looked at Hakuba Tan: "Actually, I'm surprised that he would invite Hakuba you over."

"Oh? Shouldn't I be invited?" Baima Tan asked with a smile.

"How should I put it?" Yu Gongming thought about his words and said: "If the code on the invitation letter is indeed interpreted as we thought, then that guy should not take the initiative to find you."

After hearing this, Detective Hakuba's expression became subtle: "Is it possible that Detective Hanomiya already knows his identity?"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "After fighting with him twice, I successfully stopped his plan, and once I secretly installed a transmitter on his assistant, and then the next thing was simple. "

He spread his hands and said, "Even if a magician's assistant is experienced, he is still just an assistant after all."

Detective Baima's eyes moved slightly: "It seems like Detective Hanomiya already knows, but it seems like you have no intention of taking further action?"

Yu Gongming said calmly: "Wouldn't it be more interesting to expose the magician's tricks when he performs on stage and put the magician into a dilemma?"

After hearing this, the white horse detective looked at Yu Gongming with an increasingly meaningful look: "It seems that we heroes have the same view."

"Hey, hey, what kind of riddles are you making?" Motegi Harushi frowned and looked at the two young detectives:

"I hear what you are saying. Do you have any contact with the person who invited us here?"

"What they mean is that they know the person pointed to by the code in the invitation letter." Meng Yu said with a smile:

"But it's unclear whether that person and the owner who invited us here are the same person."

"Huh?" Motegi Harushi was stunned.

"That invitation letter alone doesn't look like his style." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"And the act of inviting so many detectives at once is also unprecedented. I can't think of any motive for the guy I know to do such a thing." Detective Baima said.

Motegi Harushi looked at the few people and curled his lips: "I see, I understand."

at this time……


A high-decibel scream penetrated everyone's ears.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they quickly looked towards the place where the scream came from.

Xiaolan was seen holding two playing cards with trembling hands and a look of horror on her face.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan?" Mouri Kogoro asked anxiously.

Xiaolan stared at the playing cards in her hand, her face a little ugly: "There is blood on the playing cards!"

After hearing this, everyone quickly gathered around.

"It's really nerve-wracking. I didn't expect that there were blood stains on the playing cards." Qianjian Fangdai frowned slightly.

Motegi Harushi touched his chin: "I heard from the maid that the things in this annex have not been touched since the tragedy."

Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly when she heard this: "So, does this room..."


Suddenly there was a knock on the door behind him.

Xiaolan's body trembled and she suddenly turned her head!

But I saw the maid who called herself Ishihara Aki bowed slightly to several people and said: "I'm very sorry, dinner is finally ready. Could you please move to the restaurant, the master is already waiting for you."

"Hey! Is the protagonist finally going to appear?" Motegi Haruhi laughed.

"It's really exciting!" Qian Jianjiangdai said.

Afterwards, the group followed Ishihara Aki to the restaurant.

Xiaolan sighed softly: "I have no appetite at all now."

Although the rest of the people did not react as much as Xiaolan, judging from their expressions, not many people would pay attention to what they were eating.

Not long after, Ishihara Aki opened a door and motioned for the group to enter.

Motegi Harushi walked into the restaurant first and his eyes immediately fell on the main seat of the dining table.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Please! Have you watched too many TV series? Dressed up like this?"

I saw a figure wrapped in a purple robe sitting at the main seat of the dining table. The figure's eyes were filled with a narrow and scarlet light, which looked extremely penetrating.

Perhaps seeing the arrival of everyone, the figure said: "Welcome seven noble detectives to this dusk villa. There are your names on the table. Please take your seats first."

Judging from the timbre, he seemed to be an older man.

Motegi Harushi snorted coldly when he heard this and said nothing more. The others also walked towards the dining table and looked for their place.

Not long after everyone took their seats, the voice sounded again: "The main purpose of calling you here this time is to ask you to help dig out the treasure hidden in this annex."

After a pause, the man's voice suddenly turned cold: "It took me many years to get this wealth. Even if I risk my life, I must find it!"

"Fight... fight for your life?" Mouri Kogoro's face changed slightly, and the next moment...

boom! boom! boom!

The continuous huge roar sounded like thunder throughout the entire annex.

Zhu Shan stood up suddenly and shouted, "What happened?"

"There's nothing surprising." The voice said calmly: "I just want to block your retreat."

"You were the ones chasing me in the past, but now the status between us should be reversed."

"To be honest, the suspension bridge you passed before has now fallen off the cliff, and your car has been blown up by me."

"There are no phones here, and there are no communication base stations for mobile phones nearby, so it is impossible for you to ask for help from outside."

"So now, as long as someone can figure out a way to find this treasure, I will not only give him half of the treasure, but also tell him how to escape."

"These are the rules of the game, I hope you like it."

After listening to what the purple-robed man said, many people looked a little bad.

"Ah! Everyone, at this time, would you like to hear some good news?" A smiling voice sounded.

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