Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 540 The first [scream]

Yu Gongming looked at the figure on the main seat, stood up, and walked directly to it.

He observed it for a while first, and then directly clasped the figure's head with both hands, exerting slight force.


The dummy's head was pulled out directly, and something seemed to be involved.

Yu Gongming stared at that thing, turned to look at the people with different expressions, and said with a smile: "Look what I found?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Yu Gongming's hand.

"Tape?" Mengyu reacted first.

"And it looks like there's a timer installed on it." White Horse Detective said calmly.

Motegi Harushi shook his finger: "In other words, what he said to us just now was all recorded in advance?"

"But the time when the recording was played was too accurate, right? If the boy Hanemiya hadn't been more careful, we might not have discovered that this was a tape that had been played in advance." Mouri Kogoro said thoughtfully.

Hakuba looked at Ishihara Aki, who was standing at a loss, and said, "Miss Aki, did the host tell you the time for each dish to be served in advance?"

Aki Ishihara nodded: "Yes, every dish, including the time for black tea after the meal, is arranged in advance."

Gunda Ikumi smiled slightly: "I see, in this way, that guy can accurately time and play the recording that suits the situation. Even if there are some deviations due to our different reactions on the spot, it can be covered up as an arrogant provocation. "

"Now that we've discovered it, there's no need for a timer. Let's just listen to what that guy wants to say to us." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

Everyone heard this and expressed no opinion.

So, Akira Hanamiya put on his gloves first, and then began to play with the tape. After a while, the tape began to play again.

"Now, just wait for one of you to scream for the first time, and the game will officially begin."

"Whoever finds the treasure must enter the location of the treasure into the computer in the central room on the fourth floor."

"When the time comes, I will follow the agreement and give him half of the treasure, and tell him how to get it out."

The recording stopped here.

"That's it for this recording. Next is the next one." Hanemiya Ming said.

After a pause of two or three seconds, the recording starts playing again:

"Okay, now the game has officially begun. Even if you are not looking for treasures, but for your own lives, you must use your wisdom to solve this puzzle... Of course, the premise is that you can survive."


"All the recordings have been played." Yu Gongming said.

Everyone nodded lightly. Yu Gongming played the recording under their eyes the whole time. They also knew whether the recording was still there or not.

"Listening to what this guy means, one of us should scream, otherwise his last words would be a bit superfluous." Gunda Ikumi said lightly.


As soon as Gunda Ikumi finished speaking, a groan suddenly sounded.

I saw Dashang Zhushan, who was sitting upright in his seat, suddenly covering his neck with a look of pain on his face.

"Hello! Mr. Ogami? What's wrong with you?" Mouri Kogoro sitting next to him asked anxiously.

However, Dashang Zhushan did not answer him, or in other words, he simply did not have the energy to answer any questions.

His body shook for a while, and then he fell from the chair to the ground with a bang.

After another two seconds, there was no movement from Da Shang Zhu Shan.

His and everyone else's expressions changed greatly, and they gathered around Da Shang Zhu Shan who fell to the ground.

Baima Tan squatted down, felt the breath of Zhu Shan, the elder, and touched his wrist and heart. Then he took out a gold case pocket watch and took a look at it, and said solemnly:

"At 22:34:55 in the evening, cardiopulmonary arrest has been confirmed. Based on my experience, it may be too late to rescue him now."

Gunda Ikumi carefully observed Ohgami Zhushan's face and said lightly: "His lips are currently showing no signs of turning green or purple, but they do have a bitter almond smell unique to potassium cyanide."

Motegi Harushi frowned slightly: "Could it be that there was potassium cyanide in the black tea he mixed just now?"

"No." Qian Jianjiangdai shook his head slightly, took out a ten-yuan coin from the black tea and showed it to everyone: "I just put this ten-yuan coin into the black tea, and now the coin does not have an oxidation-reduction reaction. It should not be a poison. Put it in black tea."

Everyone frowned slightly.

Yu Gongming's eyes widened as he looked at Zhu Shan with pain on his face, and he felt a sigh in his heart.

By this time, he probably remembered some of the plot.

The murdered guy in front of me was originally one of the planners of this dinner. He even planned to kill everyone who came to this mansion after finding the so-called treasure.

Regarding this guy, from a personal perspective, Yu Gongming felt that it would be a shame to die.

For a person like this, even if Yu Gongming knew in advance that he would die, he would not save him.

However, seeing a life passing away in front of his eyes, Yu Gongming could not take it calmly after all.

But it was just a sigh.

After calming down slightly, Yu Gongming said: "Judging from the current situation, this is not a random killing. The murderer planned to kill Mr. Ogami from the beginning."

"And this murderer may be among us."

"The murderer is among us?" Mouri Kogoro's brows twitched.

"Well! After all, wouldn't it be more convenient to talk to us directly through the loudspeaker than recording a tape in advance?" Conan couldn't help but join the discussion:

"But since the murderer chose to record the tape..." Conan glanced at the detectives: "Is it because it is inconvenient for him to talk to us directly?"

"Oh! For example, the murderer is eating at the same table as us?" Motegi Harushi laughed.

"That being said, it is indeed possible..." Mouri Kogoro nodded in agreement.

Detective Baima was still staring at the body of Da Shang Zhu Shan and said, "In other words, the murderer might have made Mr. Da Shang take poison while he was eating at the same table with us."

"And it's in front of so many of us detectives..." Motegi Harushi said quietly.

"However, the cup of black tea he drank did not seem to be poisoned." Gunda Ikumi also put on white gloves and began to check the cup of black tea that Ohgami Zhushan drank.

"Then the poison was placed on the edge of the teacup. When Mr. Ogami drank tea..." Mouri Kogoro analyzed while touching his chin.

"No." Gunda Yumi shook his head slightly: "I remember that he put the tea cup to his mouth two or three times before he fell down."

"Where else could the poison be planted?" Mouri Kogoro said in confusion.

Conan stared at the corpse of Da Shang Zhu Shan, his eyes flashed, and a thoughtful look flashed on his face.

At this time, a voice sounded in his ear: "Conan, did you think of anything?"

Conan turned around and saw Xiaolan squatting beside him at some point, with unconcealed worry on her face.

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