Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 553 The inconspicuous police officer

When the waiter heard this, he obviously showed hesitation: "Isn't this... not good? If the customer gets angry and complains..."

Yu Gongming smiled, took out his wallet from his arms, took a ten thousand yuan bill and handed it to the waiter: "It's okay. If it's really just a misunderstanding, I will explain it to you and won't embarrass you."

When the waiter saw the ten thousand yuan bill, his eyes immediately lit up!

He quickly took the banknote and said with a smile: "No problem, no problem, I just brought the master key, I will open the door right away!"

With that said, the waiter took out a key from his pocket and inserted it into the door lock without any hesitation.

With a click, the door to the room was successfully opened.

The lights in the room were on, and Akira Hanamiya and the waiter walked into the room.

After passing the entrance hall, Yu Gongming quickly scanned the room.

His eyes swept across the single bed, and he saw Ritsuko Usui lying on her side on the bed, covered with a quilt, her eyes closed.

"Eh? Did you fall asleep?" The waiter scratched his head.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming's face darkened.

He quickly came to Ritsuko Usui, shook her gently, and when she saw no response, Akira Hanamiya checked her breathing and pulse.

"Still alive, but I can barely feel my breathing, and my pulse is very weak..." Yu Gongming squinted his eyes, turned to look at the waiter, and said urgently:

"Quick! Call an ambulance!"

"Ah?" The waiter was stunned.

"Go quickly! She is dying!" Yu Gongming shouted again.

The waiter was shocked by this, came to his senses, and quickly ran to the phone in the room to dial the number for an ambulance.

"Excuse me, what happened?" A male voice sounded from the direction of the entrance.

Akira Hanomiya turned around and saw Fashi Zuojiu in a suit walking in: "I thought I heard someone calling an ambulance just now?"

Akira Hanomiya stared at Saku Hashi: "Why is Mr. Saku here?"

Saku Hashi replied: "I came to see Ritsuko's lawyer for something, and I saw her door open, and there was a message coming from inside, Mr. Hanomiya, what are you saying to call an ambulance? She is about to die, so I Come in and take a look.”

Hearing this, Akira Hanomiya took a deep look at Saku Hoshi and said, "Currently, Ms. Ritsuko is in a very dangerous state. Her breathing and pulse are very weak. She must be rescued as soon as possible!"

"What!?" Saku Hoshi was shocked when he heard this and stared at Ritsuko Usui who seemed to be sleeping soundly on the bed.

Yu Gongming looked around the bed, and finally settled on an open small bottle on the bedside table: "This is..."

On the other side, the waiter also said: "Sir, an ambulance has been called."

"Then go ahead and call the police." Yu Gongming said solemnly.

"Oh!" The waiter nodded and continued to make the call.

Saku Hoshi walked over and said with a heavy face: "This... what is going on?"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "It's hard to say now."

After the waiter called the police, Akira Hanomiya said calmly: "Let's go out now and don't touch anything at the scene until the ambulance and police arrive."

After hearing this, the waiter and Saku Hashi expressed no objection, and the three of them temporarily left the room.

As soon as he left the room, Akira Hanomiya saw the door of Mouri Kogoro's room opened not far away, and Xiaolan, Conan, and Feiying came out one after another.

After seeing Yumiya Ming and the others, Xiaolan said in surprise: "Hamiya-senpai? What are you doing here?"

"Protect the scene." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Huh?" Conan's expression changed when he heard this, and he let go of Xiaolan's hand and ran over: "What happened?"

"Miss Ritsuko inside is currently lying on the bed dying, with a bottle of what appears to be sleeping pills next to her."

Conan's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he rushed into the room to check.

Yu Gongming quickly grabbed him: "Hey! Don't destroy the scene. I have already called the police and ambulance. We will wait until the police arrive!"

After Conan heard this, he also understood that he was indeed impulsive again, so he stopped rushing into the room and stayed where he was.

"What happened?" Fei Yingli and Xiaolan also came over.

Yu Gongming briefly explained the matter.

"Miss Ritsuko..." Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly, her face full of disbelief.

"This shouldn't be suicide, right?" Fei Yingli frowned.

Yu Gongming nodded: "I don't think it's possible either. She was plotting against Aunt Yingli just now. How could she suddenly commit suicide? There's no way she can't stand it after just a few words from us, right?"

"So, have you encountered another case?" Meng Yu's voice came from behind everyone.

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "Well, fortunately, the person is still alive now, but the situation is very dangerous. I hope the ambulance can come quickly."

After that, several people gathered around the door of the room and waited.

After about ten minutes, the ambulance and police arrived at the scene almost simultaneously.

The medical staff carried the unconscious Ritsuko Usui onto a stretcher and sent him to the hospital for rescue as quickly as possible, while the police began to investigate the scene.

And the police officer leading the team...

"Hello, I am a police officer from Yamacun. Are you the first discoverer?" The police officer leading the team showed his police officer ID to several people.

Yu Gongming looked at the police officer in front of him strangely.

"Is this the number one Muggle in Conan's police force—Mou Yamamura?"

That's right, the policeman who led the team was the mountain village police officer whom Conan called a rookie!

Akira Hanomiya gathered his thoughts and stepped forward: "Hello, police officer, I was the first to find Miss Ritsuko lying on the bed dying."

Police Officer Yamamura stared at Ha Gongming twice: "Hey! I seem to have seen you somewhere! May I ask who you are..."

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "My name is Yu Gongming. The police officer must have seen me in the newspaper, right?"

When Police Officer Yamamura heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said with excitement: "What? Could it be... are you the famous Detective Hanomiya?"

Yu Gongming nodded: "It's me."

After receiving a positive answer, Officer Yamamura's eyes suddenly shone. He stepped forward, with an expression on his face like a groupie who saw his idol:

"It's really you! I didn't expect that I would meet a famous detective here! To be honest, I am your loyal fan! I have carefully studied every case you solved!"

As he spoke, Officer Yamamura quickly took out a notepad from his arms: "Although it's a bit presumptuous, can you please sign your name for me?"

Yu Gongming's eyebrows twitched: "Does this guy know what the situation is now?"

There was a curse in his heart, but Yu Gongming smiled slightly on his face: "Officer, it is better to survey the scene now. If you want to sign, it is not too late to wait until the matter is over."

Hearing this, Police Officer Yamacun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes! Survey the scene first. As expected of a detective, he handles things calmly!"

The corners of Yu Gongming's mouth twitched. He felt that if he continued to talk to this police officer, his IQ would be brought down.

Subsequently, Police Officer Yamamura began to direct the police officers to investigate the room after being reminded by Akira Hanomiya.

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