The lobby on the first floor of the annex.

Mouri Kogoro and Motegi Harushi walked in with heavy expressions.

"Huh? Where is Ms. Qianjian?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

Mouri Kogoro's expression darkened: "She is already dead."

"What? Ms. Senjian is dead?" Gunda Ikumi looked shocked.

"Yes, when she changed the low beam headlights, she accidentally touched the bomb installed by the murderer on the car. She couldn't escape and fell off the cliff together with the car." Motegi Harushi further explained.

" could this happen?" Xiaolan couldn't help but cover her mouth with a look of disbelief.

"It seems that there should be other people in this annex. Let's search separately." Mouri Kogoro said solemnly.

"Then let's work together as a group of women." Gunda Ikumi pointed at Xiaolan, Mengyu and Ishihara Aki, and said with a smile: "It will be more convenient to go to the toilet and so on."

"No problem, then let's just get together." Motegi Harushi looked around and suddenly frowned: "By the way, where did Mr. Hanomiya and Hakuba go?"

"Hakuba seems to have gone to feed his eagle. As for Detective Hanomiya, he just said that he had an upset stomach and went to the toilet." Gunda Ikumi replied.

"That's it... forget it, let's go look for it first, we will always encounter it." Motegi Harushi said.

Afterwards, everyone divided into two groups and began to search the mansion.


Conan, Mouri Kogoro and Motegi Harushi walked into a piano room together.

"I didn't expect there was a piano in this mansion..." Motegi Harushi looked at the piano, which was worth a lot of money at first glance, and said jokingly.

Conan came to the piano and asked doubtfully: "This piano looks like it hasn't been used for a long time, but what are the marks on the keys?"

"That... seems to be the scratch mark of some kind of bird. It should be left by Brother Hakuba's eagle. It seems that he has already been here." Motegi Harushi said with a smile.

The three began to examine the entire piano, and soon they found an old piece of paper between the keys.

After unfolding the paper, you can see a few lines of text, and the font is quite regular, even a bit old-fashioned.

These words turned out to be exactly the code that the dummy said on the tape before.

"I don't understand why you have to write steel characters on such rough paper?" Mouri Kogoro said, pointing to the neat words.

Motegi Harushi rolled his eyes: "Perhaps this was an era before photocopiers, and someone printed these contents in large quantities and distributed them in large quantities for some purpose."

"In this way, whether it is the tragedy of forty years ago mentioned by the murderer or the secret code of the so-called treasure, it is possible that they are facts that need to be verified."

While Motegi and Mori were talking, Conan slipped under the piano at some point.

When he saw the scene under the piano, his expression moved slightly and he shouted: "Eh? What is down here? Why is it dripping all the time?"

Attracted by Conan's words, Mouri Kogoro and Motegi Harushi squatted down and looked under the piano.

"This should be Miss Ikumi's luminol reagent, right? Has she been here too?" Motegi Haruhi raised his eyebrows.

Then, his eyes moved slightly and looked at the puddle of liquid next to the bottle.

There are other liquids dripping from time to time above the liquid.

Motegi Harushi's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly turned to look at Mouri Kogoro: "Turn off the lights."

"Ah? Turn off the lights?" Mouri Kogoro was confused.

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly!" Motegi Haruhi said impatiently.

"Uh, okay." Although Mouri Kogoro looked puzzled, he still came to the door and pressed the switch.

Instantly, the room darkened.

But the expressions of the three people in the room changed at the same time!


On the second floor, in a certain bathroom.

"Xiaolan walked out of the bathroom stall. At this moment, Ikumi Gunda was washing her hands in front of the sink."

"Eh? Have Mengyu and Miss Aji gone out?" Xiaolan asked.

Gunda Ikumi turned her back to Xiaolan and said in a long voice: "Well, they said they were waiting for us in the corridor."

After saying that, she turned off the faucet, turned around and walked out the door: "Xiaolan, please hurry up."

"Okay!" Xiaolan nodded, then walked past Ikumi Gunda, came to the sink, turned on the faucet, and prepared to wash her hands.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned on the faucet, a wet handkerchief covered her mouth and nose!

Xiaolan struggled on the spot for a few seconds and then fell to the ground.

Gunda Ikumi took back the handkerchief calmly, and then opened the door gently.

Outside the door, Ishihara Aki and Meng Yu also fell to the ground with their eyes closed.

Gunda Ikumi took some time to drag the two of them into the bathroom.

Then, she walked out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

"Humph! What I thought was indeed right!" A voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Gunda Ikumi's body stiffened, and then an unexplainable smile appeared on her lips: "It turns out it's you, young master."

Standing behind her is none other than Detective White Horse!

At this moment, Detective Hakuba was holding a pistol in his hand. He looked at Gunda Ikumi with a cold expression: "Since there is a bomb in the car, the murderer will not take the risk of getting in that car. Otherwise, if someone accidentally touches the bomb, then he will also I will finish playing with it,"

"Then the murderer can only be the people we left in the mansion. In fact, I have been struggling with whether it is you or Hanomiya, but now it seems that the answer is obvious."

Gunda Ikumi turned her back to Hakuba Tan and chuckled: "That thing in your hand is very dangerous, so don't let it go off!"

Detective Bai Ma sneered: "I found this under the pillow in my room. You probably want me to take the blame for the murder, right? It's just that it seems like you were unlucky and I happened to bump into you."

Hearing this, Gunda Ikumi breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled: "That's really unfortunate, but I want to correct it."

"Huh?" Baima frowned.

Gunda Ikumi smiled and said, "Actually... I already knew you were nearby."

"What?" Baima Tan's pupils shrank!


Conan and the other two stared at the fluorescent handwriting on the floor of the piano, the expressions on their faces were quite wonderful.

"This is a code written in blood..." Motegi Harushi looked solemn.

The general meaning of the code is that even if the person who wrote the code solved the code and found the treasure, he would still be dead. However, he still had the last trump card. The bottom signature was - Senjian Kyousuke.

"It seems that the tragedy that happened forty years ago was much more complicated than we imagined... The last trump card..." Motegi Haruhi thought thoughtfully.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from somewhere in the annex.

Mouri Kogoro was shocked: "It's a gunshot!"

Several people hurriedly ran out of the room. Motegi Harushi identified the direction: "The gunfire came from the Central Tower!"

So, the three of them quickly ran towards the central tower based on the gunfire just now.

Not long after, several people came to a corridor.

The three of them stopped at the same time.

And what was displayed in front of them was Baima Tan's blood-stained body!

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