Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 564 Robber Group

Originally, the group of people had not walked far, but within a few minutes, they had returned to the camp.

"You guys are back... Oh! You picked up a lot of firewood!" Dr. A Li praised.

Yuantai's face suddenly filled with pride: "Of course! I picked up more than twenty sticks!"

"Then we are going to make a fire and cook. Which one of you is willing to help?" the doctor asked with a smile.

"Me!" Ayumi was the first to respond.

After seeing Ayumi's promise, Mitsuhiko was not far behind: "And me! I can help cut vegetables!"

Genta originally wanted to continue exploring, but when he saw that Mitsuhiko and Ayumi had stayed behind to cook, he had to say reluctantly: "Then I'll help too!"

Afterwards, the three little ones crowded around the doctor and Xiao Ai and began to ask the doctor what they could do.

After seeing that the attention of the three little ones was focused on the doctor, Yumiya Akira silently came to Conan: "Hey! How much ammunition did you bring for the anesthesia gun?"

Conan, who was originally going to help, was slightly startled when he heard this, and then his eyes narrowed: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Yu Gongming glanced at the direction of the three little ones again. After confirming that no one was paying attention, he squatted down and whispered: "Actually, what I said to those children just now was not completely to scare them."

"Huh?" Conan frowned: "What did you find?"

Yu Gongming replied in a low voice: "I was at the entrance of the cave and vaguely heard someone talking inside. I didn't hear the details clearly, but I heard the words [disposal of corpses]."

Conan's expression changed: "What? Are you sure?"

"Of course I lied to you..." Yu Gongming muttered in his heart, while he nodded solemnly and said:

"Yes, at least I heard these words clearly, that's why I suddenly stopped the children from entering."

Conan pushed up his glasses, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "It seems that we need to go back to the cave to take a look."

"Yeah! But you can't let those three children follow you. Just make up any excuse and don't make them suspicious." Yu Gongming reminded.

Conan nodded to express his understanding, then ran to the doctor and shouted: "Doctor! I feel uncomfortable in my stomach and want to go to the toilet!"

"What's wrong, Conan? Did you eat something to upset your stomach?" Ayumi asked with concern.

"Eh? Conan, you didn't wash your hands before eating, right?" Yuantai mocked with some gloating.

Conan's eyes widened: "Yenta, the number of words in your next detective experience will be doubled!"

Genta's face suddenly changed: "Wow! Conan, you can't do this! That's six hundred words!"

Mitsuhiko glanced at Genta with disdain: "What's wrong with six hundred words? There was no time when Ayumi and I learned more than six hundred words! It's just you, Genta, who only counted three hundred words on the grid! It's really bad!" "

"What did you say!?" Genta glared at Mitsuhiko.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel!" The doctor quickly came out to smooth things over and said to Conan, "Conan, go quickly!"

Yu Gongming took advantage of the situation and said: "I happened to see a place that was quite hidden before. Let me take Conan there."

"Oh! I'll trouble you, A Ming." The doctor replied casually without doubting that he was there.

Akira Hanamiya and Conan looked at each other secretly, and then they quickly left the camp.

Xiao Ai turned her head and looked at the two people's leaving figures, and slightly curled her lips: "What tricks are these two guys doing again?"


Conan stared at the hole in front of him: "Do you want to go in? Or wait here?"

Yu Gongming looked at the deep cave ahead and shook his head slightly: "It's better to wait here. We are not familiar with the terrain inside. If we go in rashly, we will be very passive once we encounter the enemy."

"Well! Then let's find a place to hide and monitor the entrance of the cave."

Conan glanced around, pointed to a stone not far away and said, "Just over there!"

Yu Gongming took a closer look and saw that the stone Conan pointed at was about one and a half meters high and more than one meter wide. It was more than enough to hide two people.

"Okay! Right there!" Yu Gongming smiled.

Afterwards, the two of them hid behind the stone and secretly observed the entrance of the cave.

Conan poked Yu Gongming: "Hey! If there is no movement at the entrance of the cave after ten minutes, let's go in and have a look."

Hearing this, Yu Gongming thought for two seconds and replied: "Okay, if there is no movement in ten minutes, then it is possible that the guys [disposing of the corpses] left the cave through another way, and we can go in and have a look."

"Well! Let's wait here first." Conan said.

The two of them just stood behind the stone and waited silently.

About five minutes later, Yu Gongming's ears suddenly twitched: 'There are footsteps! ’

Conan, who was a little bored waiting, perked up after hearing this, and quickly stuck his head out to look at the entrance of the cave.

He didn't hear any footsteps, but a voice came to his ears.

Ha ha! Finally got rid of this troublesome guy! When the news is over, we will take out the money and divide it! "

"That's right! When I get the money, I'm going to go abroad to have a good time! Food, wine, and those exotic American girls... Wow, haha! I can't wait!"

"Humph! That's all you can do! After I get the money, I'll pay off my gambling debts first, and then open a company and let the money make money!"

"Hey! The economy is in a recession right now. It's not a wise choice to open a company. You might as well live happily like me! When the money runs out, we'll do it again!"

"Huh? Are you still doing it? If you do this...will you be targeted by the police?"

"Don't worry, we will change places next time, this time in Tokyo, next time we will go to Hokkaido, no one can catch us!"


Conan's face turned completely cold as he listened to the conversations from far to near: "Hanomiya..."

"Well, it looks like it should be a bandit group with three people." Yu Gongming replied in a low voice.

Hearing this, Conan silently raised his wrist and motioned the watch-shaped anesthesia gun towards Hanemiya Akira.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming immediately understood. Then he pointed at himself first, then clenched his fist, and made a [two] gesture with his other hand.

Conan made an OK gesture.

Then, the two of them turned their attention to the entrance of the cave at the same time.

After more than ten seconds, three roe-headed rats appeared at the entrance of the cave. They looked like middle-aged men who were not kind-hearted.

The three of them are still talking, and most of the content is about imagining a better life in the future.

No one noticed that behind the rocks near the entrance of the cave, two people had been waiting for them for a long time.

The three men strode towards the stone. Following this route, they would pass by the stone in about ten seconds.

One of the men had a proud smile on his face, and he took out a pistol from his pocket and started playing with it.

Another person reminded: "Hey! Don't take out the gun casually, it will be troublesome if someone sees it!"

The man playing with the pistol looked unconcerned: "What does it matter? There is no one in this wilderness..."

While he was talking, one of his feet had already stepped over the stone where Akira and Hanomiya were hiding!

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