Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 562 Garden Party

A few days later, Kudo House.

"This should be the last one, right?"

Yu Gongming handed a packaged and exquisite invitation letter to Mengyu.

Mengyu took the invitation and put it on another pile of invitations: "Well, thank you for your hard work!"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "It's not hard work, but I'm a little strange, why does it have to be written by hand, print out the format, and then fill in the specific inviter's information?"

Meng Yu shrugged: "No, my senior sister told me that handwritten invitations will be more sincere. The school still attaches great importance to this garden party."

With that said, she took out one of the invitations and handed it to Yu Gongming: "Here, this is yours."

"Me too?" Yu Gongming asked doubtfully.

"Yes, after all, you can be regarded as an alumnus of Di Dan, and you are still very famous. Your name is still very high on the list."

Yu Gongming suddenly understood, and immediately took the invitation and put it away: "You guys have prepared really early. There are still nearly two weeks before the official garden party, right?"

"Well, it's always good to prepare a little in advance. Yuanzi and Xiaolan have also started preparing for the garden party. I heard that Yuanzi is going to put on a stage play."

Akira Hanomiya's expression moved slightly: "Stage play...the black knight and the princess?"

Meng Yu said in surprise: "How do you know? Yuanzi just mentioned the idea, and the specific lines and plot are not ready yet."

Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "This is a very classic plot in the original plot. This is also the first time Conan has taken the antidote. I am still very impressed."

Mengyu suddenly said: "I see, but now because of our interference, Xiaolan already knows the identity of her brother, so he shouldn't need to be so entangled."

At this time, the doorbell of Kudo's house suddenly rang.

"Eh? Who is it?" Meng Yu stood up and went out to open the door in confusion.

After a while, she led Xiao Ai and Conan back.

"Yo? It's you!" Yu Gongming greeted the two of them.

"Well, come here for dinner." Conan replied.

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you." Xiao Ai continued.

"Thing? What happened?" Yu Gongming was confused.

Xiao Ai glanced at Conan.

Conan looked hesitant, glanced casually, and then looked at the stack of invitations: "Ah! Actually, it's about the upcoming garden party."

"Oh? You already know about it from Xiao Lan?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Conan nodded: "Yeah! Next week is Sunday."

"So? What do you want to do?" Yu Gongming looked at Conan with a half-smile.

Before Conan could speak, Xiao Ai spoke: "The experimental version of the antidote has been made."

Hearing this, the expressions of Yu Gongming and Meng Yu changed at the same time!

If Xiao Ai can be called an antidote, they naturally know what it is.

"Experimental version of the antidote?" Yu Gongming repeated.

"What's the specific situation?" Meng Yu asked with eyebrows raised.

Xiao Ai came to the sofa and sat down, and explained unhurriedly: "After getting the latest information last time, I have made a preliminary antidote after research."

"However, when conducting animal experiments, I found that the antidote is not stable and the effect is only temporary. If applied to humans, the effect should not last more than 24 hours."

Akira Hanomiya rubbed his chin: "In other words, the current antidote can temporarily change Conan back to one day?"

"Theoretically, yes." Xiao Ai nodded.

Meng Yu turned her eyes slightly and stared at Conan: "Do you want to..."

Conan lowered his eyes slightly: "Yes! Xiaolan also invited me to the garden party, but I don't want to just appear as Conan."

Akira Hanomiya narrowed his eyes slightly: "Do you want to temporarily change back to Kudo Shinichi and meet Xiaolan?"

"Well..." Conan responded softly, paused, and continued: "After all, I have something to say to her in person, as Kudo Shinichi."

Yu Gongming's expression gradually became serious: "Did the events of the past few days make you have this idea?"

"A few days ago?" Xiao Ai was confused.

Meng Yu briefly told Xiao Ai what happened in the past few days.

After hearing this, Xiao Ai looked at Conan jokingly: "What? Do you want to confess to your little girlfriend?"

Conan's face turned red and he glared at Xiao Ai: "You don't have to worry about it now!"

He looked at Akira and Hanomiya: "Anyway, I want to meet Xiao Ai as Kudo Shinichi. I hope you will cooperate and help me hide my identity."

Yu Gongming frowned slightly: "Have you really thought about it?"

"I thought about it very clearly. After all, Xiaolan already knows about it, right?" Conan said calmly:

"Furthermore, Huiyuan also needs my physical data on taking the medicine for further research. I will take this antidote after all."

"So you want to take the opportunity to do something to Xiaolan?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

Yu Gongming also nodded thoughtfully: 'If you take the antidote after the garden party starts, it should be more than enough to survive the night...'

"Hey! What are you two thinking!" Conan raised his half-moon eyes.

"I was wondering if you would have a nice night with Xiaolan." Yu Gongming said bluntly.

"How is that possible! Where did Xiaolan and I get to that point!" Conan defended with a blushing face.

Yu Gongming looked disdainful: "Forget it! As for you and Xiaolan taking a bath, apart from the last step, you haven't done anything?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Conan immediately became furious, staring fiercely, and even flipped up his watch to anesthetize the gun and pointed it at Yu Gongming.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Seeing this, Yu Gongming smiled and shrugged, and his expression became serious again: "If you are really determined, then it is not impossible for us to cooperate."

"However, it is limited to Xiaolan. It is impossible for us to allow you to appear in public like this."

Conan nodded: "Of course I know this, I just want to see Xiaolan."

Meng Yu's eyes flashed slightly: "Preparations for the garden party have just begun, and many things have not been determined yet. After everything is settled, we will discuss how to let you get in."

"No problem." Conan replied.

Yu Gongming's mind was spinning, and he suddenly asked: "By the way, do you have any activities this weekend?"

"The doctor has promised those children to take them camping on Saturday. What happened?" Conan asked doubtfully.

Yu Gongming chuckled: "It's nothing, I just suddenly want to have a picnic in the countryside, and you guys are also going to camp, so why not come together!"

"Of course there is no problem with that. Those children are still very afraid of you. With you here, Haiyuan and I can worry less." Conan agreed without much hesitation.

"I won't go. I have to prepare for the garden party during this period. My brother and the others' safety is up to you!" Meng Yu had no plans to go with Yu Gongming this time.

"Yeah! I will keep an eye on those children." Yu Gongming said with a smile.


A strange sound suddenly sounded.

Conan's expression froze, and then he touched his belly sheepishly: "Um, Mengyu, when will we have dinner?"

Meng Yu looked at Conan, who was holding his stomach and looking a little embarrassed, and smiled softly: "Well! Just wait a moment, I'll get dinner right away."

With that said, Mengyu stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

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